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  1. F

    China collapse? China will be more powerful than ever

    It is so odd reading this kind of sentences... after expending the university savings of your grandchildrens in weapons in ruinous wars like Afghanistan or Ukraine... to rely on those wild expectations for winning that wild weapons career... I thought americans were more brave!.
  2. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Both of them are perfectly compatible. IRIAF needs urgently a heavy superiority fighter to replace ageing F14. But can, or better said, must maintain some national projects to continue growing their national aerospace industry. But suggesting that a F5 even with new system can do the task of a...
  3. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Some hints between Amnok class and Damavand II frigate; 1º.- Amnok have machinery exhaust gases just over waterline. That makes very IR signature much lower in the NK frigate. (+1 point) 2º.- Amnok have a MR123 radar (IR channel too¿?), what gives to the frigate a real all weather CIWS...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Congrats; After joining BRICS the most important, obviously is develop an alternative payment system to SWIFT, and after it a common currency out of US control. US cannot fight conventionally Iran anymore without paying an unacceptable cost. So they will continue to the end the economic...
  5. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    That is extremely interesting. As I said previously, IRGN doctrine it is outdated. US Navy and others have been working in developing different weapons and tactics to defeat swarms of small boats armed with AS missiles or rockets. From versions of US Hellfire or UK Brimstone to using even B52...
  6. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    This is commom mistake. Those UAVs are not designed for being operated in contested airspace. For that you need a dedicated UCAV, as much stealth you can design and build in series (more even than russian Okhotnik), and specifically ECM/ECCM and stand off munitions. Until today only USAF (even...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Ok, but which engine use? The shape is good and nobody can doubt about its electronics, given long experience in UAVs. But which engine fits?.
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    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Would kill to know which engine are moving Mohajer X... Damn another MALE. Maybe MODAFL give a huge prize at tenth MALE UAV model.
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    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    It is. We use this kind of drawing for modelling purposes. It is just a drawing done from an actual picture. Anyway it is beautiful. Moreover, a carrier needs a high speed for launching aircraft with meaningful payload. That requires a very powerful machinery and an extremely hidrodinamic hull...
  10. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    China has been always very good relations with Israel (let me be explicit, Phalcon radar and Lavi, if not any ToT for HJ12 based in Spike family). So any military deal for renewing the IRIAF would be inmediately answered by Israel closing any major transaction or agreement. Anyway I always...
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Maybe this is the reason why Simorgh medium transport and Saba 248 helicopters regained more attention. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture...
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    That´s another matter. China loves arabs because their national markets and their Silk Road iniciative... ...But needs Iran for distracting US military resources. Anyway (returning to IRIAF matters) if Su35 deal derails, maybe IRIAF will never get any multirole heavyweight fighter. J16 cannot...
  13. F

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Patriot was designed at first like anti missile system. That means it is not necessary to fit any autonomous seeker or ECM device in it. But Sayyad seems designed primarily as a pure SAM system.
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    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Cooperating with Pakistan in some areas won´t kill Iran. At some point they did it. The ECM equipment in the Moudge class it is chinese origin but standard in Pakistani Navy, for example. But many others fields can be shared, from UAV systems (with Iran masters so good) to guided weapons that...
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Exactly as China needs North Korea as a bullfighter cape; 1º.- Military poing of view; The more USAF/US Navy/CIA personnel is in the mud in MENA Region (Khataib Hizbollah, IRGC, Hizbollah, Hamas, just calling some).... the less military pressure in China´s front yard. 2º.- From a political...
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    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Excuse me but either Iran or North Korea can´t replicate the RQ4. RQ4 it is more than a big UAS. It has extensive IA assited flight controls and terrain and signals processing system. The RQ4 can, probably work completely autonomous, disconected from the satellite constellation. Gathering by...
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Yeah. I think similarly China needs Iran more than Iran needs China. The more F35 and DDGs deployed in Middle East, the less pressure in South China sea. So even it is just for deceiving and distracting military resources of US armies, a good fighter deal with Iran is more than good for China.
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    In Air & Cosmos, a famed air force magazine they published an article about the issue of delivering Su35. The main reason should be operational (RuAF need them right now) but there is suggestions about Israel pressure over Putin for not delivering. Those guys are usually well informed, but...
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    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Please think twice, and do some google search before believing those posts. Type 055 it is the lead ship of more than 70 years of naval construction. Starting from Type 053 which were a natural evolution of Riga class frigates and Luda class destroyers... Main Radar of Type 055 it is the THIRD...
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Agreed with Sanel1412. Something is wrong if irianian Government paid in advance for such advanced fighters and they re not delivered (breaking the contract) and last month the actual iranian Government visit Russia and talks about strategic alliance (March 31 2023!!!!!) and all those...
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