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  1. H

    India to start receiving third S-400 air defence missile squadron from Jan-Feb next year from Russia

    And how many Buks or S300s did TB2s destroy? Lol, most of these bayraktars are lying in rubble after being shot down by Buks, tors, S300s and pantsirs
  2. H

    India to start receiving third S-400 air defence missile squadron from Jan-Feb next year from Russia

    H How many TB2s are flying now ? https://eurasiantimes.com/bayraktar-tb2-drones-out-of-action-from-ukraine-war-russias/
  3. H

    IAF lost 152 pilots, 534 aircraft, in crashes in past 30 years

    120 years to be precise. When we talk about Bengal and madras the number becomes 190 years. So what ? We're glad that partition occured. How is Pakistan faring now after economically and politically after 75 years. We got rid of Ghazwa Hind fanatcis with the creation of Pakistan. Technically...
  4. H

    IAF lost 152 pilots, 534 aircraft, in crashes in past 30 years

    Truth hurts ? Similar to how PAF claimed to shoot down an MKI just for that MKI to fly in a parade later Was the IAF an initiator of any of the conflicts ? The initiator, i.e, the PAF failed to achieve any of it's objectives. And of course who can forget the failed Operation Chengiz Khan...
  5. H

    IAF lost 152 pilots, 534 aircraft, in crashes in past 30 years

    fan fiction stories like that of MM Alam. PAF as an intiator of conflicts never achieved a single objective in 65 or 71. They were nowhere to be seen in Kargil. Indian mig 21s were made by HAL which back in the day had the reputation of having very poor workmanship and were known to be building...
  6. H

    Indian govt 'aggressively' developing infrastructures near LAC to counter Chinese aggression

    Give out information to compromise national security? No thanks If you want a clearer picture of the situation then look at the deployment pattern of Chinese and indian forces opposite tawang
  7. H

    Apple suppliers to invest $340 million in UP as iPhone maker to move more manufacturing to India

    Ha bhai siraf bangladeshi log iphone kharid sakte hai. You are the asian tiger
  8. H

    Tourism boom in Bangladesh.

    No, Bangladesh is a flood plain. Bangladesh does have a few hills in Chittagong region and along the border with northeast india. I guess those half a million tourists you're pointing out include 99% bangaldeshis, is it ?
  9. H

    Pakistan Army to Adopt Wide Scale Jamming

    Is the ew equipment in Pak army operated by signals? In indian army the corps of signals is responsible for conducting electronic warfare.
  10. H

    Can Indian T-90, T-72 MBTs be considered obsolete?

    Long range AD systems are the most well defended assets of the adversary, they are protected by layered defences, each of which is difficult to penetrate. UCAVs are vulnerable, like we've seen baryaktars getting smashed in Ukraine, it's better to make small, cheap loitering drones and...
  11. H

    Can Indian T-90, T-72 MBTs be considered obsolete?

    BM13 was replaced to a great extent by bm42 and israeli IWI APFSDS. Now we're getting new rounds produced by osho corps. . The upgrade includes a new 1000hp power-pack, TI camera, new fire control and stability system, a GPS based navigation system and a self defense suite utilising smoke...
  12. H

    Can Indian T-90, T-72 MBTs be considered obsolete?

    Half of the fleet is being upgraded to ajeya Mk2 standard, which was first seen somehwere in 2020. But most of the fleet already has the Ajeya mk1 Upgrade which is just as good, if not better than AL Zarrar.
  13. H

    Can Indian T-90, T-72 MBTs be considered obsolete?

    And what damage would it deal in a AD dense environment ? UCAVs are vulnerable, it is better to invest in loitering munitions and smaller kamikazee drone swarms, they are far less vulnerable. And autonomous drone swarms can't be jammed too since they are capable of identifying and engaging...
  14. H

    Can Indian T-90, T-72 MBTs be considered obsolete?

    If you execute a good combined arms maneuver then tanks are better off traversing across hostile ground . The infantry and Gunships hunt enemy anti tank nests and sappers prepare operational tracks. Effective application of combined arms warfare can reduce tank losses to a great extent...
  15. H

    Can Indian T-90, T-72 MBTs be considered obsolete?

    Less tanks wouldn't be enough to cover a large frontier
  16. H

    Can Indian T-90, T-72 MBTs be considered obsolete?

    Too costly for large armies.
  17. H

    Can Indian T-90, T-72 MBTs be considered obsolete?

    How is al khalid superior to T90S exactly ? I'm not talking about AK 1 here And from what I know most of the 2000 T72s in indian service are upgraded to Combat Improved Ajeya standard
  18. H

    No country has used terrorism better than India: Hina Rabbani Khar

    Why Is the pakistani government trying to blame all of their failures and problems on india while ignoring the corruption within the ranks of their army which has indulged way too much into governance and politics, are they trying to hide their failures in bringing about successful economic...
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