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  1. F

    How did the Houthis get such long range missiles? Comparable to that of Iran and Pakistan

    No, no, chinese did it. Through ali baba marketplace. Hey what a thread :coffee:
  2. F

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    That includes women and children uh?. You have an accountability problem, not only in the FED, to tell it mildly.
  3. F

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    They want another big party.
  4. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Maybe Mig-35, but Su-34 is much wanted for RuAF (they have suffered 15 losses if not more) and it is so good that Turkey will call Putin to not sell it to IRIAF. Su-35 and Mig-35 are best candidates right now. After that milestone more Kowsar and Yassin for LIFT trainer and CAS can be purchased...
  5. F

    Turkish Commander Checks Out JF-17 C

    CAATSA sanctions will avoid it. Only real alternative would be China. Nothing more out of there. Agreed. USA is in the verge of loosing hegemony I would sentence. It would take 5 or 10 years. But repeatdly mistakes from US governments are speeding up this withdrawal.
  6. F

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    So let me remember some greatests hits of glorious israeli history; 1995 killing of Yitzhak Rabin. ☠️. Hey a white power isreali did it 2004 killing of Yassir Arafat ☠️. Poisoned by IDF/Mossad. 2006-2007 Civil war in Gaza ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️. IDF ate popcorn and saw the palestinian side split in two...
  7. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Exactly. Designing a commercial aircraft from scratch I agree it is nowadays suicidal from a economical point of view. But being a TIER-1 supplier for SSJ or Tupolev it is much better. Russia needs desperately suppliers and customers for his few commerial planes and Iran needs desperately...
  8. F

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    If it is true, americans will pay for them too. You can bet.
  9. F

    New Image of B-21 Bomber Tail

    specially from that view.
  10. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I agree it is not logic to produce a commercial aircraft. Those are in a challenging environment very high demanding, an oligopoly formed by Boeing and Airbus. But COMAC it is breaking this, and Sukhoi with their SSJ just touch a residual part of that market. Anyway some companies of IAIO and...
  11. F

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    It is a genocide act.
  12. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Of coure americans will pay again. A fool is born every minute. If I would be chinese, I would invade Taiwan right now. For sure they would pay the Defense. 🕳️ "How to loose three wars without involving one soldier"; By Josif Biden.
  13. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    If Iran did it, now would be at first page in all neocon or jewish affiliated newspaper around the world. They can´t. Nobody can receive 2 millions of palestinians. Sisi has been so clear at this point. Jordania has been so clear at this point. And the EU will take this as a etnic cleansing.
  14. F

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    They are amateurs after 2.000.000 kidnapped and 8.000 murdered in 2 weeks. What a Nation!.
  15. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    That could be great. Russia could cancel Il-112 in favor of Simorgh aircraft and Russia would free budget for other projects that could buy IRIAF like more and newer A-100 AEW/AWACS. That aircraft has been essential for Ukr-Rus war and would boost IAD of Iran.
  16. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    It must be noted that Illyushin 112 is using same engine (Tv7-117?). Being a bi-turboprop cargo with rear ramp (same class than Simorgh) russian cargo plane suffered a terrible accident, and after months of investigations the program was stalled. So, if Simorgh project goes smooth 🤞 it would be...
  17. F

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    1948; Tantura massacre Watch carefully how he is laughing. It is nasty. 2010; Mavi Marmara massacre No one fire arm was found in none of the ships. Moreover one of the murderers was awarded and after some weeks he was found selling looted things from the assassinated activist in internet...
  18. F

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    There is a little diference. Iran is not earning one euro/2 dollars for this. Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are earning billions of dollars in this Ukr/Ru war. You do it for money. Iran does it for honor.
  19. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Completely agreed. Excuse me.
  20. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Be calm. It is not the moment. Iran needs a long term strategy. Refurbish IRIAF and IRIN. And for that you need money. And for money you need throw away SWIFT and US Dollar. It takes time. Everybody wants Israel bite the dust. But nowadays it is suicidal.
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