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  1. Arsalan Tauseef

    Featured Dr. Moeed puts forward Pakistan's case in ME, FATF, CPEC et al.

    10/10 for Pakistan's NSA. Global Village Space is a good platform that can be used to push our narrative internationally.
  2. Arsalan Tauseef

    Khadim Hussain Rizvi: The Man and the phenomenon! Will this be the end of TLP?

    May this be the end of this despicable strayed throng.
  3. Arsalan Tauseef

    Pakistan Steel Mills sacks over 4,500 employees.

    Calm your horses, Boiii! In this work, care and patience are required.
  4. Arsalan Tauseef

    Hundreds of thousands of people at Khadim Hussain Rizvi's Funeral

    :mad: These comments are few of the many reasons as to why we lag behind of other countries.
  5. Arsalan Tauseef

    Featured *Confirmed* Mullah Omar Baloch Irani (One of Iran's most wanted) killed by Pak Forces in Turbat, Balochistan

    How do you know he's Pro-Pakistani? What made you say that? Did you have a conversation with him? Have we not had enough of terrorism? How long until we cater them? How long will we allow such people to promote the culture of arms on our land? Show your empathy where it is needed.
  6. Arsalan Tauseef

    Tehreek e labaiks protest against France turn violent

    These some barbaric, detestable creatures are up in arms about something that really doesn't exist. :mad: They think as if Govt is supporting Macron's narrative by neglecting their demands of closing France-embassy.
  7. Arsalan Tauseef

    The issue isn't about MRAPs or drones available

    But, we have not kept these "drones" in our warehouse to rust. Not sure when was the last time we used them.
  8. Arsalan Tauseef

    Strange observation by the superior court in Justice Faiz Isa case

    Imran alone can create a hell of a mess for these handful amoral judges, But he won't, because the opposition will use this in their favour.
  9. Arsalan Tauseef

    Heavy firing on the LOC - 6 plus Indian Soldiers Killed

    We have to be careful now. They will kill some innocent people in the fire of revenge and say that we have killed Pakistan's Army.
  10. Arsalan Tauseef

    If you've ever wondered why there is unrest in Balochistan...

    Baloch's loyalty is to Iran. None can deny it.
  11. Arsalan Tauseef

    Effigy of the French president beheaded (warning!)

    So is it disturbing for you? What about those effigies that are burnt in so-called modern countries? Aren't they brainwashed & aggressive too? https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/11/10/donald-trump-effigy-burning-los-angeles-bts.cnn
  12. Arsalan Tauseef

    Modi sold tea but Nawaz Shareef sold his country, says Indian journalist

    That fat tober isn't to be blamed alone for treason. Hefty numbers of voters are still carrying his sacks on shoulders.
  13. Arsalan Tauseef

    US To Supply Stealth F-35 Jets, Originally Planned For Turkey, To Arch-Foe Greece

    The US won't sell their much-vaunted jet to Greece. Greece doesn't have procedural knowledge to make full use of that platform. Turkey, on other hand, can exploit each 'n every strategy of Greece.
  14. Arsalan Tauseef

    Time to take Revenge for APS

    We talk about the past, yet so far we've done nothing in response to which our soldiers died recently. And those who're still dying for any cause.
  15. Arsalan Tauseef

    Featured Defence Minister Pervaiz Khattak in Russia

    Why Do We Even Appoint Policitian For Such Crucial Post?
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