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  1. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    It is not is the character of a Sikh to call himself an Indian.

    Nice deflection. Btw, what did they teach you in school about India and Hindus??
  2. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    It is not is the character of a Sikh to call himself an Indian.

    And a Pakistani knows more about the BJP and RSS than Indians living in India?? Lol, as for lies and fake history that Pakistanis are brought up on, right from primary school days, the lesser said the better.
  3. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    It is not is the character of a Sikh to call himself an Indian.

    Is that what you guys are telling yourself these days?? Or did the Chinese sell you that chooran about standards of living ??
  4. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    It is not is the character of a Sikh to call himself an Indian.

    How about Uighurs? Does Pakistan not stand with them?
  5. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Abhinandan was released on massive Indian pressure of war: Ayaz Sadiq Claims

    The people in Pakistan sure believe what Rahul Gandhi says 🤣
  6. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Abhinandan was released on massive Indian pressure of war: Ayaz Sadiq Claims

    What stories?? The statement is being made by your own MNA in your own assembly, lol. Instead of blaming India, best figure out why your own politicians are making such statements.
  7. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Pakistan cannot afford to take a chance by reopening mosques at this juncture

    That's what I'm saying too. If you keep markets open all day, but keep mosque closed, people are bound to question that logic. Agar market me 1000 log ka sakte hain, to masjid me 100 kyon nahin? As long as the mosque follows the guidelines , which can be monitored by the authorities, it should...
  8. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Pakistan cannot afford to take a chance by reopening mosques at this juncture

    Logically speaking, this is a reasonable and fair argument. I believe there is a 20 odd points SOP that has been issued to all mosques which they have to follow. I think I saw a video as well where elderly people were trying to enter a mosque in Karachi, and someone was telling them that people...
  9. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    India to airlift 220 tonnes of essential medical cargo from China over next 3 days

    APIs were being imported from China since long before the world even heard of the Corona virus or imagined it would cause a crisis. Btw, quite a few of the life saving medicines made using these APIs are also imported by Pakistan.
  10. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    India scores high on Covid-19 response tracker made by Oxford University

    Suppose Pakistan was ranked high in this same report, then those hindu fascist terrorists would have become austere Oxford scholars?
  11. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    India has cleared first list of 13 countries for Hydroxychloroquine

    500000 tablets, 250 mg each is 125kg. Was the delivery sent via special flight?? Or DHL ?
  12. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Hindu Village Bans Entry of Muslims

    By disregarding the isolation protocol, misbehaving deliberately with healthcare workers who are treating them, they sure are behaving like criminals. Why is it surprising that they are being spoken of as such?
  13. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Karachi police arrest mosque Imam for inciting violence, defying lockdown

    No excuses for that. I guess more time and effort was spent in implementing lockdown and prior-awareness of preventive measures not prioritised. Typical South Asian approach.
  14. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Karachi police arrest mosque Imam for inciting violence, defying lockdown

    The virus doesn't distinguish between innocent or guilty, perpetrators or cops. I agree with you fully though, on the every man for himself part.
  15. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Karachi police arrest mosque Imam for inciting violence, defying lockdown

    Wow, so who are all these guys accountable to? Kisiko to report karte honge? Not saying there will be one person, there may be more than one .
  16. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Karachi police arrest mosque Imam for inciting violence, defying lockdown

    True, but even in the informal heirarchy, there is always someone who holds sway over the rest. I'm assuming someone like that.
  17. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    A Homeland for Indian Muslims

    Amazing how this delusion has gone on for 17 pages. :dance3:
  18. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Karachi police arrest mosque Imam for inciting violence, defying lockdown

    Perhaps the need of the hour is for a high level cleric to issue orders to all the mosque heads to behave themselves. In India the local mosque heads seem to listen to the high level maulanas. Unless the order comes from the top, these kind of incidents can be expected, I guess.
  19. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Karachi police arrest mosque Imam for inciting violence, defying lockdown

    Isn't an Imam a senior guy in the system? Doubt if he will be chhitrolled. Maybe kept under custody and let off with warning.
  20. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Despite Coronavirus scare Hindu temples remain open

    Very well informed and intelligent comment. Kudos
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