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  1. vishwambhar

    ZORAWAR.... New beast coming shortly.....

    Did not I say this light tank is there to teach Type 15 a lesson....
  2. vishwambhar

    India presents China a two-front problem, says US navy chief

    Sikkim merger was after the approval and invitation from Sikkim royal family in 1975.... AP was not invasion it was preemptive capture in 1986 because India already smelled china was going to do Tibet on AP.... AP population too was always on India side.... Invasion is called what you did on...
  3. vishwambhar

    India's Vikrant vs China's Fujian: Why Made-in-India aircraft carrier outshines Beijing's warship

    Chinese AC is superior but for India Vikrant will give her enough fire power required in IOR and nearby water ways..... even if Vikrant has to face Fujian in these areas then too she will have adequate fire power, supply chain and weapons support from other war ships and land based systems EG...
  4. vishwambhar

    Indian Air Force 🇮🇳 Will Soon Be Acquiring The Tupolev TU-160 "Blackjack" bomber From Russia

    If that is the case I agree with you but what if they want to make some fast cash by offering avail units? They are already in a war....
  5. vishwambhar

    India presents China a two-front problem, says US navy chief

    Its a deterrence so you do not do any misadventure.... Yes and at least they are safe from China... Look at both Taiwan and Japan.... China can't do a jack instead of useless military drills......
  6. vishwambhar

    India presents China a two-front problem, says US navy chief

    Do you know how much territory India got from China???? Okay they took 38K in 1962 and AS PER YOUR CLAIM 1K additional.... so lets make it 39K or if it gives you extra satisfaction then make 40K.... India in 1975 annexed Sikkim territory of 7K sq km and to top it in 1986 India capture AP...
  7. vishwambhar

    Indian Air Force 🇮🇳 Will Soon Be Acquiring The Tupolev TU-160 "Blackjack" bomber From Russia

    I myself had doubt on this news but now this is being discussed quite frequently and even mainstream Indian channels these days talking about this possibility..... why then you call it wet dream.... Its not IMPOSSIBLE for India if she wants this bomber....
  8. vishwambhar

    "We will open trade route with India , importing if necessary to save our own farmers : PAK Finance Minister

    What are you saying my friend.... Food is food and has to be shared as well as has to be accepted in tough times forgetting all the bitterness....
  9. vishwambhar

    Indian Air Force 🇮🇳 Will Soon Be Acquiring The Tupolev TU-160 "Blackjack" bomber From Russia

    If things were in my control I would have brought American B series bombers for India....
  10. vishwambhar

    Most air polluted cities on earth

    My darling Mumbai it's great to see that baby isn't in the list in spite of being an economic capital of India and most densely populated island city of India.... Why? because Mumbai has always taken care of an environment..... No wonder in Mumbai in some parts you are at risk of being a prey...
  11. vishwambhar

    India presents China a two-front problem, says US navy chief

    Let China increase presence.... we have seen it in doklam as well as current stand off..... As long as Pakistan liking or disliking India may not care much.... highly possible....
  12. vishwambhar

    Scariest places....

    Yes exactly this is the reason in India you must lit up a light in front of God in the evening.... if a person dies you can't leave that house you must stay for at least a year in that house...
  13. vishwambhar

    India presents China a two-front problem, says US navy chief

    Why waste your energy to even reply on such posts..... ZERO to begin with my friend....
  14. vishwambhar

    Scariest places....

    A very very scary incident happened with my best friend mamaji in Maharashtra jalgaon city.... They are very rich farmers in jalgaon but on one night his mamaji went on farm to check everything including water pumps..... He was patrolling everything on his tractor (his car was parked somewhere...
  15. vishwambhar

    India presents China a two-front problem, says US navy chief

    It's not a lack of confidence unfortunately we have 2 nuclear enemies on our east end west with huge armies..... imagine a two front attack??? Though India a big country Punjab and Himachal corridor is narrow its no joke 2 hold 2 powerful militaries for a long time.... USA military presence in...
  16. vishwambhar

    PM Modi government 'crushes' terror, only 7 attacks in 8 years

    Very true..... these guys overreact when it comes to Subject MUSLIM..... as if only MUSLIMS have a right to live and all are innocent saints....
  17. vishwambhar

    Scariest places....

    Yes as virus said in some kids there have been a cases of them remembering their past life and many have proven this by narrating something about their past life house and it came out exactly same as described..... such people later on forget this as they grow up
  18. vishwambhar

    Scariest places....

    Some people with powerful stars never see a ghost even if they are staying in haunted places whereas people with weak stars can easily spot the ghosts....
  19. vishwambhar

    India presents China a two-front problem, says US navy chief

    What we need is to offer bases to American military in India just like Saudis do..... Nobody will dare to attack India after that..... We are QUAD partners and we should really explore this possibility....
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