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How rural Hui Muslims celebrate Eid in their village in Yunnan province bordering Vietnam, some riot just happened in this village


Nov 4, 2011
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How rural Hui Muslims celebrate Eid in their village in Yunnan province bordering Vietnam

In recent days it is reported that a riot occured in this village due to some land disputes

The government reports say that some villagers illegally outbuilt an old mosque and the vast new expansion constructions encroach deep into the lands owned by the government village administration.

It's nothing more than a land dispute between the local government and villagers which happens all the time everywhere in China, even in Beijing I witnessed dozens of similar protests, not violent though, and the western and Indian media now are trying to spin a lie around this incident to make it sound like something else and not what it really is.

From this very recent video of this Muslim village community during Eid 2023, do they look like they are being oppressed and sad at all?

The first part of the video was filmed in the author's sister's home, most Han Chinese at their age don't have siblings due to the one child policy, but that policy was only imposed on the Han Chinese, ethnic minorities were exempted from that policy, that's why you find them with many siblings, don't be surprised.
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Welcome Indian comments on the standard of living of this "oppressed" Muslim rural village in southern less developed Yunnan province bordering Vietnam, how does it compare with rural Indian muslim village?

Are Chinese Muslim girls willing to marry foreigners?【Interview】

This is the very place where the recent social disturbance happened, but do these Hui people look like they are being oppressed in their everyday life shown in these vlogs?
Notice how after there has been an uptick about disturbing news regarding Hui Muslims in China, OP has basically started spamming propaganda threads about Hui Muslims on PDF.
Notice how after there has been an uptick about disturbing news regarding Hui Muslims in China, OP has basically started spamming propaganda threads about Hui Muslims on PDF.
This is the very place where the recent social disturbance happened, but do these Hui people look like they are being oppressed in their everyday life shown in these vlogs?
Notice how after there has been an uptick about disturbing news regarding Hui Muslims in China, OP has basically started spamming propaganda threads about Hui Muslims on PDF.

He's a typical ultrasensitive CCPbot....that has been indulged and festered in this place much more than normal.

Pay him little mind. Anyone intelligent here long knows their habits.
He's a typical ultrasensitive CCPbot....that has been indulged and festered in this place much more than normal.

Pay him little mind. Anyone intelligent here long knows their habits.
LOL, haters and liars can never debate with the facts and can only resort to personal attacks when running out of words, lol....

Notice how after there has been an uptick about disturbing news regarding Hui Muslims in China, OP has basically started spamming propaganda threads about Hui Muslims on PDF.
The true account of the story should be revealed with facts, sorry, hater.
This is the very place where the recent social disturbance happened, but do these Hui people look like they are being oppressed in their everyday life shown in these vlogs?
Lmao, I said this narrative would pop up back when you guys were busy destroy the uyghur way of life, and you specifically suggested that it would never happen because the Hui people are model citizens.

Now it's the same narrative you're using against the Huis that you used against the Uyghurs.

Inconsistent propaganda is easy to take apart.
Lmao, I said this narrative would pop up back when you guys were busy destroy the uyghur way of life, and you specifically suggested that it would never happen because the Hui people are model citizens.

Now it's the same narrative you're using against the Huis that you used against the Uyghurs.

Inconsistent propaganda is easy to take apart.
Do you know why almost every single Muslim country is on China's side over Xinjiang? cause they all know so called Xinjiang issue is a lie made up by you guys.

lie of the century
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This village is no longer a Chinese land under the leadership of the Chinese government. It has become an independent kingdom. This kind of lawless challenge to the authority of the Chinese grassroots government must not be tolerated.
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