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  1. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    Please do not at all give me this excuse that it was flying through civilian airliners path.... A nuclear capable missile of your enemy flies for 4 plus minutes in your air space crossing over multiple high value targets... you do not even know it was malfunctioned or fired intentionally, was...
  2. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    Okay it has not served any cause... at least he tried and made USA feel how would India react on offensive platform when she can react like this on support equipment...... that is enough..... and he has not whined or did anything abnormal..... Even China would do the same if tomorrow America...
  3. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    We know that F-16 is there against India only.... after all terrorist do not have air force.... But I will still appreciate our FM or overall Govt. for taking such a big stance over just support equipment..... Tomorrow cannot say confidently but we will have slim chances of stopping something...
  4. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    Still its just subsonic weapon and any country will choose Brahmos over Babur.... Now the range is also 800 plus KMs maybe even more.... about IR signature we have seen that in Miyan Channu episode.... If malfunctioned missile can go so deep then better not speak about Brahmos fired...
  5. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    Yes and I am replying on same... we are not whining at all.... we are just doing what every nation will do..... today if we don't protest on support equipment then what is the guarantee USA wont become further bold to offer something more offensive.... we may not be able to do anything even in...
  6. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    We enjoy huge geographical depth compared to Pakistan and not to mention BRAHMOS is supersonic weapon can be launched to from land , air and sea and will quickly destroy targets before enemy gets time to respond... Babur is good but subsonic and India due to large depth will have much more...
  7. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    Indians are not embarrassing themselves.... We are just doing what every nation does when its enemy is being armed or being given any technical support... You seriously believe that China wont cry tomorrow if USA offers just a support equipment on existing Taiwan platforms? Why was USA crying...
  8. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    It is not like we are cry babies... Every country will do it when its enemy is being armed.... Super power China does cry when USA arms tiny Taiwan.... even Super power USA cried when Russia sold AK 47 rifles to Venezuela under Chavez.... we are ordinary India after all.... F-16 with AIM 120...
  9. vishwambhar

    Dhaka takes note of Beijing's absence over Myanmar border tensions discussion

    I did not know about this.... wonder how did so big population traveled their and how did Pakistan allowed? or is it much earlier before Myanmar started the crack down?
  10. vishwambhar

    Is Bangladesh willing to be a part of Greater India?

    I know Siliguri is not a transport paradise but imagine if India BD relations were just like India Pak relations.... would we have any choice in this case but to depend on Siliguri only? Yes China can bomb the convoys but India too will try her best to protect it and it is not as easy as it...
  11. vishwambhar

    Dhaka takes note of Beijing's absence over Myanmar border tensions discussion

    Possibility of rohingyas in Pakistan is very less at least they are not more than what India and Bangladesh are hosting.... by crossing borders they have access to only these countries.....these people are so poor that they didn't have means to travel to Pakistan..... Not exactly troops but...
  12. vishwambhar

    Dhaka takes note of Beijing's absence over Myanmar border tensions discussion

    Indonesia might be giving some lip service but it's not to the extent that Burma will listen.... this is the reason still rohingyas are in BD and in large numbers in India too when Burma forced them to flee..... reason I feel is Indonesia is not that much interested to get herself involved into...
  13. vishwambhar

    Is Bangladesh willing to be a part of Greater India?

    Akhand Bharat is not real and majority of people in India doesn't give a damn about it..... believe me.... for access to NE we have our own siliguri corridor to connect and if friendly BD government is there we can still get permission to travel within BD..... there is absolutely no reason to...
  14. vishwambhar

    Is Bangladesh willing to be a part of Greater India?

    Question should be other way round.... is India willing to accept a very small overcrowded landmass like BD as a part of India???? Sometimes I really wonder about the mentality of people who actually publish such articles.....
  15. vishwambhar

    Dhaka takes note of Beijing's absence over Myanmar border tensions discussion

    My friend turkey is no way in any position to help BD against Myanmar.... it's situated in Mediterranean and doesn't at all have any power projection capacity to help BD.... at the most it will only supply costly equipment which may face an attrition in the war with Myanmar..... Indonesia is...
  16. vishwambhar

    USAF General Says ‘No Nation In Their Right Mind’ Would Want To Fight Beijing

    Some people in spite of being richer like to behave like a poor.... they actually enjoy it..... America is doing same when she bluffs like this....
  17. vishwambhar

    What ya eating?

    Biryani by kilo is my favorite.... but since I and my family strictly vegetarian we have only tasted Vegetarian Biryani and an awesome jackfruit (kathal biriyani) Biryani...... really delicious...... must try.....
  18. vishwambhar

    India raised objection to Pakistan F-16 refit during "each and every" bilateral meeting with US

    Then did I say anything different??? My friend please read my post carefully and then reply.... Please.... But whatever examples you gave were absolutely wrong.... Apache, C130, Rafale and others were signed much before 27th February.... so it was not Pakistan that made India to rush over and...
  19. vishwambhar

    India raised objection to Pakistan F-16 refit during "each and every" bilateral meeting with US

    I have explained this many times and today last time I am repeating.... Firstly please do not try to teach us about western systems.... Apart from Russian weapons we have enough large experience of operating western systems including vertical take off capable Harriers to Mirages and Jaguars...
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