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  1. silverox

    China and Bhutan reach deal on Himalayan border talks ‘in test for India’

    The world views of China and India are completely opposite. We always don't understand the Indian thinking mode, and we make a lot of mistakes. We sat and watched India's annexation of Sikkim and southern Tibet. We thought that India would stop further invasions after receiving these. In fact...
  2. silverox

    Opinion | How Pakistan's A.Q. Khan, Father of the 'Muslim Bomb,' Escaped Mossad Assassination

    Gaddafi is the only person who was frightened by the US war in Iraq. Other US enemies are still US enemies. If Gaddafi can be brave for more than half a year, the United States will fall into the wave of Zarqawi’s terrorist attacks, and there will be no extra force to overthrow him. Gaddafi will...
  3. silverox

    China announced China-India border security talk failed, blaming India has unrealistic goals in the talks

    According to what I heard from Chinese soldiers, the killed Indian military officer Santosh Babu was transferred to the border for a short term. This is a common pattern of promotion in the Indian army. He went to the border to take a short-term position and his resume was gilded. He broke the...
  4. silverox

    Chinese PLA Military 8x8 ARGO or Amphicat

    It should be derived from the tradition of the British Indian colonial army. I have seen similar performance pictures of British soldiers.
  5. silverox

    US has already lost to China in AI fight, says ex-Pentagon software chief

    A Frenchman broke his heart for the United States. This Frenchman is a traitor to France.
  6. silverox

    A newly-released picture shows a large group of Indian soldiers captured by China PLA in Galwan Valley in 2020

    In order to attract subscriptions and obtain advertising revenue, India’s commercial media produces a large number of fake news that attracts the attention of Indians. Indians’ attention excitement includes but is not limited to Pakistan, China, Now Indians probably think that Pakistan is too...
  7. silverox

    'Some are just psychopaths': Chinese detective in exile reveals extent of torture against Uyghurs

    His uniform is fake, it is a COSPLAY uniform. The pattern 公安 on the arm becomes 公支 in the video and the police pattern on the sleeve is also wrong.
  8. silverox

    Turkey’s Uyghur dilemma in the context of China’s Belt and Road Initiative

    Pakistan itself is also facing the Baluchistan independence movement. I often read the tweets of these people. They say that the Pakistani army suppresses them. They have no water and no wells. As long as you want to separate politically, it is always easy to find a reason
  9. silverox

    Turkey’s Uyghur dilemma in the context of China’s Belt and Road Initiative

    The so-called assimilation in ancient times was killing men and raping women. The ancient Egyptians were replaced by Arabs, and Arabs became Egyptians. Now Uyghurs, some resemble East Asians, and more of them look like Caucasian genes.
  10. silverox

    Why Southeast Asia Should Welcome AUKUS Australia models independence in standing up to China.

    China should immediately ask Vietnam to stop exploiting oil resources in the South China Sea. This is stealing China’s oil.
  11. silverox

    Muslim groups call for boycott of Hilton hotels over China mosque demolition

    We will never allow religion to interfere in social life, politics, and education, especially monotheism originating from the Jews and its sub-religions Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam to manipulate the people
  12. silverox

    Turkey’s Uyghur dilemma in the context of China’s Belt and Road Initiative

    There are a lot of misinformation in this article. Uyghurs have never been independent, they are constantly surrendering to different rulers. Uyghurs originally lived in the current Mongolian plateau. If they want to restore their country, they should find a much weaker opponent, the Republic of...
  13. silverox

    Muslim groups call for boycott of Hilton hotels over China mosque demolition

    This post is really shameful. Many mosques are not historical relics, but the infiltration of Islamic expansionism in China in the past 40 years. Many officials have set up many illegal mosques due to ignorance, incompetence, corruption and various reasons. It was actually an illegal...
  14. silverox

    ‘Qadi’ has been arrested, what about other ISIS members in Turkey?

    始作俑者,其无后乎?Amin of Afghanistan first violated the rules of the game and killed more than 60 people in Dawood's family, leaving only a little girl. Amin was the first person to slaughter the family of a political opponent in the modern history of Afghanistan. He set a precedent. The same thing...
  15. silverox

    Dozens of men arrested in India are accused of gang raping a 15-year-old girl repeatedly

    There are so many Tibetans in India, but there are very few news about Tibetan women being raped by Indians. Is there any reason?
  16. silverox

    Muslim groups call for boycott of Hilton hotels over China mosque demolition

    It's really annoying. We Chinese don't have to argue about this kind of thing every day and we just demolish illegal buildings. We, China, want to build a modern and powerful country. We should not discuss such useless things every day and waste our energy. These people talk about these...
  17. silverox

    Five million Chinese will be working in Pakistan in next four years

    In the first few years of the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were also many fake news that 20 million Chinese would immigrate to Siberia and annex the Siberian region of Russia. Political parties within Russia also used this fake news to incite sentiment to get votes. In the past 30 years...
  18. silverox

    Taliban Expresses Interest In Joining China & Pakistan's $60 Billion CPEC Project

    The ideal is very good, but it is impolite to say that Afghanistan's state system has been predatory from ancient times to the present. Since ancient times, the main way for Afghanistan to obtain wealth is to plunder India and then distribute spoils. Only a strong man, who can unite all...
  19. silverox

    Taliban spokesman: China to keep embassy in Afghanistan and increase aid

    As far as I know, China’s iron ore is low-grade iron ore, which has no mining value.
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