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  1. mr_attitude

    Logs Suggest ISI Controls Course of War

    The role of an intelligence agency should be different from that of a terrorist organization. The CIA, the Mussad, the ISI and the Raw must not be mixed up with LTTE, the Black Water Force and particularly the detracted groups of Taliban & Al- Qaida which are defaming not only Islam but also the...
  2. mr_attitude

    Logs Suggest ISI Controls Course of War

    ISI india's biggest nightmare. USSR was slaugthered by ISI and CIA doesn't dare to undermine ISI.
  3. mr_attitude

    Imran khan Only Politician Outside US influence: Wiki Leaks

    well Imran khan isn't a bad leader but i wonder pakistani nation doesn't deserve a good leader ---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 AM ---------- they all appreciate him but won't vote for him lol
  4. mr_attitude

    Pakistan and Israel

    Israel ummm nice question but i must say zionists do not represent all jewish so we just hate zionist. we do not hate jewish
  5. mr_attitude


  6. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    About.com: http thats the day she decided to sign her assassination contract and she lost everything she had just decided to keep name she had now her son will play his mums role
  7. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    On December 18, 1987, at the Clifton Palace garden in Karachi, Pakistan, Benazir and Asif had an almost traditional Pakistani wedding. Concerned about how some of the Pakistani wedding traditions were extravagant and difficult for poor families, Benazir broke with tradition by trying to keep...
  8. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    Lets read about zardari how clever he is and how woman can get dumb? Bhutto / Zardari Arranged Marriage: In Pakistan, there is more respect given to married women than to single women. Additionally, a single woman would not be allowed to be head of state. This reality helped Benazir make the...
  9. mr_attitude

    Nawaz & Quran shareef saga

    Hang on a sec brothers I haven't seen nawaz shareef betraying anyone or letting tem down he always keeps his word he did when pakistan did nuclear explosion maybe you don't remember which became reason for his downfall and he has more self esteem then anyone who beg from others why don't beg at...
  10. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    I can provide you more details if you want to know about these so called landlords and such families who are cancer of our nation and to get rid of them we have to treat them as cancer and its not the solution to let them rule us because they are not worth it.
  11. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    Who were bhuttos? landlords or just a mechanic? How they became landlords these are questions i reckon answers should be revealed Early life Khuda Bux Bhutto was a hardworking mechanic serving in the Indian Railways. He had good connections with British Locomotive Engineers while working at...
  12. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    Future Bilawal intends to complete his studies at Oxford before returning to lead the party full-time.[15] It had been estimated that Bilawal's security at Oxford will cost at least one million pounds each year. OFFCOURSE WE NEED TO PROTECT HIM WE NEED ONE MORE COUURPT LEADER TO RULE US, DON'T WE?
  13. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    Chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party Bilawal was appointed chairman of the Pakistan Peoples Party on 30 December 2007.[10][11] His father, Asif Ali Zardari, had been named the new chairman in Benazir Bhutto's will, but he asked for his son to be appointed instead.[12] Asif will be...
  14. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    For how long these morons will lead us generation after generation are we their slave or they are our kings this is funny he even changed his sons name to get power. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari (Urdu: بلاول بھٹ&#1608...
  15. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    Pakistan's Election Commission on August 22 announced that Presidential elections will be held on September 6, and the nomination papers can be filed from August 26.[45][44] Many analysts have predicted that if Zardari is elected President, Pakistan's political, economical and financial position...
  16. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    Candidate for the presidency following Musharraf's resignation Zardari, in alliance with Nawaz Sharif, was preparing to Impeach President Pervez Musharraf from the presidency, and a charge-sheet and draft of impeachment had already been prepared, when Musharraf, in accordance with his advisors...
  17. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    Guests kindly be members I am online you may commuicate with me if you register.
  18. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    He has used benazir bhutto(late) now. Used musharraf(mushy), Nawaz shareef and now he is in perfect shape to use us the nation with short memory.
  19. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    After the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, Zardari reaffirmed his disinterest in the prime ministership.[36][37] Chairman Zardari and Mian Nawaz Sharif, leader of the PML-N, along with some smaller political parties, joined forces in an electoral coalition that won a heavy majority in the...
  20. mr_attitude

    Zardari to be next president

    Now lets learn about zardari how clever he is:) Co-chairman of the PPP Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on 27 December 2007, shortly after returning to Pakistan from exile. On 30 December 2007, Asif Ali Zardari became the co-chairman of the PPP, along with his son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, who is...
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