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Honest question ? Why do indians prohibit locals to slaughter cow but export meat in mass?

Can't help it, I need to do frequent trips to buy all that delicous beef.

That makes 2 of us bro. Australian Beef - medium rare, yum yum yum. :cheers:

Friendly advice: Try to get hold of Australian beef, the best there is. What you are getting in your many frequent trips is infested with mad cow disease and it shows. :nhl_checking:

Take care
Why are people getting angry, it is India's internal affair.

Who cares if they are hypocrites?
Noone is getting angry ..just curious

Since you say it's an Honest Question, here goes;

As Half Moon said, Out of sight, out of mind. Also, a small technical point, a lot of the "beef" India exports is actually buffalo meat (I'm not denying cows are sold off as well, but the figures on Indian "beef" export always include a significant chunk of buffalo meat).

I've personally never been too hung up on these things; I do oppose illegal slaughterhouses (this is where a lot of Indian Muslims lost business) and gratuitous animal cruelty (i.e. factory farming conditions, the veal industry, or Kosher/Halal). I believe all meat ought to be stunned and preferably Jhatka.
No its wrong..its not buffalo come..its cow..seen with my own eyes

So plea of 1000s of people and 10s of lynch killing is out of sight? After all its not social problem alone..there is law that bans sale/slaughter
About 90% of the exported beef is buffalo meat not cow meat.

Also in many states of India cow slaughter is also legal. It depends on state to state.

Indians use holy cow as an excuse to prevent Muslims from eating beef.

Whereas same hindus who kill Muslims for eating beef, themselves eat beef in their homes 7 days a week, minus girls.
because in Banya logic there is nothing more important than money, money first everything else comes 2nd
LOL this only shows your ignorance. Cow protection is related to agriculture. That's why we have the largest dairy industry in terms of production.

You can eat buffalo or oxen meat. It is available even in Delhi. Even in 2-3 KMs of the parliament building.

[18][(k) “useful animal” means:
(i) a female sheep or goat below the age of one year and six months;
(ii) a male sheep or goat below the age of three months;
(iii) a calf below the age of four months;
(iv) a female sheep or goat of the age exceeding one year and six months but not exceeding four years, which is pregnant or fit for breeding purposes;
(v) a female animal, other than sheep or goat below three years of age;
(vi) a female animal, other than sheep or goat, which is pregnant or in milk or fit for breeding purposes;
(vii) a female animal, other than sheep or goat, between three to ten years of age which is fit for draught purposes;
3. Restriction on slaughter of animals.- (1) A person shall not slaughter a useful animal.
(2) An animal shall not be slaughtered:
(a) except in accordance with this Act and in a slaughter-house;
(b) unless the animal is approved for slaughter in accordance with the Act; or
(c) on Tuesday and Wednesday or on such other day or days as the Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, specify.
(3) A person shall not:
(a) sell, keep, store, transport, supply, offer or expose for sale, or hawk any meat or carcass of a:
(i) haram animal or of an animal which died of, or has suffered from contagious diseases or has been poisoned to death, or died because of gunshot wound or electrocution

So you have protection laws for sheep and goats but ask us why we protect milk producing cows?
About 90% of the exported beef is buffalo meat not cow meat.

Also in many states of India cow slaughter is also legal. It depends on state to state.

So its illegal in some states..

And 10-20% is still cows..so why not complete blanket ban

Why let large traders kill cow and poor farmers not to?
But why buffalo is acceptable and the cow is not?
If this Amercan buffalo had been indigenous and not threatened in India would its slaughter been acceptable?

Technically Buffalo / Cow is same thing but Indians will say no ... Gau Mata is special

I had this for dinner without getting lynched. Thank you dear Jinnah!
No its wrong..its not buffalo come..its cow..seen with my own eyes

So plea of 1000s of people and 10s of lynch killing is out of sight? After all its not social problem alone..there is law that bans sale/slaughter

I said it's both - but it's important to specify that when it comes to figures of Indian beef export, buffalo meat is also included in those numbers along with meat from cows.

I don't really understand the second line of arguments/questions. If they're questions, that you want answers to, please re-phrase.
Why is this thread in the defence section..? Is this topic even remotely related to defence..?

It is in the defence section as the purpose of this thread is create a wedge between Muslims and Hindus of India.

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