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  1. F

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    The best features of this missile are two; Non aligned firing mode. You can make LOAL (Lock on After Launch) off of the sight because the seeker is in the front of the missile, operator can see TV seeker and follow the objective without being exposed. Being TV seeket it is impossible to jam...
  2. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Agreed. VERTREP missions and even special ops. Even you can use flight deck for any modular weapon system, like Shahed launcher.
  3. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Near Chabahar port, there is a naval base (seems to be new, or at least renewed), there are stationed a Hendijan class patrol boat with x2 Nasr missiles. You can check Google maps. For ZEE patrol that missile give a good firepower.
  4. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    In this picture I can see three enclosed cylinders... if you see them carefully, you can guess two of them are same diameter, and the leftist of all three seems to be a bit wider. Those could be cofferdam hulls for x2 Fateh and the other for x1 Besat class SSK. Hope so, because with new anti...
  5. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    But, assuming your estimations are right, what it is the problem exactly?.
  6. F

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Why using a Karrar UAV?. Maybe for avoiding any F22 or F35 to hide behind their radar signal???
  7. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Very good news. Damavand 2 could be a new standard, and after two or three ships, jump into another bigger warship with turbine gas. One of the big issues of Moudge class it is disparity of equipment and systems. IRIN needs to standarize propulsions, sensors and weapons to make easier training...
  8. F

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    That is the key. From invading Lebanon to make the biggest concentration camp in the History. I agree at 100%.
  9. F

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Yeah, germans are probably buying amerika suport. And I am afraid after germans, spaniards will do... damn fighter mafia.
  10. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Interesting article. I agree it is crucial for Iran to develop a strong conventional navy to maintain sea liberty of movements and protecting SLOCs. Iran must be independent of any country to operate, safeguarding their naval commerce. I would prefer a indigenous version of Type 054A+ for IRIN...
  11. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I agree. Iran doesn´t need to be close ally of them. China needs Iran because the more military capability of Iran the less pressure of US assets in far east, and Russia needs Iran because Russia has lost many of old customers of their weaponry and industry because of the sanctions. It is the...
  12. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    It is the most inmediate choice for IRIAF. J10C is not avaiable due to pressure of EU and USA to China. More interesting was John Kirby worries about new weapons deals between Iran and Russia. In such escenario, Iran is able to ask some ToT in many fields, starting from aviation machining parts...
  13. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    No if you build them without receivers and emitters. All signals can be jammed, except the one that is not emitted. You can make a basic AI making them "Home on Jam" for example, and combining a basic visual identify guide storage data and use mainly of the shelf commercial (hard disks, low...
  14. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Maybe IRGC can make them unmanned, with IR/TV self-target identification (for avoiding spoofing and jamming signal between home naval base and USV). Those boats are suicide, but combining them in swarm, making them invulnerable to ECM/ECCM techniques, and sincronizing their attack with cruise...
  15. F

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    At least it is out of service!.
  16. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Anyway, sooner or later you need good SAM systems to protect those ballistic missiles. And for protecting those SAM sites you need good range aircrafts. Here comes F14s that were soooo good, but they are dying. So buying some Su35 will always enhance your integrated air defense grid. Kowsar are...
  17. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Seems they have finally a continous radar illumination for AAW capability, and that is really wellcome. But the frigate needs a IFF antenna (usually a small antenna over the search radar) and if possible a news search radar. But that illumination radar gives it a real AAW capability. On the...
  18. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I think that comes from polarization of societies. People start to become tired about economical and society issues. And you can find it from USA to China, passing from EU and Iran even... Hard times are coming around!.
  19. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Check google maps. Persian Gulf, specially islands like Lavan or Greater Tunb. Those small islands have non paved road that bypass all the island. You can distinguish flower kind marks on the sand (SAM sites) and small spots around those roads that are clear spaces for Noor/Ghadir class anti...
  20. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I would like to know why China doesn´t help Russia agains NATO members. Obviously not with soldiers, but also munitions and equipment. NATO wanted from many years ago bypass Russia with adition of new NATO Members just in their frontier. Moreover ABM missiles bases in Romania and Poland were...
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