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  1. Naman Mathur

    The most and least happy countries around the globe

    Yea thats visible from the comments here whats sharing and stroking ego. Would be wonderful to see if someone shared all those thousands of index in which we are way better, but no one does. We dont want to rub your noses. Feel happy that you are more happy.
  2. Naman Mathur

    The most and least happy countries around the globe

    I dont think people who compare their happiness with others also have inner peace. The irony is not lost.
  3. Naman Mathur

    Indian Air Force sends Rs 113 crore bill to Kerala for flood operations, CM seeks exemption

    I even clarified the procedures. People here are shocked to know maybe such accountability is present. See above where i have posted all about it how it happens. Its just another excuse to make fun without understanding the reasons.
  4. Naman Mathur

    The most and least happy countries around the globe

    I agree Indians arent more happy. Its becoz of the society always wanting to do better and excel. More ambitions, need for a better living standard, more expectations, even China is lower than Pakistan, proving my point. The reasons for unhappiness is important. An index about ambitions or goals...
  5. Naman Mathur

    indians admitting defeat . (Retd. air marshal ).

    He gets super angry sometimes, being in army during war and unrest changes peoples psyche, sometimes for good bad or worse, i dont blame them.
  6. Naman Mathur

    indians admitting defeat . (Retd. air marshal ).

    see, i would take your reply as stalemate and 71 as win too. But the thing is India never attacked pak to take control of any of its terrirtory, not even the Azad Kashmir which was captured. We always pushed for status quo on it cuz we wanted to focus on the economy becoz we knew we could bring more...
  7. Naman Mathur

    Should've Used Bombs That Destroyed Buildings: Air Force Chief On Balakot

    Edit "nobody outside Pakistan" to India. Welcome You take one month to show the place where no bomb was dropped and expect us to show you dead bodies. bravo !!
  8. Naman Mathur

    indians admitting defeat . (Retd. air marshal ).

    didnt understand honestly, clarify
  9. Naman Mathur

    indians admitting defeat . (Retd. air marshal ).

    it still makes no sense to bring that up to defend this, two wrong doesnt make one right.
  10. Naman Mathur

    Indian family steals accessories from Bali hotel, caught by staff. Viral video shocks Internet

    Surely stuff like this deserves a place in a defence forum. For example this - https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2018/09/28/grade-20-officer-caught-stealing-kuwaiti-delegates-money/ I hope this is within my right to post and does not warrant banning or deleting.
  11. Naman Mathur

    indians admitting defeat . (Retd. air marshal ).

    Can people just clarify why DGISPR of a professional army needs to spread fake news and misinformtion to make a point after months of the incident, as if still trying make it more believable. Why need to clarify more when you think you guys are on the winning side ?
  12. Naman Mathur

    indians admitting defeat . (Retd. air marshal ).

    Glad that people clarified his job. :-):-):-)
  13. Naman Mathur

    Indian Air Force sends Rs 113 crore bill to Kerala for flood operations, CM seeks exemption

    Yes, and i have seen from your posts what kind of conversation you want to have here. Its clearly to mock and not have any meaningful discussion. So dont try to potray yourself as high and mighty. Your true colours were seen from your comments and your intolerance towards facts that hurt your...
  14. Naman Mathur

    indians admitting defeat . (Retd. air marshal ).

    What now no one is gonna even apologize for posting misinformtion or fake news and just try to derail from the horrendous thing done by their DGISPR ?
  15. Naman Mathur

    Pakistan's slice of the moon

    I was just being considerate to the guy, so as not to sound cocky, everyone knows that irrespective of place or circumstance, the person inventing something takes full credit for it. Nice point. There is a correlation between scientific development and reduction in poverty though.
  16. Naman Mathur

    indians admitting defeat . (Retd. air marshal ).

    Lol, whats going on, did he predict future ?
  17. Naman Mathur

    Indian Air Force sends Rs 113 crore bill to Kerala for flood operations, CM seeks exemption

    I dont know whats ur experience there is, i find the site quite outdated and the discussions are very scarce their. Honestly this site is better looking and has better features. I would respond similarly if an Indian behaved that way. Its a matter of perspective. Your behaviour here might change...
  18. Naman Mathur

    Pakistan's slice of the moon

    well they all received education from india and are indians, and of cuz they used better resources to do that cuz india is a poor and developing country and is only now able to do r and d, we suffered from huge brain drain but thats changing now. The point no one disagrees is indians have huge...
  19. Naman Mathur

    Indian Air Force sends Rs 113 crore bill to Kerala for flood operations, CM seeks exemption

    well, the reasons seems pretty biased against indians, will have to wait and see more to know
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