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  1. Air Wolf

    A dream that the world conspired against: Manufacturing a warplane in Egypt and the position of the JF-17 Block 3

    Lol.....mighty Egypt doesn't need this poor lightweight fighter. Egypt should be content with F16, Mig35, Su35, Rafale. Edit: Forgot EFT :p:
  2. Air Wolf

    Featured National emergency helpline 911 likely to ring in on July 25

    Let's hope it is not just a toll free dialing service. The actual 911 service (America) they are trying to emulate is backed by a lot of infra and tech especially location services. Identifying the approximate location of the caller during an emergency is one of the most important aspects. No...
  3. Air Wolf

    Businesspeople meet COAS ahead of FY22 budget presentation

    This is exactly what's wrong with the current setup. In which capacity COAS is holding these meetings. All the issues raised by business community can only be solved by the govt and not military. What he is trying to portray? Actually the same narrative which is peddled by the enemies of the...
  4. Air Wolf

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Of course while sitting in UK you doesn't feel the need to give weightage to Afghan sentiment while drafting a policy related to Afghanistan nor have you witnessed or felt the "wrath" our nation went through for 10-12 years.
  5. Air Wolf

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    It's not the count rather the optics that matter. There is close to zero acceptance of US in the public now. People have not forgot what happened when Pakistan complied to US demands. Secondly, you don't want the wrath of Afghans turned towards you by giving them an excuse of US using Pakistani...
  6. Air Wolf

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Things are very different from 2001. A lot has changed. Collective mindset of the nation has evolved. Thought process suggesting giving bases and getting equipment/benefits in return is based in naivete. It will be political suicide of any party who agrees to this and will turn the country...
  7. Air Wolf

    Featured Quetta: The death toll in the attack on FC post has risen to ten

    Bajwa MUST go...Biggest blunder of IK keeping this old incompetent good for nothing man. He enjoys politics way more than his actual job. Single handedly ruined all the gains achieved by Raheel Sharif. What a waste. It's frustrating to imagine that he is going to stick for another 18 months...
  8. Air Wolf

    Featured India and Pakistan are now poorer than Bangladesh

    Whatever floats your boat mate. Deep down every Bangladeshi knows that they are a mere vassal state of India and nothing more. At the global level, Bangladesh has as much importance as Chad or Paraguay. So while sitting on the kids table, you have every right to make yourself feel important.
  9. Air Wolf

    Frontier corps under assault in Baluchistan. Where is the action?

    Until a general gets the same treatment, this will keep on going. The worst part is that these killings have started to happen so often, minds are getting immune to the gravity and the immense loss. While the military elite is busy feeding milk to snakes likes Nawaz and Hamid Mir.
  10. Air Wolf

    American Equipment From Afghanistan on The Move !

    Considering our establishment, hoping against hope that this time they have negotiated for a fair compensation in return (CSF release, big ticket items sale, FATF grey list removal etc..)
  11. Air Wolf

    Pakistani Experience of Israel | Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

    The use of the word "Pakistani" in video titles is just a click bait. This guy is not Pakistani anymore. He has german citizenship.
  12. Air Wolf

    Troll Fest:Bharatis are Sad that Netanyahu Didn't Include Indian Flag in his Tweet

    Strange to see them in the list. They should be able to empathize and relate easily with Palestinians and their cause considering what they went through themselves at the hands of serbs.
  13. Air Wolf

    FIA stopped Shahbaz Sharif from leaving the country

    You are overestimating our establishment. They are capable of things which are way worse than this. Especially the incumbent sipah salaar. Once you start enjoying politics more than safe guarding the borders, anything can be expected.
  14. Air Wolf

    Hindu lawmaker in Bangalore gets 17 Muslim hospital staff fired

    Keep parroting it till you die and see if it makes any difference....what a shame.
  15. Air Wolf

    4 FC soldiers martyred, 6 injured in terrorist attack on Pak-Afghan border, 3 Soldiers martyred and 6 Injured in Waziristan.

    We have registered a very strong protest with Afghan govt which will ensure no such incident happens again in future as previous protests were not strong enough but this time our military elite took special care to make it very strong.
  16. Air Wolf

    Jf17 and Mig 35 remain the only options being evaluated for increasing interest: Argentine air force

    If there is a contract of X number of engines already signed between Russia and China, that can't be violated.
  17. Air Wolf

    4 FC soldiers martyred, 6 injured in terrorist attack on Pak-Afghan border, 3 Soldiers martyred and 6 Injured in Waziristan.

    This literally makes your blood boil. I am as patriotic as the next guy. I love our armed forces just as much the next guy. But I agree with some posters, unless a couple of generals pay the price, this won't stop. Just dig the posts since last 6 months and count the number of soldiers we have...
  18. Air Wolf

    Jf17 and Mig 35 remain the only options being evaluated for increasing interest: Argentine air force

    Shouldn't PAC team also had accompanied them? Both countries have 50% stake in the fighter. Or is there an arrangement that both countries can independently market, manufacture and sell? In case each country is allowed to sell independently, shouldn't the name be FC1 and not JF17 Thunder as...
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