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  1. L

    Imran Khan Says Country Is Under ‘Undeclared Martial Law’

    You made a claim Immi instigated the riots prove your claim otherwise your posting crap. Putting up links from government controlled media does not help your claim either.
  2. L

    Imran Khan Says Country Is Under ‘Undeclared Martial Law’

    You are clueless stop posting crap.
  3. L

    Nawaz Shareef attacked in London

    People should stick to civil protest not any violence. Its not out of the reasonable to think that coward got it staged by throwing some if his henchmen under the bus to have protestors removed from where his living.
  4. L

    Can PTI be Finished?

    Seeds of an idea have been sown sometimes it takes a while for the seed to bear fruit.
  5. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Rape of a 14 Yr old girl if true is monstrous. But they will still have sympathisers. What this is telling me is they are very scared and going to an extreme now to put down any negative imagine of theirs.
  6. L

    PPP Health minister claims Imran’s mental stability is ‘questionable’

    This dude posts too much fake news, I understand propaganda is allowed on the forum but it sure dilutes the quality of posts.
  7. L

    20 soldiers inured, few in critical condition after an explosion on a SFs convoy in DIKHAN

    ina lilah hay wa ina ilayhay rahjayhoon. We all are to go one day, our creator will judge us on how good or bad we were.
  8. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    The duffers will see negotiations as weakness and might want to intensify their human rights abuses. Meanwhile they have NO PLAN on fixing pak. Their only motive is to save their skins from future prosecutions rest of you living there whether supporting them or not don't matter. Serious...
  9. L

    Imran Khan, Bushra Bibi benefited from UK NCA £190m deal: Spotlight on Corruption

    I see this fake news continues to be peddled.
  10. L

    Pakistan makes unprecedented announcement of nuclear capabilities

    The generals are basically saying we have nukes don't try any misadventures to India while we are busy killing off a political party.
  11. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Welcome to 🍌 republic of Pak, where torture, kidnappings, killing protestors has become the norm. Don't forget to visit ground zero at Jinnah House, and on your exit remember to leave a 5 star ✨️ rating on our PM and military generals. Soon those visiting will be met with greetings of this calibre
  12. L

    Imran riyaz khan Amnesty International has said the events could amount to "an enforced disappearance" under international law.

    Who are you to say leave it, why don't you focus on what's happening in India if that is all your contribution. Lots of noise should be made about this kidnap, if he has been killed then those responsible need to be prosecuted even internationally if its possible.
  13. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Regardless of what happens to IK and PTI, one thing IK has done is expose the corrupt system in Pak and all its institutions complicity for all to see at epic proportions. Nobody can now use the excuse of naivety and not knowing.
  14. L

    Ex-Pakistan PM Imran Khan gets two options: 'Go into exile or face Army Act'

    Allah only helps those who help themselves. Right now pak is far far away from helping itself, it has the most corrupt leaders in power and they are not going any time soon.
  15. L

    Pak cries 'betrayal' after India successfully hosts G20 huddle in Kashmir

    Just make LOC international border and be done with it.
  16. L

    Fawad Choudhry Quits PTI ..and Asad Umar Follows !

    So as PDM and corrupt general lovers dream is coming true, question to them is how they going to get the country out of the economic mess. How are they going to have business kick started wheres the money going to come from, how they going to attract foreign investment, what they going to do...
  17. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Issue is those funds won't get to those who need it, criminals are in charge. More than likely they will steal the funds for themselves.
  18. L

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Facts on the ground dont need to brainwash anybody. The 1000's illegal arrests, torture, killings etc are real not fake. Add to the fact everyone and their dog knows PDM and the military generals are corrupt. You dont need to be on twitter to know that its been documented and reported on...
  19. L

    Pakistan is under martial law.

    Think you got Immi mixed up with the army generals and PDM
  20. L

    US sends warning to Bangladesh on free election

    Not sure how much you have been following the turmoil in Pak, its parliment, institutions are a complete mess, none of them are reliable and are highly corrupt. So this is why a VONC which happened under legal auspices but was done by horse trading which is illegal itself makes the VONC not...
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