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  1. Nomad40

    PAF victories against Israeli Air Force, kept secret for 25 years - Air Commodore (r) Khalid Chishti

    Respectfully the discussion over here is about Air force and not what is common between the the zoinst state of Israel and the Islamic republic of Pakistan. Without jumping in to politics and making it a dumpster fire I will only say that KSA and Pakistan are at worst terms.
  2. Nomad40

    PAF victories against Israeli Air Force, kept secret for 25 years - Air Commodore (r) Khalid Chishti

    You have too much time my friend...I dont want to tell you what to do with your time but I am sure you have better things to worry about. Let PAF deal with IAF. The facts are there for every one to see 1974 was a long time ago IAF took opportunity of Religious holidays and rendered useless the...
  3. Nomad40

    PAF victories against Israeli Air Force, kept secret for 25 years - Air Commodore (r) Khalid Chishti

    Don't wish rather work for it. The only reason why I dont see a lot of Pakistani youth Exceling quickly is because of $.......$ = opportunity = progress = $$$.
  4. Nomad40


    Me and you share the same passion!
  5. Nomad40

    PAF victories against Israeli Air Force, kept secret for 25 years - Air Commodore (r) Khalid Chishti

    You killed me with the shalom :laugh:.....sholamuna.
  6. Nomad40

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Popcorn but stale......
  7. Nomad40

    Chengdu J-10C deliveries & follow up news

    ich libe dutchland.
  8. Nomad40

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    For what?
  9. Nomad40

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    I can imagen, The Mirage boss preflighting going over parameters mentally.
  10. Nomad40

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    PAF has a decision to make on its Hands. Make Sherdil's F-16 up par with rest of its fleet.....Tape3/4 upgrades. OR Get hands on some AIM-120b.......Preferably. In my Humble Opinion there will be no more F-16s for the PAF unless there is subtle...
  11. Nomad40

    PAF Patches

    Canada shipping ?
  12. Nomad40

    Pakistani corner

    Unfortunate but you got what you wished for
  13. Nomad40

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Controlled flight into terrain............Although it is possible and has occurred before but I remember it being daylight and clear skies besides it was at the base of the Hill and into the hill, It crashed belly first and it is a fighter. Good job Call them
  14. Nomad40

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    I call BS.....Logically and not emotionally.
  15. Nomad40

    Pakistani corner

    Looks like you have adequate experience in the field, I would like to know more Please continue.
  16. Nomad40

    JF-17B Updates, News & Discussion

  17. Nomad40

    Whitest Brown Guy - Funny

    guilty of some of those.
  18. Nomad40

    JF-17B Updates, News & Discussion

    ugly flag
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