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  1. CombatSurgeon

    Houthis claim massive aerial attack on Saudi Arabia

    Certain people in our neighborhood had always been backstabbers and trouble makers for the muslim community. During Ottoman era , Mr Tamerlane fought with Yelderim and saved the enemies of Islam. Later on, Ismail Shah and others used to create crisis after crisis for the Turks fighting large...
  2. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    In real life Raptor is a strategically dislocating asset. Like advanced nuclear weapons it is meant to prevent wars just because of its presence. Many an adversary air force stops at what they're about to do by realizing the F-22 factor. God knows how many possible tactical engagements the...
  3. CombatSurgeon

    Indigenous Super & hypersonic missiles in development

    Well, well, Mr, thanks for giving me a lesson in respecting. But I fail to see where I disrespected anyone. As a matter of fact it was the other guy who was kinda mocking me. Read again his comments where he mentions Ghaznavi missile. I see your esteemed poster has stuffed the thread with...
  4. CombatSurgeon

    Indigenous Super & hypersonic missiles in development

    Don't be so condescending, man. Well, u must be quite good at throwing around quite needless graphs and other stuff because I mentioned that Ballistic missiles achieve a certain Mach level in their flight. People in defense circles usually worry about interception and that's where terminal...
  5. CombatSurgeon

    Indigenous Super & hypersonic missiles in development

    In fact, almost all ballistic missiles do achieve a terminal velocity above Mach 5. By definition Mach 5 and above is Hypersonic. Even a puny Scud does it!
  6. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Our pilots are not accustomed to using PESA radars, at all!
  7. CombatSurgeon

    Nauman Ali & Nauman Akram Went Hunting Together For Five Hours

    Love you, W/C Nauman Akram. You live with us all, forever. May God bless you even more.
  8. CombatSurgeon

    Nauman Ali & Nauman Akram Went Hunting Together For Five Hours

    A single, unrefueled sortie in an F-16 is unlikely to last for 5 hours.
  9. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Thanks for reaching the conclusion that you see no perceivable scenario for Hafr. Except as a backup weapon, which is saying it's useless primarily as a runway denial bomb. Maybe once we have defeated the IAF in the air and taken out all its SAMs and triple A on the ground, we could move with...
  10. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Well, can please tell, what use are Hafrs then?
  11. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Your sarcasm is misplaced, mister. 27th Feb mission didnt need Hafrs. If it had been an airbase attack, well, you would have heard different news.
  12. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Hafr and similar weapons are from a bygone era. Standoff is the the name of the game these days. But we may not be surprised if PAF bosses sent their finest once again on actual antirunway missions with Hafr duffers. But they might do it anyway. Halwara strike though not strictly a runway denial...
  13. CombatSurgeon

    Featured Pakistan Navy Type 054AP Frigates - Update, News & Discussion

    Yes. Conventional TBMs and hi-tech cruise missiles are not that much available in numbers sufficient enough to change the course of any war in the Sub-continent. At least for now. According to a former ACAS(Plans) from PAF, India would need to launch 50 such weapons to take out/substantially...
  14. CombatSurgeon

    With eye on China, India shifts 50,000 additional troops to border in historic move: Report

    That's why the Modi govt is kind of trying to be soft on its western border.
  15. CombatSurgeon

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Look at the links between runways, HAS construction and camo, siting of support structures- everything is superb. For Shahbaz or Masroor which are main bases you must compare with Tel Nof or Hatzerim.
  16. CombatSurgeon

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    An image of IDFAF airbase at Ovda. A peripheral base but look at the level of layout, design and overall quality. In comparison our own recently built Bholari is plain and rustic. Just my thoughts, by the way
  17. CombatSurgeon

    A Friend Interacted With Legendary Sukhoi Slayer !

    Great. Is the man now commanding 19 Sqn?
  18. CombatSurgeon

    Just a Nice Pic....

    A display of cheap sycophancy by painting royal figures on the jets!
  19. CombatSurgeon

    Afghan NSA spit venom against Pakistan from official Twitter handle of NSC Afghanistan - 2021

    More likely he and others like him would be shot and hung in a Kabul square very soon.
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