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  1. silverox

    34 years ago today: Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing

    Taiwan's People's Party candidate Ke Wenzhe, who is said to have an IQ of 135, said, There will be problems if the gap between democratic politics and economic development is too large I agree with his words In many so-called democracies, democracy is actually kleptocracy India's Modi...
  2. silverox

    The biggest Mosque in Asia, The Grand Shadian Mosque in Yunnan, China

     这个违法建筑 应该拆除
  3. silverox

    Al Qaeda-linked Uyghur militant group seeks India's help against China over Xinjiang

    Aren't you America a good friend of India, don't you share common democratic values? Why do you want Indians to be killed by us
  4. silverox

    Report finds China world’s biggest jailer of journalists

    It is meaningless to discuss the ranking lists produced by NGOs, white glove offshoots of the US CIA every year Just be a loyal friend of America Then it doesn't matter how you hurt your own people This is what history has proven many times
  5. silverox

    How rural Hui Muslims celebrate Eid in their village in Yunnan province bordering Vietnam, some riot just happened in this village

    This village is no longer a Chinese land under the leadership of the Chinese government. It has become an independent kingdom. This kind of lawless challenge to the authority of the Chinese grassroots government must not be tolerated.
  6. silverox

    China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

    All land in China is state-owned land, and any change in land use rights requires the approval of the land authority. Collective land is also state-owned land. The illegal occupation of state-owned land to build mosques reflects a problem. The local people are used to not obeying the law...
  7. silverox

    China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

    As you said, you don't really care if Uyghurs live or die it doesn't make sense to you You are just using this topic to vent your malice towards China i care about this topic Because I don't want the Uyghurs to be radicalized, just like the Ukrainians are being used as cannon fodder by the...
  8. silverox

    China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

    Don't get emotional, for a country of 10 million Turkic Uyghurs to take strong measures to reverse the spread of Islamic extremism is a real responsibility to Uyghur Muslims. You and I both know that if left unattended, with a population of 10 million, there will be at least a million radicals...
  9. silverox

    China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

    Aboriginal people in Canada were systematically genocide People now think of Canadians as white or French never aboriginal The history of the Anglo-Saxon genocide is a historically verifiable fact In fact, the UK, France's deradicalization programs and China's re-education are the same thing...
  10. silverox

    Abuduwaili Abudureheman: Hong Kong denies detaining Uyghur student

    Modern propaganda wars don’t care about making fake news, because fake news spreads more widely, and few media will repost the later clarification news. After all, it is news that a man bites a dog, and a dog bites a man is not news, as long as the false news is spread It is enough to give more...
  11. silverox

    China flags Uighurs as ‘extremist’ for having Quran, report says

    These human rights NGOs are the white gloves of the CIA
  12. silverox

    China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

    In Canada, where you live, what happens to any group that dares to use violence? Is it like China in the past, the more trouble, get more benefits?  
  13. silverox

    China flags Uighurs as ‘extremist’ for having Quran, report says

    The so-called north-east Indian Manipur, which is now in the midst of massive ethnic conflict, don't want to be called Indian, it's a pity, they should import some of Mao Zedong's pamphlets on guerrilla warfare, you should take up arms
  14. silverox

    China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

    Muslims in Yunnan are immigrants brought by the Mongols. There are dozens of ethnic minorities in Yunnan. The Hui people like to make trouble the most. In the 1990s, Hui villages openly armed drug trafficking and killed anti-drug police. China had to send armed police to suppress it in 1992...
  15. silverox

    Why Chinese [illegal] Migrants Are Making Risky Journey From South America to US

    my country's Fujian Province has many mountains and little land. People there have immigrated to the entire Pacific region since the Song Dynasty. China is actually a maritime country, but our scholars mainly live in the northern capital and rarely talk about this issue.
  16. silverox

    Why Chinese [illegal] Migrants Are Making Risky Journey From South America to US

     In the 1990s, far more Chinese illegal immigrants came to the United States than now, and Americans suddenly brought up this minor issue to create public opinion, apparently for the purpose of psychological warfare     Simply put, the Chinese don't care about this little problem
  17. silverox

    Milestone: China makes history and becomes the world top car exporter, surpassing Japan in Q1 2023

    China has always wanted to promote electric vehicles, but because of the huge historical inertia, the promotion of electric vehicles has not been smooth, whether in China or other countries, the promotion of electric vehicles has not been smooth, and consumers do not want to pay for electric...
  18. silverox

    Pakistani guy tours Xinjiang Kashgar old town and checks out how China ethinically and culturally "genocides" this nicknamed "The Uyghur city"

    I'm talking about Uzbekistan, not Pakistan. I've seen the locals eat pork with my own eyes, and they don't care about strict Islamic religious norms
  19. silverox

    Pakistani guy tours Xinjiang Kashgar old town and checks out how China ethinically and culturally "genocides" this nicknamed "The Uyghur city"

    Chinese with Confucian culture will never implement a genocidal policy. In fact, it was the Uyghurs who carried out the genocide against the Han people. There is a street in Kashgar called Hanren Street, but no Han people live there. When the Uyghurs rebelled in 1944, The Han people in the whole...
  20. silverox

    Cultural Crackdown in China Shuts Comedy and Music Shows

    American soldiers have historically invaded other countries and raped local women, so mocking American soldiers is permissible in the US. What cannot be allowed in the United States is mocking the Jews, which is the first and foremost political correctness. Now it has been added that black...
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