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  1. uk29

    India is ‘punching bag’ for South-Asian neighbours, says external affairs minister

    Food for thought : even in their wildest fantasy best hope of Pakistanis for defeating india is indian themselves ... ( India too big divide it ... Break it ...) And those calling India artificial state have you ever thought that if india is artificial state you guys are an artificial state...
  2. uk29

    1 Indian injured as Nepal police shoot at 3 along India-Nepal border in Bihar: Cops

    Is it supposed to show us that pakitani army is so useless that it is unable to Liberate their kashmiri "brothers" from such army ... And rather than attaching and liberating kashmir it sits and whines ?
  3. uk29

    Egypt's parliament approves sending troops abroad to defend national security

    Accurate description of Erdogan What beef do pakistanis have with egypt ... Have i been missing history lessons ...
  4. uk29

    India is ‘punching bag’ for South-Asian neighbours, says external affairs minister

    Still we have managed to stay fairly independent since our inception in 1947... I don't know from where you get that notion that we were subsidiary of soviets ... About the fact that all our smaller neighbours despice us .. well what choice do they have other then despicing us and becoming...
  5. uk29

    TRUMP WILL DITCH MODI | Time to AVENGE the 1971' tragedy | Brig. Samson Sharaf

    Let me paraphrase our beloved cm arvind Kejriwal --- " To karrr naaaaaaa"
  6. uk29

    Indian Models And Actresses

    No she is from the region of kumaon ... Actress from this region include anushka sharma, disha patani, and urvashi rautela
  7. uk29

    Indian Models And Actresses

    Yes ... Ranas , rawats ,bhatts etc are common surname and yes its true our eyes are small comparatively... Consider us nepali and himanchali mix
  8. uk29

    Indian Models And Actresses

    You know Garhwalis
  9. uk29

    Chinese troops incursions in Indian controlled territories - News updates and Discussions

    U high bro? Pakistanis on outside hehe india scared ... China boss ... Pakistais inside: Man just when we thought india china would go to war things are cooling off :(
  10. uk29

    U.S is ready and willing to mediate between ‘raging’ border dispute between China & India

    Why are pakistanis getting so excited here ? Need few extra billions from china ?
  11. uk29

    Role of Indian Muslims in partition

    I m out .... All this talk is redundant ... And i don't dwell in past ... What happened is a thing of past and we cannot change it ... We are facing much bigger issue right now
  12. uk29

    Role of Indian Muslims in partition

    Are chicha all india india league is a political party here i am talking about a social movement started by sir Syed ahmed ... This guy influenced you jinnah and iqbal
  13. uk29

    Role of Indian Muslims in partition

    Ever heard of sir Syed Ahmed khan ,?
  14. uk29

    Role of Indian Muslims in partition

    Ok see i get your point but same thing can be used by sanghis ... They could also say that our ancestors ddnt vote and had no power ... Had the case be opposite India would have been a hindu state ... So you see history can be interpreted in any way ... The more we dig in the more we are going...
  15. uk29

    Role of Indian Muslims in partition

    So what are you even saying ?
  16. uk29

    Role of Indian Muslims in partition

    Didn't pakistan movement started from Aligarh ? Which is in west up ... So i would rather say that muslims of india (which were much wealthier and elite) were the driving force for partition .... Ok file a petition
  17. uk29

    Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

    Yes but how many of indians are actually sanghi thats what i i want to know ... One more thing that genocide in this day and age is not possible... You should remember that there was a time where worst rioting took place not against muslims but sikhs ... One more thing for how long can they fool...
  18. uk29

    Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

    No problem Brother ... The first and foremost thing which i realized is that being nationalist and being a right wing supporter are not the same ... Infact quite the opposite .... Secondly i realized if i who many here would call upper caste north indian hindu from cowbelt can come to this...
  19. uk29

    Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

    I'll add something myself ... I live in dehradun a city which never witnessed riots ... My best friend when i was in school was a muslim ... We used to not even shy about talking about religion .... He used to tell me interesting stories of jinn and all .... Then time passed ... I came to...
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