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  1. CombatSurgeon

    Featured Pakistan Navy Type 054AP Frigates - Update, News & Discussion

    This AESA is a good thing but it would be underutilized aboard this vessel. Similar systems like the French NS series, German TRS or Italian Kronos are multi-function sensors. They are either the primary radar aboard smaller ships or act as SAM guidance systems on larger warships where the...
  2. CombatSurgeon

    Featured Pakistan Navy Type 054AP Frigates - Update, News & Discussion

    Current practice says load up with as many missiles of various types as possible. Tico-class carries 8 Harpoons, yes, but look inside her VLS silos. Tons of Tomahawks. Also other FFGs and DDGs worldwide are similarly fitted out. Don't know where this 8, 12 and 16 configuration comes from.
  3. CombatSurgeon

    Featured Pakistan Navy Type 054AP Frigates - Update, News & Discussion

    Masha Allah. Everything is topline though I still cannot understand PN's love for Type 517 radar and its anachronistic-looking Yagi antenna! A modern solid state 3D search radar or even a basic conventional one could have given it a better look.
  4. CombatSurgeon

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    Yes. Erieye and similar AEW aircraft carry only ESM and CFDs. In some cases MAWS. No ECM to jam radars/missile seekers. These days an ECM aboard a slow mover is more trouble than benefit.
  5. CombatSurgeon

    IAF & DRDO successfully tested the smart anti-airfield weapon (SAAW)

    HAFR needs some legs to work in this age and time. Without a glide kit for standoff range, overflying an enemy airfield to deliver HAFR would be asking for too much from either the pilot or the platform!
  6. CombatSurgeon

    IAF & DRDO successfully tested the smart anti-airfield weapon (SAAW)

    I wonder how hard would a similar weapon be to make on our side? Match a HAFR bomb with a REK kit, remove HAFR's drag chute kit, insert a simple altimeter, INS and GPS and you get it. ImIR seeker is next level which we could consider down the lane. What do you say?
  7. CombatSurgeon

    Pakistan officially inducts HQ 9 Air Defence system

    Is it type 233 or 223, as there's no 223, I guess. Also missing is the type 305, both versions. So no ATBM capability!
  8. CombatSurgeon

    Featured Pakistan Navy prevented Indian Submarine from entering into Pakistani waters on 16th October

    Well, if nothing else the CO would have to make a lengthy report about the incidence to his FOSM. And an even more exciting face-to-face with his Commodore. Such patrol reports are fun, man!
  9. CombatSurgeon

    Featured Pakistan Navy prevented Indian Submarine from entering into Pakistani waters on 16th October

    For a hostile vessel to be attacked during peacetime rules of engagement, it has to be inside the twelve mile territorial waters limit. Beyond that you could just harass it. From what we see, the boat was perfectly hunted. It was dead meat in ASW parlance-Periscope/snorkel visible, FLIR ball...
  10. CombatSurgeon

    Pakistan officially inducts HQ 9 Air Defence system

    FM-90 for army came out from PLA stocks as a sort of gift. Maybe 2 or 3 regiments only. It wasn't adopted as a large asset over a long term basis. Army is still on the lookout for a SHORADS.
  11. CombatSurgeon

    How Egypt Ruined the MiG-23 and Compromised Soviet Aerial Warfare Capabilities: President Anwar Sadat's Cold War Betrayal

    Pointing out so called grammatical errors shows your own ignorance. Both type of spellings for words like neighbors and neighbours, defence and defense are correct. Better you stick to what you're trying to convey than to go on correcting language issues. By the way it also exposed your depth of...
  12. CombatSurgeon

    How Pakistan's A.Q. Khan, Father of the 'Muslim Bomb,' Escaped Mossad Assassination

    If DR A. Q. Khan proliferated, then US scientists like Edward Teller and others Jews associated with the American nuclear program were even more directly involved with helping the Israelis in their day. They took sabbaths from their jobs inside the US government labs and institutes and actively...
  13. CombatSurgeon

    Another fake news by India against Pakistan

    Gul Bukhari is as much Pakistani as was Ali Gilani an Indian.
  14. CombatSurgeon

    Pakistan's ISI, MI are effective at capturing CIA agents and transforming them into double agents: NYT

    The single take home point: Pakistan has been bundled together with traditional opponents like Russia, China and Iran.
  15. CombatSurgeon

    Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

    Sorry, no offence but I feel depressed when people commenting on defense matters use core instead of corps!
  16. CombatSurgeon

    Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

    Yes, Chak 23 BC area.
  17. CombatSurgeon

    Featured Pakistani Navy confirms Brazilian jetliner will replace Orion patrol aircraft

    Well, Dale Brown has been floating such crazy ideas since long, with Megafortress bombers and other stuff. His fiction is quite alluring.
  18. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Wow, bro. Now, it's offbore azimuth. And then Supermaneuvering Rafale! Carry on, please. You're invincible.
  19. CombatSurgeon

    Featured Pakistani Navy confirms Brazilian jetliner will replace Orion patrol aircraft

    Great crazy idea but how would it see air targets at long range with a downward-looking sea search radar, or in case it does somehow, how would it track them precisely enough to launch BVR weapons? Maybe, with something like wajdan ki taaqat?
  20. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Lock on after launch has got nothing to do with a side panel AESA.
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