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  1. Nomad40

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    The fighter pilot.
  2. Nomad40

    The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

    If PAF gets 5 recoverable than that's an achievement. the sole purpose of an aircraft is to fly, If the plane needs to be transported than that is a big problem. I believe the Mirages can make the trip in one leg. Another factor is that of the Egyptian C-130. Most logical sense would be that...
  3. Nomad40

    The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

    NO this is not a jaguar strike package BS stop using the word's strike package, This is not even close to what an offensive look's like.
  4. Nomad40

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    We are talking about MKI's they have pretty good avionics PERIOD. Stop comparing an MKK to The MKI the whole avionics package exception of the Radar is bulked Israeli and french.
  5. Nomad40

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    yes and the air intakes--------awful awful RCS, Like the fattest person in the gym.
  6. Nomad40

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    I can agree with you on this one JH-7Aii will be an excellent replacement for mirage's. NO only spare's. Flanker has excellent avionics, it is one of the best dog-fighters it's thrust to weight ratio is impeccable. I know how the flanker fights and it's a dangerous opponent there is a...
  7. Nomad40

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    57* + bunch of nasty nasty surprises abhi ana khusbu laga kar.
  8. Nomad40

    Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

    They are safe plane's our boys try to save an asset less valuable and that what end ups taking jewels away.
  9. Nomad40

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    sthaaap we have to do the registration of the first c-130.
  10. Nomad40

    Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

    They are good frames F-7p not as much, keep in mind PG's are 15 years younger than the F-7p it is all about maintenance and this is what the Chinese have done for their lift requirements.
  11. Nomad40

    Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

    PAF can Easily upgrade FT-7pg to LIFT.
  12. Nomad40

    The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

    why are quoting Eagle any ways Ching Chola ayega ya nhi wu mujhay nahi pata.
  13. Nomad40

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    OKAY Write me a nice beefy check I will make it. Why are all of you hyped for Mirages that cant even FLY--------Spares you all SPARES.
  14. Nomad40

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Saudi ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA hand palm. The most battle worn F-16 I have seen
  15. Nomad40

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    nah besides the Lancaster. or lease it to ITPS let them take care of it I fly it on the week ends.
  16. Nomad40

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    London or Hamilton.
  17. Nomad40

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    That is true and same to speak of turkey, and the bulk of Arab nation's where our servicemen serve. Yet our populous utter "Long live PAK ________ friendship", WE ARE ALONE WE ALWAYS HAVE BEEN & WE WILL ALWAYS BE. In my personal opinion Pakistan armed forces, especial the Pakistan air force...
  18. Nomad40

    Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

    You have to understand Industry dynamics, Dedication of the PAF to do something like that there is thought process and motivation behind every move..........Why spend million on R&D when there are proven platform available to purchase. PAF's new strike speaking from historical POV will be the...
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