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  1. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    But not TV seeker. TV seeker is much more resistant to jamming. That is the reason why ukrainians are so concerned Russian can access to chinese HJ12 missile... that by the way it is based too in spike. Moreover, this new brand of missiles can easily be guided by TV and IR at same time by dual...
  2. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Many changes have been implemented, 1º.- significantly smaller air intakes. 2º.- much more aerodinamic vertical rudder root. And longer control surface of vertical rudder, as long as its height (indicating better handling in flight?). 3º.- much longer and outside deflected nozzle than older...
  3. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Optical seeker it is always better than radar or IR seeker. You cannot jamm easily a TV seeker, just the radio signal between missile and launcher. For that reason Spike/Almas are deadlier than other missiles. Because being wired one, they cannot be jamm in any way. Fitting those in a FAC it is...
  4. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Anyone has a close up picture of Dena´s Asr radar?. I think it is a mock up and not working radar; 1º This radar antenna has no lines of TX/RX modules typical from all radars, including ASR radar. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"...
  5. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Seems to be a drone for naval targetting. Red color of fuselage and green and red in the tips of the wings are for ideal for AA targetting practice. Under de wings you can see racks probably for smoke and making long trails... it is very good for training crews on AA firing... Fajr and Fath...
  6. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    IMHO those ships are for sure reliable ...a simple CODOD propulsion and tested navigation and communications systems make them safe... but being so light are not that seaworthy and in high seas in stormy atlantic makes those journeys a truly nightmare. It is possible and even desirable to keep...
  7. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Brave IRIS crews!!!!. PLAN started with patrols around Gulf of Aden 15 years ago and nowadays they have some of the best warships with hundreds of trained crews. Iran can easily build newer frigates and equipments, but trained crews are the truly core of a modern Navy, and IRIN have shown an...
  8. F

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    ARH guidance have limitations. Stealth aircraft with EW can jamm this missiles, even some aircraft are being developing decoys emitters for deceive this kind of guidance systems. IMHO the future pass for combining SARH with IR like SMII block III. It is a question of adding a small IR seeker in...
  9. F

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    This kind of radar of continuous wave are ideal for CIWS aboard IRIS and IRGC navy ships.
  10. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Excuse me. I thought you were suggesting to use a long range cruise missile as a Noor/C-802 anti ship missile, something that only has been achieved by the Russian Navy or PLAN. If it is not, I am wrong. Cheers.
  11. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    You cannot fire a 700 kilometres cruise missile without knowing exact location of enemy fleet. You need to know the position (even if it is aproximate), you need to know approximate speed and heading at least. And, obviously the Soleimani class have not sensors for adquiring those data. The US...
  12. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    It is not easy. You need to feed targeting this long range missiles, specially in naval warfare, where targets are constantly moving. Few armadas in the world can done this, first one was USSR navy with special targeting systems like Mineral ME radars. After them, only PLAN did something like...
  13. F

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    The real achievement would be to master a turboprop engine. Turboprops are more efficient, more powerful and silent than any piston engine. Mastering a turboprop would give IRGC and IRIAF a whole starting point for further projects. From trainers to cargo planes, and bigger and longer ranged...
  14. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Those were named CAM ships and IMHO those were not a "success". But the real utility of a UAV carrier it is something more common. Just a dozen of Shahed 129 and 24 Shahed 136/Arash-2 are enough to; 1 patrol sea lanes 2 gathering intelligence. 3 support operations / anti terrorist operations.
  15. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    It has no sense to put your best air superiority fighter under earth. They must be in harden shelters, with pilots sleeping inside for inmediate QRA scramble. It is so basic... It can be even a diversionary mock up... IRIAF can be making any show off suggesting they will operate from that air...
  16. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    It would be enough 3 squadrons of Su-35. Integrated Air Defense of Iran need desperately a modern heavy fighter, and this one it is one of the best (J16 maybe a bit better). Don´t suffer too much by their equipment. Sooner or later Iranian expertise will make own modifications over it, the most...
  17. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I don´t agree. 24 Su-35 it is first batch ordered. More should come. I read (National Interest) the total quantity were around 64. 3 Squadrons would be great. It must be separate IRIAF prospects about a indigenous fighter (I agree that iranian technology is enough mature for doing a national...
  18. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Neither spanish too. They will go simply alone. No one in EU will support this initiative.
  19. F

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    Almaz may be working 24 hours / 7 days producing differents missiles. And probably same with uralvagonzavod and other major military industries. Maybe those buildings are for subassemblies of pieces, if you see the columns or pillars they have a small width of no more than 10 meters. I think it...
  20. F

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    No, radio frequency it is just for newer versions of Spike (spaniards are producing them under license). Anyway RF guidance has problems because you can jam it. Javelin is a great missile.... and in few years you will see a persian version of it.
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