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  1. Nomad40

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Yeah We need Operation Reckless Retort this time 40 Strikers and 35+40 Air superiority
  2. Nomad40

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Yeah let them broadcast the weather its the least they can do for Daddy Pakistan.
  3. Nomad40

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    @MastanKhan ask your self this question: Out of the whole strike package why Only 4 (2 Mirages + @ JF-17) actually went in for the strike (air interdiction) whilst a whole squadron was air superiority.
  4. Nomad40

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Air activity is sub par all the time I dont think any thing else is unusual beside ELINT movements on both sides.
  5. Nomad40

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Hi @MastanKhan I hope Ramadan is treating you good. "it meant that the Paf had not discussed enemy aircraft contact and had no contingency plan in place to what would happen if multiple enemy aircraft were locked on within rang" Can you Elaborate.
  6. Nomad40

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    I will see what I can do
  7. Nomad40

    Pakistani JF-17 has one major advantage over world’s best aircraft stealth F-35

    I did not even bother reading, what a load of crap....This is madness.
  8. Nomad40

    BVR Combat tactics explained

    its a game
  9. Nomad40

    Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

    Yes I used to watch it from the roundabout near the air port I remember seeing the Mig-29 doing a tail slide right on top of us.
  10. Nomad40

    Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

    I remember this, my father picked me up early from school and we went there I could piratically see them over my house.
  11. Nomad40

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Hello @MastanKhan I-am talking about (Power type) aerodynamic stall:- when there is separation of airflow at the rear of the wing which decreases lift, than you pitch down, gains some speed, full power and exist stall. Technically any stall that is intentional and you can exit successfully...
  12. Nomad40

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    The jf-17 will be in an aerodynamically stall at around 140-150 knots (true air speed) which is around 259 km/h - 277 km/h EXTRA you can fly it up-to 70 knots and it will still do you a loop. You can technically fly the jf-17 to 0 Knots and...
  13. Nomad40

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Hello. When there is air flow the burns from guns and missile are not a factor. Nandu was shot down as soon as he came close to the LOC---------Any IAF plane will be shot down if breeced the 25 km LOC line and 50 km International border. I think yall should put This narrative to rest :).
  14. Nomad40

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    No, Photoshop-----I dont think we even use that thing.
  15. Nomad40

    Eyesight requirements for Pakistan Air Force General Duty Pilot

    Thanks if any progress I will let you know. I am looking at ------ Dogars PAF GD(p) test banks Dogars ----- ISSB Interviews 1st and 2nd year Physics Fsc ---- 22 chapters in total guess English and Math as well Fsc but I went over the syllabus for English and it was very easy and the Math...
  16. Nomad40

    Eyesight requirements for Pakistan Air Force General Duty Pilot

    Makes sense.........is there significant time to the test day because you said all the test are online so I am assuming this will be for ISSB and or FAT ? and I would have to Fly in from Canada. Thanks again I really appreciate your help.
  17. Nomad40

    Eyesight requirements for Pakistan Air Force General Duty Pilot

    The website will not work, I have tried 3 different devices. Since it is a pandemic lock down, should I contact the circled Below. Do I have to register now or when applications Open. Cheers bud-----I hope we are over with this lock down ASAP but this is golden time go through all your...
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