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  1. N

    Reporter Confronts Jake Sullivan About Biden Standing Up To Russia— But Not China & India

    That is true. That's why It's the right time to take as much advantage of America as possible before it turns on India.
  2. N

    Indians crying in Canada after India bans Visa

    Bro Indian students have no other option. America and Australia doesn't give PR to Indian students. There are so many in my circle still looking for pr. My friend is trying for past 6 yrs in australia to get PR but nothing, he is just making his wife to do courses to stay in Australia. Getting...
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    Indians crying in Canada after India bans Visa

    I don't think very drastic will occur, even if it occurs it will be temporary. People here are forgetting that It's all about Elections. India and Canada are both acting because of coming up Elections. I guess after election all will be same old same old.
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    Indians crying in Canada after India bans Visa

    Yes they had temporarily banned students from Punjab , Gujrat and harayana. I think they lifted the ban Now, Because my housemaid/kaamwaali's daughter went to Australia on study visa 2 months back. Lol
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    Indians crying in Canada after India bans Visa

    Actually he's not wrong, I was in a party in Australia. Me and my friend were having drinks with some white men. So our very good white friend asked us straight out that why we were not smelling as he just met a Indian mom with kids in lift and he can smell her out of the Lift lol. So I told...
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    Indians crying in Canada after India bans Visa

    I think all canada has to do is make PR process difficult or ban some states like gujrat or harayana which are very noisy in support of Modi. Just like Australia which banned specific states or Like America who does not allow green card to Indian students or H1b Visa holders.
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    200 CPEC projects to be completed in 12 years

    Is not the butt hurt. Every big infrastructure always has a huge upfront cost. No matter which country is building it. That's why before starting such a project, a case study is done to know how many years it will take to get all the money back, used while building this Infra. Now , can u...
  8. N

    The diplomat Canada expelled was the head of RAW intelligence in Canada

    Lol , Politicians are like dogs they only bark when Elections are around. Be it Modi or Turdeu. After elections are over it would be back to normal. You guys take too much value in what a politician says. And canada will not suffer if there's less trade with India, they have America right next...
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    Mufti Taqi Usmani warned against participation of Pakistani females in Miss Universe contest

    I know we have xa standard of white skin/ northern features is the beauty . But world doesn't rdvovle around us. I was in srilanka and saw very beutiful girls, was really surprised to see the beauty. And same thing I saw in nepal as well. And Rajasthan girls were rough and beutiful, very at...
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    Pakistan still ahead of India

    This is 1 field I wish India dont waste money on, minimum nukes are enough. Dont want to be next russia with no economy but nukes like fountains in summer.
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    Indian Govt clears $1.4 billion deal for 12 SU-30MKI fighters

    I think these will be same old technology as no updated hardware has been mounted or tested yet. It will take time to validate everything.
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    ASIA CUP 2023: Matches Discussion & News || Host Rights Pakistan

    Would have loved a pak India final. But pak team is. Doing best to not go to Finals.
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    New York Subway rider pushed onto tracks in apparently random attack

    I was watching US travel log on YouTube last week and he was saying that everyone stands way back and only comes forward when train is stopped at front of them. As they are afraid that some1 will push them. I thought he was joking or making things up to get more views....🤔
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    I am out of the loop? Is India now officially called Bharat?

    In punjab we call india as bharat since ages, Actually it's been called as bharat by locals in other states as well I guess. It's just now educated youth and media made India popular. There was no need to change name , just say India in Eng and bharat in regional language on Govt papers. India...
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    Eleven LHC judges to get interest-free loans

    Off topic, what is this reaction score in the member profile?
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    Eleven LHC judges to get interest-free loans

    That too for Judges ? Judge or teachers have to keep atleast clean image in public. A judge should never ask for extra favors, unless it's the law giving them perks with jobs. If judges are taking such benefits I can imagine what's going on in police or other departments.
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    India’s military studying options for any China war on Taiwan

    Lol it's a standard practice by almost all armies to conduct war scenarios with neighbors just in case. I don't know what's there to make it a news. As usual our defence journalists are couch potatoes making up stories while eating Maggi noodles. LoL.
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    India's Chandrayaan 3 Success: Can Pakistanis Explore Space?

    I think , now days going to space is not difficult. If pakistan starts with even modest budgest, can do it within 10yrs . Why? 1.Because all the hard work and technology inventions have been already done. 2. With the advent of 3D printing, testing the concept and theories is relatively easy...
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