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Indian Air Force 🇮🇳 Will Soon Be Acquiring The Tupolev TU-160 "Blackjack" bomber From Russia

But eventually that's the reason for such stupid reports which are only too eagerly picked up by the uniformed media to have a sensational story? Instead of pointing towards exactly this issue, years of mismanagement, failures and delays on behalf of the industry, the IAF's and MoD's over-bureaucratic decision making process and the real issues, it is much easier to claim such a bombastic story.
Talk and talk and when cannot talk on the stuff anymore, create some new stuff so you can keep talking. Pretty much the working of IAF-MoD for last 2 decades imo.

Nonsense. We've been over this before. No nation would sell it's nuclear secrets in the open, india's missiles are the backbone of it's nuclear detterent. Why would we even develop missiles if we can't mount them. You seem to be lacking common sense

IAF will actually lose 4 squadrons till 2030. Mig29s , Jags , Mirage 2000s will be kept flying till 2035. Mig21s will be replaced by 4 squadrons of tejas mk1a on order. Meanwhile AMCA and Tejas Mk2 will replace the mirage , mig 29 and Jag squadrons
Only 3 out of 6 Jaguar squadrons are to go Darin 3 update. The rest 3 originally acquired in 1980 will be retired. They have almost reached the end of their life.

The first Mig29 to go UPG were delivered in 2012. So by 2030 the 1st Mig29UPG squadron will retire.
If things were in my control I would have brought American B series bombers for India....
No, it's again a wet-dream!
I myself had doubt on this news but now this is being discussed quite frequently and even mainstream Indian channels these days talking about this possibility..... why then you call it wet dream.... Its not IMPOSSIBLE for India if she wants this bomber....
Russia don't export it's strategic weapons to even it's closest allies. It's a policy just to maintain edge in the conflict and to stop enemies getting it's tech secrets.
No possibility Bharat mata getting this strategic bomber from russia after sleeping with uncle SAM .
I myself had doubt on this news but now this is being discussed quite frequently and even mainstream Indian channels these days talking about this possibility..... why then you call it wet dream.... Its not IMPOSSIBLE for India if she wants this bomber....

It is impossible simply since Russia won't sell it nor is able to produce enough for its own Air Force.
It is impossible simply since Russia won't sell it nor is able to produce enough for its own Air Force.
If that is the case I agree with you but what if they want to make some fast cash by offering avail units? They are already in a war....
This TU thing is a flight of fancy, created by fanciful flight of someone.
most reliable Russian bomber is Tu-22M3. the news is fake because India did not lease four Backfire bombers in the early 2000's. Of course Indian navy has retired Tu-142 which could be modified as long range bombers
This is a BS clickbait thread. Some guys twitter feed without a legitimate press announcement about mediocre news at best. I can say Taliban are going to Mars, thats not a basis to start a thread.

There are people with nothing to with their time (this person happens to be Indian) thinks by coming up with news their friend made up (and its mediocre news at best), somehow posting it makes their country a superpower.

Please post news thats real information with some source of legitimacy for debate.

To the OP: your reaction score is negative, and posts like this will take you further down. For sake of your country's fake pride, pls at least post fake news from one of Modi's men vs. a nobody
How would this work in the Indo Pak scenario, when both sides posses long range SAMs and are also right next to each other?

Or even the sino indo scenario?

Not every Armed Forces - Command Headquarters - Defense Systems are having Capabilities to Intercept High Attitude Aircrafts !!!

Network Communication above in High Attitude won't work due to Lower Orbit Satellites Network Communication !!!

China's border is a vast no man's land in Tibet. Even if India buys Tu-160, it poses no threat to China.

Union of India - Establishment Authority Defense Industries do produce Heavy attitude Bombers in Joint Collaboration with Arab League Defense Industries !!!

The biggest threat to China of Tu-160 is that it is a very good nuclear weapon delivery platform when the Chinese Army assists Pakistan.

So are you saying Chinese Military Planners - Great Game Plan ???

In fact, for the time being, there is no evidence to prove that India has the technology of miniaturization of nuclear weapons, so India may not have the ability to use missiles to deliver nuclear weapons. The Tu-160 may be India's most powerful nuclear weapon delivery platform.

So, Defense Analysts have to disclose about Union of India - Establishment Authority Atomic Agency Achievements in the field of Atomic Bombs; Hydrogen Bombs and Enriched Uranium Upgraded Bombs ???
They can be used to launch cruise missiles from safe distances. I can see India using them in anti-ship missions.

From where can the Military Flights against Indian Armed Forces can take Off ???

1. Siberia
2. Beijing
3. Vladivostok
4. Kamchatka
5. Almaty

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