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  1. vishwambhar

    Ex-PM Mahathir says Malaysia should claim Singapore and Riau Islands

    Thanks for detail information...... What a nightmarish scenario it will be for any country in this world if together 2 super powers China and USA coming together to deal militarily..... Thanks for detail information..... Only one small doubt do you really think India will try to help Singapore...
  2. vishwambhar

    Ex-PM Mahathir says Malaysia should claim Singapore and Riau Islands

    Yes now remember my driver in Singapore was once telling that in Singapore everything is just imported even water.... That time I didn't realise that even water flows from Malaysia..... But suppose if Malaysia does this in reality will there be a war? What will be the reactions of bigger powers...
  3. vishwambhar

    Ex-PM Mahathir says Malaysia should claim Singapore and Riau Islands

    It's my dream too to one'day visit kaula Lumpur as that time I could visit only Malacca city in Malaysia as my package was only for that..... Yes Singapore and Malaysia falls in a belt where it rains throughout a year..... In Singapore many times it was a bright sunny day but when it will...
  4. vishwambhar

    Ex-PM Mahathir says Malaysia should claim Singapore and Riau Islands

    Yes this I agree especially USA is not going to take such invasion lightly..... And yes Singapore is really a beautiful country..... I was there for 12 days with family and how quickly those 12 days passed I didn't even realise.... Visited Malacca city in Malaysia too in the same trip when I...
  5. vishwambhar

    Ex-PM Mahathir says Malaysia should claim Singapore and Riau Islands

    I know that Singapore has a powerful Air force and Navy but I have been to Singapore and that country is so small I doubt any determined attack by geographically larger country like Malaysia with decent military which it possesses will give Singapore enough time to save it's bases and then allow...
  6. vishwambhar

    Ex-PM Mahathir says Malaysia should claim Singapore and Riau Islands

    Militarily Singapore is way too powerful than Malaysia but lacks strategic depth..... If Malaysia attacks with full determination it's highly possible for large Malaysia to occupy it
  7. vishwambhar

    Is Indian Aircraft Carrier a Big Threat for Pakistan Navy?

    It is a threat only and only if PROVOKED..... otherwise its just another ship as the whole world know how much peace loving country India is.....
  8. vishwambhar

    How much money do you spend on yourself

    Hardly 5 to 7k a month on myself that also includes my own travel to office and home..... Maybe 10 to 12 once in 6 months if I have to buy myself some clothes or other things...... I do spend a lot on me than above mentioned amounts but that happens only if I'm on family vacation and...
  9. vishwambhar

    ALERT 🚨 India conducts night trial of Prithvi II missile from Integrated Test Range off Odisha coast

    My friend if you are comparing today Prithvi with scuds used in gulf war then you are making mistakes..... I agree Iran is a great missile power and have proven even against USA but seems you underestimate Indian missiles too much.... I suggest you to take some free time and study about Indian...
  10. vishwambhar

    ALERT 🚨 India conducts night trial of Prithvi II missile from Integrated Test Range off Odisha coast

    Pralay means VINAASH.... A TOTAL DESTRUCTION THAT CANNOT BE AVOIDED..... My friend if you are comparing today Prithvi with scuds used in gulf war then you are making mistakes..... I agree Iran is a great missile power and have proven even against USA but seems you underestimate Indian missiles...
  11. vishwambhar

    "Purchase of BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles is only the beginning of a partnership," says undersecretary Philippines foreign ministry

    Congratulations to Philippines for BRAHMOS....... However great power comes with great responsibility..... Hope Phillipines will use this power to only keep china in check and not to bully other neighbouring countries.......
  12. vishwambhar

    India, Bangladesh 12-day joint military drill SAMPRITI-X culminates

    We are strategic allies...... Together we can form our own South Asia QUAD...... This millitary together will be impossible to deal for any power barring USA .......
  13. vishwambhar

    China will attack Taiwan anytime in preparations of war drills

    My worry is they're trying to divert world attention by doing some manuovers near Taiwan but China's actual target is India..... Sudden possibility of Chinese attack on India cannot be denied..... Taiwan China won't dare to attack'directly as Taiwan itself is armed to teeth and also have full...
  14. vishwambhar

    In the next 10 years, India will be a massive superpower in world of sports: Vinit Karnik

    In 92 when I was just 8 years old kid I still remember my dad used to praise Pakistan cricket team for being most dangerous one.... that time West Indies and Australia were also in their full form but dad always used to say that in front of these 2 teams also he used to fear Pak team for being...
  15. vishwambhar

    Germany’s new main battle tank “KF51 Panther”

    Wow what a tank.... Making even Leo look outdated.... I would love to see this tank in Indian army but I know Germany won't even offer it to us....
  16. vishwambhar

    India’s Defence Min Rajnath Singh hands over 12 high-speed guard boats to Vietnam

    Some times when your own manufacturing lines are busy or occupies you have no option but to import.... nothing wrong with that.... India too has purchased such types when herself she can build AC carrier or nuclear submarines....
  17. vishwambhar

    U.S. Government Now Goads India to Invade China

    How Arabian sea Pakistan turf @Trailer23 ? It's neither yours totally nor ours totally.... all the countries sharing coastal lines with it including oman, Yemen, Pakistan and India have equal rights on it..... if you talk about it being your turf then check who shares longest coast lines with...
  18. vishwambhar

    India’s Defence Min Rajnath Singh hands over 12 high-speed guard boats to Vietnam

    Great start..... Now can't wait to see BRAHMOS deal happening between these 2 countries
  19. vishwambhar

    India, Vietnam Ink Military Pact, Can Now Use Each Others Defence Bases

    Excellent news...... Especially I loved that we can use each other bases...... It's high time to approve BRAHMOS for Vietnam......
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