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  1. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    And what would the point of this? Iran had already the chance to retaliate in a serious wat but they backed down. What's the point delaying the retaliation for 3 years as the US response would still take place? It's nonsense. Plus now America and NATO know Iran never retaliates so they will do...
  2. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    Only words, and bla bla bla. Who believes it? If Khamenei was real this strike would have been very different. He even alerted the Americans, that's a farce. Everyone in the world is laughing at Iran. Even a 14 year old kid in the Bronx has more spine than Khamenei.
  3. Silent Fighter

    Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

    Why should they admit their fault? They already look cowards to the world, by admitting thier fault they would also look incompetent. Also they will have to pay compensations
  4. Silent Fighter

    Soleimani Was the Hardest of the Hardliners in Iran

    So Iranian traitors selling Iran to the USA for their own carrers. Possible
  5. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    Betrayal of Iranian people, after telling things for years that now are proved to be lies. 'If America hits us we will do this and do that', 'We will fight the Americans', 'Iranians are safe from the American aggressors', and many more speeches. They proved to be only lies. It means America can...
  6. Silent Fighter

    Iran taking a risky gamble

    Are we under Khamenei's censorship? Then I have a message for him, stay in your bunker Khamenei because America can hit as Iran doesn't have the spine to retaliate.
  7. Silent Fighter

    Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

    There are cowards and there are brave. You can die in your bed or you can die standing up against the criminal aggressor. Iran is in the cowards group, using its inferior means as the excuse to surrender. Others have fought and won or lost. But they fought no matter the cost.
  8. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    Useless in your opinion doesn't mean actually useless. I think your posts are useless. We have all the right to condemn Iranian leadership after their betrayal
  9. Silent Fighter

    Iran sending messages to militias not to attack US targets –– Pence

    Sure, only for the aggressor. Hitler would have had an easy run against the UK and the poor Soviets if they were so cowards.
  10. Silent Fighter

    Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

    When did America launch missiles and kill a Soviet or Chinese top general? Everyone in the world thinks Iran is a c oward, there won't be any change in 5 years because if you were born a coward you will die as a coward. You will never be a fighter. Iran will never have a nuclear weapon for the...
  11. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    The world is laughing at Iran. Next time Iranian leaders say 'If America hits us we will do this and do that' the loughs will be heard from Alaska to Australia.
  12. Silent Fighter

    Iran taking a risky gamble

    In other words, Iran is a punchinball that Americans can play with. No retaliation is possible because they are cowards, so America can play with it as much as they want. It happens when you're a coward
  13. Silent Fighter

    Iran sending messages to militias not to attack US targets –– Pence

    Iranians are showing to the world how cowardly and weak they are. It's like a puncking ball, you can hit Iran again and again and it won't bite the least
  14. Silent Fighter

    Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

    Really? Then why all they can do in facts is a pathetic strike with ZERO casualties? Worst than Hamas and Boko Haram.
  15. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    Not true. Afghans would fight, Vietnamese would fight, Serbs would fight, even Albanians and Chechens would fight. If all countries who are in theory less powerful than the enemy would surrender then there would never be wars. Only cowards surrender just because their means are in theory...
  16. Silent Fighter

    Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

    Really do you believe the 80 casualtie claim by Iran's state news? It's ridiculous. All US enemies from Russia to China would say the truth, also those pics confirm there are no casualties. A Taleban assualt with AK47 and hand grenades causes more damage. Iran had to cause casualties, that is...
  17. Silent Fighter

    Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

    What's that supposed to mean? Iran doesn't have the balls to kill even one US soldier. Taleban with 1$ a day are braver than Iran. Iran gives the signal that it's the weakest country in the world. A country that eveyone can bully because they're cowards and have no spine to fight back.
  18. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    So they lied about Soleimani's revenge? Iran had the right to strike back in a tough way. The USA had no right to kill a foreign leader. Iranian leaders are fooling their own people. It means they don't care at all and they don't believe what they say.
  19. Silent Fighter

    Iran taking a risky gamble

    Wrong completely. The ridiculous 'response' from Iran is a great win for Trump. He will certainly be elected again. All Americans even democratic voters reckon Trump has won 100% against Iran, much better than Bush and Clinton on foreign policy. Trump can kill Iranian leaders, put Iran on its...
  20. Silent Fighter

    Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

    Terrorism targets civilians. Killing the leaders of enemies is not terrorism, it's war. The USA had zero casualties, zero damages, so they can kill eben Khamenei with the same impunity.
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