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Honest question ? Why do indians prohibit locals to slaughter cow but export meat in mass?

Why are people getting angry, it is India's internal affair.

Who cares if they are hypocrites?
Since you say it's an Honest Question, here goes;

As Half Moon said, Out of sight, out of mind. Also, a small technical point, a lot of the "beef" India exports is actually buffalo meat (I'm not denying cows are sold off as well, but the figures on Indian "beef" export always include a significant chunk of buffalo meat).

I've personally never been too hung up on these things; I do oppose illegal slaughterhouses (this is where a lot of Indian Muslims lost business) and gratuitous animal cruelty (i.e. factory farming conditions, the veal industry, or Kosher/Halal). I believe all meat ought to be stunned and preferably Jhatka.
Indian "beef" export always include a significant chunk of buffalo meat
But why buffalo is acceptable and the cow is not?
If this Amercan buffalo had been indigenous and not threatened in India would its slaughter been acceptable?
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But why buffalo is acceptable and the cow is not?
If this Amercan buffalo had been indigenous and not threatened in India would its slaughter been acceptable?

See that's where I personally don't really follow along with these things. You would likely find a variety of answers/reasons. I have known many Hindus who had no problem eating buffalo, but drew the line at beef. I've known some who ate neither (both amongst vegetarians and non-vegetarians), and a few who ate both.

And while I can't presume to speak for what Hindus back in India would say in such a hypothetical situation; I've certainly never met a non-vegetarian Hindu in North America who had a problem with Bison meat.
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Why is this thread in the defence section..? Is this topic even remotely related to defence..?
Go to indian defence forum if you dont like Pakistani ways. its our plateforum we do what ever but you sud stick to defence or move on to next subject.
Stop getting your news from grocery store handouts.

Also get well soon :disagree:

Can't help it, I need to do frequent trips to buy all that delicous beef.

on topic, What other reason do you have for all the beef lynching, yet being an exporter of beef and leather.

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