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    China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

    As this land clearly belongs to the village it's not state owned. Co-operative enterprises, meaning villages, own their own land. The Muslims in villages have the right to build whatever they want. For religious structures in towns it's more complicated.
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    China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

    Some years ago when I read the Constitution of PRC it said that ALL land belongs either to the state or local co-operatives, meaning villages. So EVERY religious building in China, church, mosque, temple or whatever, is always on illegal ground, and it can't be otherwise. Because of this it's...
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    Where can i read about Aryan vs dravidian war stories?

    The The intruding Aryans unfortunately destroyed the existing system of writing completely. The same happened in Cyprus and Southern Greece to Mycenean cultures. Typically it takes some 300 years or 10 generations to invent a new one.
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    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    Do you mean this one? "J-20 does cobra maneuver over snowy mountain, warns India (china-arms.com)" "https://www.china-arms.com/2021/07/j20-cobra-maneuver-snowy-mountain/" (This site china-arms is weird. It was inactive from 2016 to 2020. It's definitely not run by PLA but could it be by US DIA?)
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    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    Sometimes you find interesting text in surprising places: From https://www.quora.com Bora Taş on January 30 2021 Lives in The Netherlands Computer scientist/chip designer. "United States is pressuring the Netherlands to block the sale of EUV equipment to SMIC by Dutch company ASML is...
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    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    Just FYI, that article from Junko Yoshida has a last discussion item from Junko stating an agreement on patents: http://www.wilan.com/news/news-releases/news-release-details/2019/WiLAN-Subsidiary-and-CXMT-Enter-into-License-and-Acquisition-Agreements/default.aspx As we speculated in our story...
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    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    That article from simmtester is a copy from article in EEtimes by Junko Yoshida two days earlier. That $70 billion claimed in 2017 never materialized. https://www.eetimes.com/changxin-emerging-as-chinas-first-only-dram-maker/
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    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    One aspect often overlooked is that major equipment manufacturers likely have many valid patents in China, too. Chinese equipment makers can't violate those patents without making royalty agreements first. Anyway a common feature in patent laws is that if the patent holder is unwilling or unable...
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    Chinese Air Force (PLAAF) News & Discussions

    Sometime in 2017 i had the next for J-20 forum (But then there are other cases..): This is a public forum on sensitive military matters and there are interested hostile parties around. Some discussants know more than they are allowed to tell. There are approaches to encourage them to slip out...
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    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    Hi Martian2! So good that Samsara took the trouble to clarify basic concepts. Anyway it now seems to me that as China stopped the construction of large U235 plants in early 1980 to concentrate economic resources elsewhere that likely was a clever move. More recently China possibly has...
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    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    One more note: As I mentioned before the number of 250 warheads may be related to the number of hydrogen / fusion bombs and that figure comes from production of tritium to keep them in operating condition. According to wikipedia's Nuclear_weapon_yield article a typical size for a fission...
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    Type052D => Type052E, China new class DDG prepare for building

    You seem to have confusion with 052E and 180 markings. Your previous post contains many correct pictures, including this one: (Unless if there are separate 052E and 052EA types)
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    CIA-RAW Psy-Op On Taliban-Daesh Alliance Exposed As Anti-CPEC Plot

    Nice article about how CIA uses misinformation to create quarrels. The authors usual home orientalreview org seems to be some kind of sister site of sputniknews. Russians are extremely active in speculating on all kinds of conspiracies. In this case the author seems to be correct.
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    Recent Sino-Indian border conflict

    Right now China shall concentrate on maintaining peace. In large wars the human and material losses are far too big. Part of that effort is to create a strong modern military. An important step ahead in the future is going to be the collapse of Western propaganda machinery. To be a real turning...
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    The Coming War on China

    An afterthought to the previous: I'm not quite sure but I think that in 1960's as China - Soviet relations soured the Soviet medias started to borrow much Western material related to China. Such CIA inspired news could explain a couple of things: 1. Even today many Russian leaders seem to be...
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    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    Don't know about lithium deuteride, I'm not an expert. Anyway Americans seem to look at North Korean tritium. See "N. Korea is clearly advancing H-bomb development" in english.yonhapnews.co.kr/news/2017/06/27/0200000000AEN20170627007000315 html The no-first-use policy is not only about lack of...
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    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    Two remarks: 1. The US estimate is partly based on the estimated production of tritium in China. Some amount of it is necessary to keep hydrogen / thermonuclear bombs in order. Fusion based bombs do not need that and so more of them may exist. 2. After first bomb experiment Mao Zedong declared...
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    China's New Stealth Bomber: H-X / H-20

    On 18.1. Grey Boy2 had this one among new year greetings and it looks similar. Could it be a swing wing design? https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/chinese-air-force-plaaf-news-discussions.84214/page-97
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    The Coming War on China

    Notes on Reliability of Sources: General picture: There are huge differences between various cultures, various organizations and various people in how to behave towards such things as telling the truth and keeping up agreements. Those extremely different views on proper behavior collide all the...
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    China to hold military parade to mark 90th anniversary of PLA.

    It's peculiar they call this a parade. During my own military service long ago we had something similar in small scale when leaving the barracks for one week of field exercise. Troops and wagons and ammunition for a few days arranged in lines. It was called a war readiness inspection. As an...
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