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  1. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Army

    He is saying these are signed deals then again he is saying army still haven't decided which Sam they will buy ? Ok 😕
  2. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Army

    Army picked camm (land version) instead of hisar O ? 🤔🤔 Noice...
  3. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    BAE systems and Leonardo is working together to reduce the maintenance cost by 30-40%
  4. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    No J10c means F-7s are here to stay for the foreseeable future. Heard few mb's are active again...so yeah..possible
  5. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    j10 is not in the picture for the forseeable future What's the alternative bhai ?..what about mb replacement?
  6. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    "The name starts with T. and its typhoon, take a screenshot you moron" P.S: The word "moron" was just used as part of expression and not directed at you or anybody.
  7. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Bhai give us a clue please :3..is it France?..is it Italy? Is it something else ? :3..A simple name will do :3
  8. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Hopefully mrca and attack heli will be announced there 😶
  9. BlackViking

    US uses defense diplomacy to woo Bangladesh away from China

    Rohingya issue is getting hotter again...Bangladesh asked security council to take necessary steps against Myanmar...and everyone knows Russia and China will block every move against Myanmar...so we want west's help to solve this shitshow...in this situation a mega military deal with China is...
  10. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Navy

  11. BlackViking

    Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper's Phones Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

    Its was the best part...hashtei asi 😂😂😂
  12. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Navy

    Mrca wasn't suppose to come before 2025..I'm talking about deal...when I said nothing before 2025 I meant mrca deal has been postponed..no deal will be signed in this year..not even with China
  13. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Army

  14. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Navy

    Postponed for uncertain times like mrca program...not happening before 2025
  15. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Aha...got it :3...but baf will keep 2 squadron of k8 in service so we are gonna hear about k8 a lot in the future 😂😂
  16. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Sorry bhai didn't understand your point..can you please elaborate
  17. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Baf is getting new 7 k8w's probably in this week
  18. BlackViking

    Featured Bangladesh Army Starts Evaluating Medium Range Surface To Air Missile Systems

    Exactly my point..though i think it will be Chinese in the end ...but a large amount of soldiers,jco and officers are learning Turkish language batch after batch.
  19. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Army

    why on earth infantry division will buy sph ? 😕
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