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  1. vishwambhar

    Brazil Wants Indian Assistance For Maintaining Submarines

    Brazil’s Monday discussions on submarine repair were a good contribution to the developing Indian defence sector. The conversation took place while Vice Adm Ajendra Bahadur Singh, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Naval Command, received a visit from a Brazilian Navy delegation led by...
  2. vishwambhar

    10,000 km ICBM ! India may test Agni-6 Missile in the next 3 years

    Agni 5 range itself is around 8000 km but said to be 5000 kms.... by that logic is it possible Agni 6 is something around with a range of 12000 to 15000 kms?
  3. vishwambhar

    Indian Navy has questions on China’s new aircraft carrier Fujian

    I think you need to first study the geography and have a look at the fact how many times the landmass India does enjoy in comparison of North Korea..... Even single state like Maharashtra is bigger than that..... So 5 to 6 20kt warheads will be devastating for North Korea..... Rest of your post...
  4. vishwambhar

    B-21 Stealth Bomber to Be Revealed Later This Year, Senator Says

    USA is always full of surprises.... Eager to see the pictures.....
  5. vishwambhar

    Possible Mig21 Bison crash in Rajasthan

    Agreed India is a poor country and cannot have a luxury to replace old platforms over night but I think what he and off course I mean is since these jets are falling in peace time sorties at this rate it's confirmed they won't last long even for hours in actual action where these jets will be...
  6. vishwambhar

    Possible Mig21 Bison crash in Rajasthan

    2025?? If I was an IAF pilot I would have strait away refused to fly this Mig 21 even if it had costed me a court Marshall....
  7. vishwambhar

    Possible Mig21 Bison crash in Rajasthan

    Indian Mentality issue.....buy cheap and use for longer..... Just because they're in large nos top authorities are under some delusion that they will be any good in case of an actual war..... MIG 21 was deadly in sixties but it's time is over now..... Pakistan instead was more focused on...
  8. vishwambhar

    Possible Mig21 Bison crash in Rajasthan

    Yes it's planned to replace MiGs only...... But in my honest opinion instead of waiting that slow induction process of Tejas and risking pilots it's high time we immediately retire these MiGs..... Anyways these MiGs are not going to win the war for nation as they are falling like pest controled...
  9. vishwambhar

    Possible Mig21 Bison crash in Rajasthan

    My friend nobody in india cares about Mig 21 crash now..... Worrisome thing is loss of pilots the real assets.... More than half my friend....
  10. vishwambhar

    Working to add India as the sixth country to NATO plus: US Congressman Ro Khanna

    100% agreed bro in fact if you read my previous posts regarding India China stand off I have always said China won't dare to launch a full fledged attack on India as terrain gives us an advantage.... I'm more worried about their economic might that allows them to drag war longer than we can and...
  11. vishwambhar

    Working to add India as the sixth country to NATO plus: US Congressman Ro Khanna

    Unfortunately it's a need of an hour today.....
  12. vishwambhar

    How Armenia lost the war

    Really unfortunate for Armenia....
  13. vishwambhar

    Possible Mig21 Bison crash in Rajasthan

    Because idiots want numbers.... Even if they are a flying coffin they want numbers to feel safe..... Imagine these ancient junkies keep falling during routine peace time sorties and end up crashing and killing pilots..... In a war enemies don't even have to shoot them down wasting costly...
  14. vishwambhar

    MH 60R delivered to IN

    2 good news today.... 1 IAC handed over to navy 2 deadly MH60 Romeo delivered to navy
  15. vishwambhar

    Working to add India as the sixth country to NATO plus: US Congressman Ro Khanna

    I agree with you and if have a choice will never allow any foreign military on Indian soil..... but at the same time China is growing militarily and economically at a speed we will never be able to match..... like a Taiwan India too need such kind of shield like nato.....
  16. vishwambhar

    How Armenia lost the war

    Agreed.... seems they had lost their confidence from the beginning....but why are they eager to cooperate with Azerbaijan who beat them bad.? Are they really eager or just have no option than to cooperate?
  17. vishwambhar

    indigenous aircraft carrier Vikrant delivered to Navy

    A big day for a nation..... building an aircraft carrier vessel is not an easy task and it's really a proud moment for India..... congratulations to all team who built this ship for India.....
  18. vishwambhar

    Working to add India as the sixth country to NATO plus: US Congressman Ro Khanna

    That time was different..... by joining nato we won't become a colony of west.... there are countries like France, Britain, Turkiye in nato..... they're not colonies..... if it's ensuring our safety from China then what's wrong with joining nato.
  19. vishwambhar

    How Armenia lost the war

    More humiliation to Armenia is now they are forced to give road access to Azerbaijan to reach their enclave province to the west of Armenia..... even if Armenia doesn't like they have no choice......
  20. vishwambhar

    India Reacted Swiftly, Calls To China Gone Unanswered: US Agency On Lanka

    That's really great to know especially potato package to help malnourished children..... is something like this package offered to Indian malnourished children? Can't see the pain these kids have to go through on daily basis....
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