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  1. Suff Shikan

    Iran plans to build submarines equipped with nuclear propulsion systems

    yeah, Team up and backstabbed once again....
  2. Suff Shikan

    Friday sermon at Lal Masjid

    Go... go... Dial 911
  3. Suff Shikan

    Artillery strikes on Pakistan will only bring good PR. For impact, India needs more Balakots

    Far Cry 3 Vaas ;) Vaas: Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy. The first time somebody told me that, I dunno, I thought they were bullshitting me, so...
  4. Suff Shikan

    UFO sighting over Detroit April 2020

    flying Lanterns
  5. Suff Shikan

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    That left one?
  6. Suff Shikan

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    Mai nhn btaonga :p
  7. Suff Shikan

    Kargil war date:event sheet

    Nawa Aya hai Sonya .... Aisi Chutyapay ki baaten Fanboys hi kertay hain
  8. Suff Shikan

    Why pilgrims were brought into Pakistan from Iran. Zulfi bukhari

    Typical Shia mindset :D :D :D labels everyone of Takfiri Kharji Terrorist,Satan... yet start crying like bitches when called "Kafir" in result of ur own deeds ...
  9. Suff Shikan

    Why pilgrims were brought into Pakistan from Iran. Zulfi bukhari

    We all know here what who is filled with shit ... dont worry they all know
  10. Suff Shikan

    Meet Maulana Kafayatullah JUI-F leader

    Atleast not fabricating stories about Ahle -e Bait e Athaar R.A to make ppl cry.
  11. Suff Shikan

    At least five martyred in Quetta blast: ET

    Have u lost sanity, this means if ASWJ is going to have a rally, blast is imminent, then why not put all shias in behind closed premises in Muharram?
  12. Suff Shikan

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un May ALLAH TA'ALA grant them well deserved rank in Jannat.
  13. Suff Shikan

    What Indian Failed Weapon is This ?

    Its very useless to indulge in debate with Indians. BTW i mentioned the control fins, this image supports my theory.
  14. Suff Shikan

    What Indian Failed Weapon is This ?

    Kindly look at the fins in more detail, Control fins resembles to Spike SR.
  15. Suff Shikan

    What Indian Failed Weapon is This ?

    Spike ER probably Typical Indian opinion TOW missile ends with Control Fins, Spike ATGM has some extended body.
  16. Suff Shikan

    What Indian Failed Weapon is This ?

    Spike ATGM
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