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  1. kinsr

    Top Lashkar terrorist Wasim Shah among 2 killed in J&K's Pulwama

    Don't worry dear, we are getting the next generation to be hooked on to drugs, wait a couple of years there won't be any meaningful Islam in the valley let aside a freedom struggle. Those gathering for the funerals are also the same people who provide intelligence to the security forces...
  2. kinsr

    Brigadier pleads guilty of affair with colonel’s wife, faces 4-year seniority loss

    Congratulations to Windy... He got the title right after all.... We did Surgical Strike( read screwed} on Pakistan the same way as the brigadier did... ... be happy .. you got screwed again.... Lolz
  3. kinsr

    Folk Singer Amad Khan Killed in Rajasthan For Sub-Standard Performance, Muslims Flee Village

    so that he can prevent his manhood from being chopped off... Moronic discussions ... lolz...
  4. kinsr

    MLRS - Effective counter to SU-30MKI + Brahmos combination

    Non technical non-sense. Do you even know the difference between Infra Red surveillance and Radar Surveillance. I ask you which platform you have that can track IR signatures from long distances. Again if your answer is AESA radar, MPDR, Chinese radar, please don't quote me any further.
  5. kinsr

    MLRS - Effective counter to SU-30MKI + Brahmos combination

    Sir you are more ignorant than I initially thought. And over that you don't know how to debate. You need to educate yourself about radar and their capabilities. Non of your radars are meant to track supersonic threats And yes sir that includes AN/TPS - 77.
  6. kinsr

    MLRS - Effective counter to SU-30MKI + Brahmos combination

    And how is Pakistan going to TRACK "Brahmouse"? with what? Do you have a system that can track IR signatures from kilometers away? What Radar does Pakistan have that can actually TRACK a Brahmos? Using smilies or mis-pronouncing a name is not going to save your a** from a supersonic cruise...
  7. kinsr

    MLRS - Effective counter to SU-30MKI + Brahmos combination

    Before shooting it down, can some Pakistani member here, can educate me on how Pakistan going to Track a Brahmos?
  8. kinsr

    Breaking News ....

    for whom?
  9. kinsr

    Breaking News ....

    Another "Mitron" moment... :D
  10. kinsr

    IAF enhances night flying by combat jets

    You missed the jist of the article which says... Over zealous are you....:-):-):-)...
  11. kinsr

    IAF at 85, but no indigenous fighter yet

    Go through PDF alone .. you will find much better analysis about Indian efforts rather than reading this crap. Wasted time reading this horse****.. Kudos to you finding this article ... You have lots of free time to waste.
  12. kinsr

    1,000 drones fly in formation! Watch the breathtaking show in China

    Gr8 show.... Gr8 idea for promotions and alternative to fireworks...
  13. kinsr

    General Bakshi reveals Kargil humiliation

    Sir, kindly read my post again... I am talking about the period Gen GD Bakshi is talking about i.e. 1990-1991... And you clearly confusing my post to have been talking about 99, which clearly is not. And Kaiser Tufail article about PAF in 99 was one of those first thing I read on this forum...
  14. kinsr

    Ludhiana police foils attack by Babbar Khalsa militants, arrests 7

    Already been tried when whole of Babbar Khalsa was based out of Pakistan... you can try again... We can very well help them have atleast half of Khalistan, with its capital as Lahore. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalistan_movement you still have those assets living with you.
  15. kinsr

    General Bakshi reveals Kargil humiliation

    Are you trying to say that due to weak financial position Pakistan mounted an attack on India? Or you trying to say that due to weak Pakistani financial situation, PA wasn't able to expand the envelop of engagement?
  16. kinsr

    General Bakshi reveals Kargil humiliation

    What are you talking about? The period Gen GD Bakshi is talking about is 90-91, when Musharraf was not even in picture. It was COAS Asif Nawaz, at that time. Anyways, it appears like that it's Nawaz Sharif who been coaxing PA generals into military action in Kashmir. Because every time...
  17. kinsr

    General Bakshi reveals Kargil humiliation

    Sir you have so many posts...Will you direct me to the appropriate thread.
  18. kinsr

    General Bakshi reveals Kargil humiliation

    How so Sir? What exactly was the master plan? Without thought for Indian retribution when it comes.
  19. kinsr

    General Bakshi reveals Kargil humiliation

    A very good reason to have suppressed that news.. '90-91 was a year of major financial turmoil in India... Don't know what duration was he talking about, could be VP Singh or Narasimha Rao. But none of them was in a position to mount a major offensive on Pakistan due to poor economic condition...
  20. kinsr

    TerrorMata Should be Worried about...

    Did you ask Pakistani Army before asking me? A whole dossier of evidence was presented to you. But since you don't have guts to own up anything,not even your brave martyrs, its pointless to provide you anything. You keep up with this charade of fake photos, and be a laughing stock.. We are...
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