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  1. J

    MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

    250 JF17 is expected to counter LCA, Upgraded mig 21/29 and mirage 2000. 2 sq. of J10 is not where the world ends for PAF, its just the start of inducting such high tech plate forms in PAF. As per PAF strategy (36) j10s will operational till 2014-15. what happens after that, which planes...
  2. J

    India felt it would win nuclear war with Pakistan

    And you think pakistan will just sit idol and wait for repaeted indian attack. Lets pray, that there is never a nucclear wars, the world has just witnessed the use of two atomic bombs during WW2 and thats when the japanese were not nuclear power themsevles. Thinking of any nuclear conflict...
  3. J

    MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

    Who told you that GoP has not given what PAF wants. Dont do wishfull thinking. Talk with reference and proof. PAF has spent 1.5 billion $ on swedish AWACS systems,3.5 Billion $ on purcahse of F16 block 52 and MLU F16, new UAVs, air to air refullers, induction of firsat batch of of 50 JF17 and...
  4. J

    MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

    Dear update urself first, who told you that jf17 is in development phase. JF17 first squardon will get operational before end of this year, and it will be stationed at peshawar.
  5. J

    MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

    Please don’t make drunk statements, passing such hypothetical judgments is useless. Support ur judgment with substance before passing ridiculous comments. PAF knows its requirements very well how to ensure on country’s air defence. Strategists at PAF are not fool who are willing to invest...
  6. J

    MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

    Here is a comparitive analysis of JF-17 versus LCA Tejas, judge ur self the positives and negatives of both aircrafts ur self . SPECIFICATION (JF-17 Thunder) Type: Multirole Fighter Plan induction 150 confirmed (250 likely) Production status: 4 delevered to PAF Empty weight...
  7. J

    MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

    Uffffffffffff guyz this thread is to discuss the MRCA and PAf response, please stay stick to the point.
  8. J

    MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

    Oh, I see! “problems” with JF17, would you kindly list any such problems. Dear for your kind information the first Pakistani JF17 sq is going to get operational before end of this year. We will have a fully operational JF17 sq this year stationed at Peshawar. Update urself, before writing any...
  9. J

    MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

    Religious brotherhood is a different thing, and reality is reality. And reality is what i have written about afghanistan. Only a foll could think that afghan air force will be a potential threat for PAF in future. it is nothing but a wishfull indian thinking. And "Yes" GoP is concerned about...
  10. J

    MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

    No dear, frankly speaking not possible keeping in view the finances and PAF strategy of PAF, reality could be is as following: - J10 (2 sq, only and thats also in 2015 according to PAF chief) - Typhoon (not yet on the PAF shopping list, till 2015 atleast) - 250 JF17 ( possible , but for 250...
  11. J

    MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

    Dear ISRO2, atleast think sensibly, before you write such dustbin stuff. No space for such drunk statements. MY goodness. Afghan air force a potential threat for Pakistan and PAF, hahahaha. my God. You must be joking, I am damn sure. Vow, quite interesting hypothesis, a country...
  12. J

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    Dear talk and compare only those things which have been achieved in this LCA project, AESA on LCA is a far cry. 1. The integration issues of an imported radar to the aircraft needs to be resolved. every body knows that Domestic multi mode radar program for LCA has ended in a failure. the MMR...
  13. J

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    The world is listening these LCA induction dates for the last 12 yrs . every time a date for LCA induction is given and the date passes away quietly with excuses from ADA and HAL after wards.
  14. J

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    Oh bhai zara halkay aa jao. My Godness indian home grown 5th generation. I think new episode of Great indian lauger challange.
  15. J

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    UFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, again those sub powered and engine delays stories. Bhagwan gee help ADA and HAL. This new ADA child (LCA) is too late (12 yrs late) and too old even before birth.
  16. J

    Indian Space Capabilities

    Missile program and space program are two different areas. But yes, no doubt indian have invested heavily in their space program and they are quite successsful in the space field. Space program has never been priority areas of our military and civil establishments.
  17. J

    Pakistan successfully test fires Ghauri V (Enhanced)

    More than half a dozen muslim countries have already recognized isreal. But has this recoginition brought any positivity to palestine cause, No not at all. On the contrary this recoginition by muslim countries has made isreal more brutal.
  18. J

    Khushab reactor evacuated, as cylinder explodes

    Yah man , no problem with the reactor, it was a fatal incident but wasn't a of matter of nuclear safety. It is an issue of industrial safety. Pakistan nuclear record is one of the best in the world, no nuclear accident has taken place in any of pakistan's nuclear facilities. PAEC follows strick...
  19. J

    Pakistan’s nuclear facilities said to be secure from attack

    Thats right, they should mind their own business. I can say this with 100% surity that possibility of any damage to any nuclear reactor of pakistan by terrorist attack is impossible.
  20. J

    Pakistan Missile Technology

    Dear i have seen that movie but better take it as a movie only, where hero always comes out victorious. Last week there was a program discovery channel " future weapons" it was regarding the US aircraft carrier in the gulf region. The documentary shows the complete arsenal on the air craft...
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