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  1. Cell_DbZ

    Grand Mosque Imam must leave Belgium

    Your argument was that Sharia was compatible with western countries, which it isn't. Sharia does not have a single interpretation, the only real consistency is that Allahs voice is central, you answer only to him, making Sharia not compatible by default. Your article from Washington post proves...
  2. Cell_DbZ

    Belgian Defence Minister Steven Vandeput says French proposal will not be considered

    New fighter jet probably won’t be French AP Wed 04/10/2017 - 17:19 MB In early September the Americans and the British let it be known that they are candidates to build and supply the 34 fighter jets the Belgian armed services want to buy to replace the F-16 planes that are currently in...
  3. Cell_DbZ

    Grand Mosque Imam must leave Belgium

    The point is, Salafist don't want to obey 'laws' of those countries, their laws or nothing. Sharia might have some 'nice'points, but it still prescribe punishments like whiplashes and even execution, you seem to be trying cherry-picking, by giving those good points you say 'look how good Sharia...
  4. Cell_DbZ

    Catalonia to Declare Independence Within Days After Spanish King’s TV Address

    Why don't they just blast into a hotel with force, it isn't like they have to prove anything:sarcastic:
  5. Cell_DbZ

    Catalonia to Declare Independence Within Days After Spanish King’s TV Address

    Catalonia to Declare Independence Within Days After Spanish King’s TV Address by ALASTAIR JAMIESON LONDON — Catalonia will declare independence from Spain within days, the region’s leader said late Tuesday after the Spanish king made a televised speech accusing secessionists of fracturing...
  6. Cell_DbZ

    Grand Mosque Imam must leave Belgium

    Sharia means something like 'path', you only answert to Allah and for example, for drinking alcohol, you can get 80 lashes or even death. Thus, I do have a isseu with Sharia, even more so when people pretend it to somehow be compatible with the west. :no: I know the difference, I have a...
  7. Cell_DbZ

    Grand Mosque Imam must leave Belgium

    First of all, I said myself that I simplified it all, but was I wrong? Salafism/Wahhabism is detached from western society, which causes radicalization. They are uber conservative and intolerant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism Of course my sources are limited and I never claimed to be...
  8. Cell_DbZ

    French emergency terror powers enshrined in law

    Allright, thanks for the inforlation. Well, I suppose if you aren't a terrorist, you don't have to worry about anything. :woot:
  9. Cell_DbZ

    Grand Mosque Imam must leave Belgium

    You called him an 'utter idiot' for it, he wasn't wrong in what he said, was he? Yeah and what is that doctrine? Sharia law. Sharia is utterly unacceptable in Europe. Now , Safaist movement is described to be very conservative, let's be honest, do they accept ohter point of views to be...
  10. Cell_DbZ

    French emergency terror powers enshrined in law

    Good, about time something (good) is done. Although I have read some critisism, namely that the term 'terrorism' is vaguely mentioned, this might leave the danger of designating something 'terrorist' which it actually wouldn't be, endangering the freedom. Is this adressed by lawmakers? I do...
  11. Cell_DbZ

    Catalonia has 'won right to statehood'

    That's because E.U. itself doesn't exist al that long, E.U. was forming while the Swiss had all the time to ake al the deals it needed. More importantly, Switzerland is an country that is a lot more self sufficient than Catalunya, Catalunya depends on tourism with Europe, something you need open...
  12. Cell_DbZ

    Grand Mosque Imam must leave Belgium

    Considering that the Imam has been in this positiion for 10 years in the capital of Europe, in Brussels biggest mosque, how is he not one of the most important Wahabi ideolog in Europe? No Wahabism teaches people to disrespect all but the most strickt form of Islam --> detachment of the rest of...
  13. Cell_DbZ

    Grand Mosque Imam must leave Belgium

    Grand Mosque Imam must leave Belgium Belga Tue 03/10/2017 - 13:47 MB The Head Imam at Brussels’ Grand Mosque is no longer welcome in Belgium. The Federal Secretary of State responsible for migration Theo Francken (Flemish nationalist) has decided not to extend the Imam’s residency visa as he...
  14. Cell_DbZ

    Catalonia has 'won right to statehood'

    It took Switzerland quite a time to get in the position they are today, does Catalunya have that time?
  15. Cell_DbZ

    Catalonia has 'won right to statehood'

    This is quite a tough situation, at one side you have the Spanish constitution beign broken, at the ohter side the 'democracy' has also been broken, 90% voted for independence, altough the majority didn't vote (in no small part because of the interference by the Guardia Civil). It's a bit the...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    Holocaust Denier Sentenced To Visit Concentration Camps

    It is clear you have some sort of a bias, this might be why you deny extermination camps existed. It's hard to believe such a story would be made, for what? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Holocaust_denial Good riddance.
  17. Cell_DbZ

    Holocaust Denier Sentenced To Visit Concentration Camps

    Oh okay, when I see a picture of dead Rohingya child, I will say: "this does not prove that the child has been killed by Myanmar, this picture just prove this child is dead" What do you think about those 'Einsatzgruppen Reports' recording mass killings of Jews (not just Jews)...
  18. Cell_DbZ

    Holocaust Denier Sentenced To Visit Concentration Camps

    Here's a gas chamber with Zyklon B stained walls (the blue color), definetely no gas, nooo... A lot of chimneys for just a prisoner camp... I could show you more, but that would violate PDF rules, as quite a few pictures are too horrific. But indeed Hitler firstly wanted to deport as many...
  19. Cell_DbZ

    Holocaust Denier Sentenced To Visit Concentration Camps

    The man in the article completely denied the holocaust, of course the Jews weren't the only victims, but many of them were killed, like the many Slavic people, any opposition and prisoners of war. Perhaps going to Auschwitz might not give you 'proof' of an 'extermination plan', it just proves...
  20. Cell_DbZ

    Rajoy wins Trump support over Catalonia

    Rajoy wins Trump support over Catalonia By Euronews last updated: 26/09/2017 Trump and Rajoy present a united front over separatist Catalonia From: El Mundo US President Donald Trump and Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy have both voiced opposition to an independence referendum in Spain’s...
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