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  1. K

    Army handed over 45,000 acres for corporate farming

    Shekhar Gupta had reported that ask is in fact for a million acres of land for 'farming' & 45k acres is just a POC. Is that true?
  2. K

    Pakistan makes unprecedented announcement of nuclear capabilities

    I can't vouch for all Indians but atleast a good majority of us don't really see any reason to have a misadventure with Pakistan. You guys have got sufficient problems of your own. It's much better for us to keep making our economy stronger while you are busy. I think that even BJP government...
  3. K

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    All said, your military does live lavishly. My father was in Indian army, never saw this kind of extravagance with the army leadership here.
  4. K

    ‘Proof of great friendship’: China to send Pakistan another $1.3 billion

    Agreed, as an Indian, it's real fun seeing you guys clutching at straws (this time a loan roll over of all things) to demonstrate the greatness of your friendship. Why don't you go for another round of CPEC. Maybe this time an additional $60B loan to create infrastructure will do wonders. Added...
  5. K

    ‘Proof of great friendship’: China to send Pakistan another $1.3 billion

    An honest enemy is better than a manipulative friend. Anyways as I said keep up the good work. Sell them more infrastructure & weapons at good profit & then extract interest on loans extended for the same. Already they are against their army because of the mis-governance arising out of the...
  6. K

    ‘Proof of great friendship’: China to send Pakistan another $1.3 billion

    Never talked about India's role in this context as no politician in either country will have the guts to support loans for the other. It's your people who are claiming that a loan roll over is a great proof of friendship. If you can justify that it'll keep the conversation relevant to the...
  7. K

    ‘Proof of great friendship’: China to send Pakistan another $1.3 billion

    Here's an article which highlights why calling Chinese approach to recovering money doesn't qualify as general business practice (let alone benevolence) and is more of an extortion: China doesn't accept write down of loans (which was the typical policy followed by lending institutions till...
  8. K

    ‘Proof of great friendship’: China to send Pakistan another $1.3 billion

    This is interesting! So you guys just blame your politicians for agreeing to predatory lending (which you didn't need) & not the so called friend who made you invest in infrastructure (which will provide them strategic benefits) on their own terms (their contractors, high interest rates, etc.)...
  9. K

    ‘Proof of great friendship’: China to send Pakistan another $1.3 billion

    You were forcing Pakistan to pay back $328M for power plants that you had built even last month (https://www.brecorder.com/news/40224806). This is the worst time to take money out of Pakistan & you are talking about not squeezing them. This is the worst form of exploitation. You made their...
  10. K

    If India fails to miscalculate within the next 20 years we have to explore ways to start a war unilaterally

    With such well thought plans in place, I think, we Indians need to start leaving & find other countries which will accept us! While the OP has given us 20 years but it looks like the plan can be implemented tomorrow itself. I have started booking tickets, others should also do it. 😟😟
  11. K

    1: Well, COVID has officially made it to every part of China, even this isolated corner ... we've all gotten it now.

    I don't know how gullible you guys are OR you probably think the entire world is. Print is one of the most reputed news outlets in India. Anyways I have shared articles & quotes from Pakistani & WHO sources which weren't refuted in a similar way...
  12. K

    1: Well, COVID has officially made it to every part of China, even this isolated corner ... we've all gotten it now.

  13. K

    1: Well, COVID has officially made it to every part of China, even this isolated corner ... we've all gotten it now.

  14. K

    1: Well, COVID has officially made it to every part of China, even this isolated corner ... we've all gotten it now.

    Exactly, I'm just asking you & the fellow posters to have a similar unprejudiced attitude when you talk about other countries & not go by some unofficial reports or YouTube videos. So, be careful when you quote that India has 6 million deaths as compared to few thousands in China. Did Indian...
  15. K

    1: Well, COVID has officially made it to every part of China, even this isolated corner ... we've all gotten it now.

    At this stage why even bother with a few thousands. Just claim that China managed COVID so well that Chinese vaccines & medical system reduced the deaths which might have happened due to other causes as well. & now in fact it's a '-ve' death toll that you have achieved due to the pandemic. If...
  16. K

    1: Well, COVID has officially made it to every part of China, even this isolated corner ... we've all gotten it now.

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-64131713 Now even WHO is no more able to ignore the ridiculousness of the data which Chinese govt publishes (& this is the same WHO which didn't question the Chinese when they were trying to sweep the pandemic under the carpet & even said that they don't see...
  17. K

    whats the difference between our fence with Afghanistan vs the one with India?

    Doesn't this kind of prove that insurgency in Kashmir was mostly due to Pakistan's support & by its own there's not much unrest. Maybe thought should be put into this aspect & let the people achieve peace at least on one of your borders.
  18. K

    China Is Likely Seeing 1 Million Covid Cases, 5,000 Deaths a Day

  19. K

    China Is Likely Seeing 1 Million Covid Cases, 5,000 Deaths a Day

  20. K

    China Is Likely Seeing 1 Million Covid Cases, 5,000 Deaths a Day

    https://www.dawn.com/news/1727354/chinas-crematoriums-packed-as-covid-cases-soar Same old approach to defending the govt. - China does everything perfectly! Not sure why the general population feels so obligated to answer on behalf of government in China. It has hardly been 2 weeks since...
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