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  1. Cell_DbZ

    Contract for 13 Su-57 fifth-generation fighter jets to be signed in 2020

    The very first sentence of your own article states this: "The first contract envisages the delivery of two fifth-generation aircraft in 2019-2020" and later your own source states :"In 2020, we plan to sign the second contract to manufacture and deliver 13 Su-57 fighter jets, some of them...
  2. Cell_DbZ

    Contract for 13 Su-57 fifth-generation fighter jets to be signed in 2020

    The article itself (a Russian sate-owned outlet no less) states that there will be only 2 jets before 2020 and after that they will order 13, putting the total to 12, not 25. In what sense? them ordering just 13 jets or the jet fighter never going to be mass-produced? I don't think them getting...
  3. Cell_DbZ

    Riot control : How are our European neighbors doing ?

    I think that dialogue is good first step, as long as it doesn't give a sign of weakness; sometimes there's just no negotiating with rioters. I think that here Belgium it is fairly balanced, but to my feeling, sometimes we need to step down harder on people who riot just for the sake rioting...
  4. Cell_DbZ


    Oh no! You just posted a video of 'de Buurtpolitie'! It's a police series that 'replays' cases that happened in real life, the acting is so poor it has become a meme here in Belgium. It somehow became really popular with chilldren, so they switched from serious cases such as sexual harrasment...
  5. Cell_DbZ

    Year and method of last executions in Europe

    Well, but could't you say the same thing about executing someone? There's always that very, very small chance of a monster escaping and doing more evil. When dead, you can't kill, in comparison. In return, if wrongfully convicted, there's no return from the death either. I found a collection...
  6. Cell_DbZ

    Year and method of last executions in Europe

    Well, I agree, but is locking someone up for the rest of his live humane? You still would need to spend money in upkeeping said criminal, money that could have been given to someone who needs it more. The debate of capital punishment is very difficult, because both sides make good points.
  7. Cell_DbZ

    Year and method of last executions in Europe

    This chart has been made in 2017, as there have been 4 executions in Belarus in 2018 alone. Quite interesting is that there has been a referendum about this issue in Belarus in 1996 and 80% was in favor for keeping capital punishment. @Vergennes I'm sure that if there would be a referendum in...
  8. Cell_DbZ

    France's Macron Gambles on Public Debate to Restore National Calm Amid Yellow Vest Protests

    This has sooo much potential to fire back... It seems to me this is downward sprilar that is very hard to even stop. Actions speak louder than anywords (debate).
  9. Cell_DbZ

    Britain is STILL the world’s second most powerful nation!

    The Royal navy has 4 Vanguard class Nuclear Balistic Missile Submarines (SSBN). If you take into account that many tasks like maintenance, crew training and so forth is divided between a relatively small fleet, it is unlikely that all 4 of them are on patrol at the same time. The U.S. navy has...
  10. Cell_DbZ

    'That's enough!': Macron's MPs subject to 'unprecedented' abuse and threats

    While I defintely don't like Macron at all, death threats are not the way to go, that pretty much undermine the yellow vest movement. That mural scripture is just laughable and made me cringe.
  11. Cell_DbZ

    French fighter jet disappears near Swiss border; likely crashed.

    Very sad. I feared as much. For now only a french source: https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2019/01/10/les-deux-membres-d-equipage-du-mirage-2000-d-qui-s-est-ecrase-sont-morts_5407489_3224.html?xtmc=mirage_2000&xtcr=1
  12. Cell_DbZ

    French fighter jet disappears near Swiss border; likely crashed.

    How is this relevant to this article?
  13. Cell_DbZ

    French fighter jet disappears near Swiss border; likely crashed.

    French fighter jet disappears near Swiss border JAN 9, 2019 - 16:28 The Mirage 2000 is a single-engine fourth-generation jet fighter designed in the late 1970s as a lightweight fighter to replace the Mirage III for the French Air Force. A French fighter plane carrying two pilots has...
  14. Cell_DbZ

    BREAKING NEWS : Shots fired reported in Strasbourg,casualties feared

    May the innocent people rest in peace andmay the injured get a speedy recovery. Of course, Macron suddenly called for that attack in secret, he definitely doesn't have more problems at hand, noooo... A terrorist attack definitely won't shake up the French people and make them vote for far...
  15. Cell_DbZ

    France to deploy 65,000 police officers to maintain order on Saturday

    I hope he'll finally take on the real problems and start listening to the people. It all remains to be seen. There's part of me this is too late for Macron to save his skin as he allowed the situation to deteriorate I do think he's hiding, because if he keeps appearing to occasions and keeps...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    France to deploy 65,000 police officers to maintain order on Saturday

    I have been following this a little (amid the Belgian government falling) and it seems it got a bit grim in Paris at some some point, but the police had the control, unlike last week. I also read there were several protests across France too. Were they peacful? Were they big in numbers...
  17. Cell_DbZ

    France to deploy 65,000 police officers to maintain order on Saturday

    @Vergennes It seems things are going to get grim again, Belgain office of foreign affairs has called to not go to Paris at all in the weekend among other countries. It really seems that Macrons recent consessions really didn't stop anything or even slowed anything. Foreigners put on alert...
  18. Cell_DbZ

    France to deploy 65,000 police officers to maintain order on Saturday

    Belgian police is also bracing for possible yellow vest protests in Brussels, but they're meeting some problems...
  19. Cell_DbZ

    US marine crops KC-130 and F/A 18 Hornet lost in a mishap of the coast of Japan.

    Marine 'crops' I hope that somehow those men and possibly women get saved, but it looks bad...
  20. Cell_DbZ

    Nationalists Are Burning Federal Buildings and Degenerate Art Museums in France

    I also think there's the argument of sovereignty, because as far as I am aware, the increased fuel prices were partially 'inspired' by the climate accords (I could be wrong). So to the average Joe, those accords were made on the international stage, where the French people (and the whole world...
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