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Sub sonic cruise missiles are easy to detect against an opponent that has a stacked air defense shield in place.

It is disappointing that Iran’s low RCS cruise missile (Yobin?) has not yet entered mass production. The way subsonic cruise missiles can stay relevant is by lowering their RCS dramatically to avoid detection by capable air defense network.

Either you go supersonic (or in case of Russia Hypersonic with Khinzal) or you go subsonic but VLO radar signature.

Subsonic and traditional cruise missile design means many missiles have to be fired (saturation) with only a small % making it thru. In case of Iran, that results in unfavorable cost to effective strike power ratio.
Tasnimnews.com infographic of Su-35
I hope beyond initial batch, we make some joint production deal for making additional 100 fighters ...

and I hope we make the radar and IFF and communication system at home ...

with long range cruise and hyper sonic missiles, manned fighter needs to be heavy and very long range to be worthy to operate ...

USA is in process of making their F16 ai power remote controlled drone (they will use Start link for instant communication) , they will leave flight control to a.i and just communicate target and critical order via communication system ...
I hope beyond initial batch, we make some joint production deal for making additional 100 fighters ...
It would be enough 3 squadrons of Su-35. Integrated Air Defense of Iran need desperately a modern heavy fighter, and this one it is one of the best (J16 maybe a bit better).

Don´t suffer too much by their equipment. Sooner or later Iranian expertise will make own modifications over it, the most important it is data link, after it ECM/ECCM and finally any better radar.
I hope beyond initial batch, we make some joint production deal for making additional 100 fighters ...

and I hope we make the radar and IFF and communication system at home ...

with long range cruise and hyper sonic missiles, manned fighter needs to be heavy and very long range to be worthy to operate ...

USA is in process of making their F16 ai power remote controlled drone (they will use Start link for instant communication) , they will leave flight control to a.i and just communicate target and critical order via communication system ...

SU-35 should only be a stop gap. Days of producing many SU-35 would have been 10-15 years ago.

If Iran wants a production deal it should consider joint financing of the SU-75 aka checkmate. Which is basically a stealthy F-16. The SU-75 is more “future proof”. In 10 years even a heavily upgraded SU-35 will show its age against a 6th Gen fighter.

SU-35 should only be a stop gap. Days of producing many SU-35 would have been 10-15 years ago.

If Iran wants a production deal it should consider joint financing of the SU-75 aka checkmate. Which is basically a stealthy F-16. The SU-75 is more “future proof”. In 10 years even a heavily upgraded SU-35 will show its age against a 6th Gen fighter.

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As far as I know , su 75 didn't even make taxi test ....
In middle of a war, they don't have budget for developing new fighter .... Su 35 will lead us to pakfa ...
SU-35 should only be a stop gap. Days of producing many SU-35 would have been 10-15 years ago.

If Iran wants a production deal it should consider joint financing of the SU-75 aka checkmate. Which is basically a stealthy F-16. The SU-75 is more “future proof”. In 10 years even a heavily upgraded SU-35 will show its age against a 6th Gen fighter.

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This is exactly why purchasing fighters is nonsense. Even if Iran were to get a '6th gen' fighter TODAY it will still be in an endless catchup position wrt to the US. Yes ahead of the puff surrounding countries but that would be overkill since missile strikes will destroy them without 'fighters'.
As far as I know , su 75 didn't even make taxi test ....
In middle of a war, they don't have budget for developing new fighter .... Su 35 will lead us to pakfa ...

Maiden flight is 2024. Even if Iran wanted to produce SU-35, it would take several years for the infrastructure to be built to produce the plane inside Iran.

This is exactly why purchasing fighters is nonsense. Even if Iran were to get a '6th gen' fighter TODAY it will still be in an endless catchup position wrt to the US. Yes ahead of the puff surrounding countries but that would be overkill since missile strikes will destroy them without 'fighters'.

Iran’s need for air superiority fighter is to take the strain off the air defense network.

No air defense network in the world (even USA’s) could survive and against a massive air assault….forever. Eventually systems get lost, mistakes get made, attacks get thru, etc.

The issue is air defense systems are time consuming items to produce, so each one lost slowly but exponentially reduces the effectiveness of the network until it collapses. Iran’s interception force is made to prevent that and keep the enemy from having free rein in its airspace.

As for Iran buying fighters as a strike force (and not interception), yes that is kind of useless if the platform costs $100M+ per fighter. I prefer unmanned high altitude supersonic drones for that role.
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The issue is air defense systems are time consuming items to produce, so each one lost slowly but exponentially reduces the effectiveness of the network until it collapses. Iran’s interception force is made to prevent that and keep the enemy from having free rein in its airspace.

As for Iran buying fighters as a strike force (and not interception), yes that is kind of useless if the platform costs $100M+ per fighter. I prefer unmanned high altitude supersonic drones for that role.
Why is it assumed AD systems will degrade faster than fighters/? With Iran's layered AD the opponent will suffer if gets too close.
Why is it assumed AD systems will degrade faster than fighters/? With Iran's layered AD the opponent will suffer if gets too close.
The geography is a bit of an issue, you lose alot of coverage due to high mountain chains and hills. We got those F-14s because of the need to control skies over Iran in full. Same is needed today. As long as mountains in Iran exist, their will be a need for eyes in the sky to provide coverage in a huge country with difficult geography.

Interceptors are needed and will always be needed in Iran.
Why is it assumed AD systems will degrade faster than fighters/? With Iran's layered AD the opponent will suffer if gets too close.

It is not presumed AD systems will degrade faster than fighters.

It is presumed AD systems will degrade faster in the absence of fighters.

It is 2023, if Iran can overwhelm an enemy with its missiles then the opposite holds true… an enemy can overwhelm even the strongest Iranian AD network with constant swarm of CMs and stand-off PGMs and anti radiation missiles.
well , if you guys really were living in actual iran , you would knew about mass migration and lake of motivation among Iranian engineering and disastrous management by ISI appointed managers ...

an official salary of an engineer in governmental sector is 10 million tomans which by adding bonus will reach to 16 million tomans in best case ... its equal to 400$ in best case ...

currently we are paying international price for meat , fruits and almost anythings in Iran , for electronic goods and cars we are paying even higher than international price ...

so , just don't give me bullshit ideas about making new fighters with current status of Iran economy and ISI mangements who are appointed base of their supposed royality to the regime and in most cases don't know even basic of the field they are supposed to manage ...
well , if you guys really were living in actual iran , you would knew about mass migration and lake of motivation among Iranian engineering and disastrous management by ISI appointed managers ...

an official salary of an engineer in governmental sector is 10 million tomans which by adding bonus will reach to 16 million tomans in best case ... its equal to 400$ in best case ...

currently we are paying international price for meat , fruits and almost anythings in Iran , for electronic goods and cars we are paying even higher than international price ...

so , just don't give me bullshit ideas about making new fighters with current status of Iran economy and ISI mangements who are appointed base of their supposed royality to the regime and in most cases don't know even basic of the field they are supposed to manage ...
$400 per month is $5000 dollars per year salary of an Engineer in Iran.
He pays 5 cents for gas if he has a car (has modern mass transit in his cities) ..0.001 cent per kilowatt of electricity, 0.0001 cents for his natural gas..free education..almost free Health care...30 cents for a dish of Kebob and rice ..and he gets to criticize his country on a daily basis ...not a bad life if you ask me..:undecided:

His only legitimate complaint would be that he pays too much for his rent...well suck it buttercup...at least if they pour toxic chemical on your town someone will come to help you..

$100 billion for Ukraine. Nothing for Ohio.

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