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  1. P

    How India secretly armed Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

    Taliban and the US will never make a deal without Pakistan. That would be a recipe for disaster.
  2. P

    War is not an option,Pakistan ready for ‘conditional’ talks with India says Qureshi

    Ah! now I get it but I do not think that would work though. Both Indians and Tibetans have already been tried and have failed to deliver. The best bet for the US is to confront China through Xinjiang. Xinjiang is strategically more important than Tibet as Xinjiang is the Chinese BRI link to...
  3. P

    War is not an option,Pakistan ready for ‘conditional’ talks with India says Qureshi

    But how will this serve US interests against Russia and China? Or are you saying that the alliance of Russia-China-Pakistan will balkanize India while US will have no option but to quit this game altogether and be a mere spectator? Pakistan will not take any concrete steps against India until...
  4. P

    How India secretly armed Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

    CPEC has been on life support since Pakistan made a deal with the IMF. It would be dead the day US & Pakistan/Taliban make a deal. I never said China will support India against Pakistan rather China may choose to stay neutral by not getting into the war between India and Pakistan/Taliban as...
  5. P

    War is not an option,Pakistan ready for ‘conditional’ talks with India says Qureshi

    Yes US will let India be the scape goat only if Pakistan/Taliban agree to side with the US against Russia & China. US tried this with India in Afghanistan but unfortunately for the US, India failed to deliver. But how will balkanisation of India and US presence in balkanised India serve US...
  6. P

    COAS visits Strike Corps - Briefed on state of operational preparedness. ISPR

    It would be extremely difficult to convince LeT or JeM members to fight their fellow Muslims while Pakistan does not need to convince them to fight Indian Military. Hence Pakistani Army had to fight in Baluchistan & KPK.
  7. P

    How India secretly armed Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

    Firstly, US will not leave Afghanistan. US presence in Afghanistan is very important to keep an eye on Russia and China. US wants a deal from Pakistan/Taliban to continue its presence. In return, US was willing to give Pakistan/Taliban the control of Afghanistan but Pakistan also wanted...
  8. P

    War is not an option,Pakistan ready for ‘conditional’ talks with India says Qureshi

    Firstly, US will not leave Afghanistan. US presence in Afghanistan is very important to keep an eye on Russia and China. US wants a deal from Pakistan/Taliban to continue its presence. In return, US was willing to give Pakistan/Taliban the control of Afghanistan but Pakistan also wanted...
  9. P

    Naxals killed RSS leader in Chhattisgarh to avenge the abrogation of article 370

    You are looking for utopia. You cannot find it in this world. Whether people accept it or not, the class differences exists in societies across the world. In India, people are open about it while it is brushed under the carpet in other societies of the world. That is the only difference.
  10. P

    How India secretly armed Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

    Who do you have in mind when you say the "world"? If US puts its weight behind Pakistan/Taliban taking over Kashmir, Europe and Arab world will just follow US lead. Only Russia will come to India's rescue but it will not be enough as Russian economy is not in good shape. China is the wildcard...
  11. P

    How India secretly armed Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

    There is no rape or genocide in Kashmir. Of course Pakistan has the right to use it for its propaganda. Everything is fair in war. Good cop. Bad cop.
  12. P

    How India secretly armed Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

    It all depends on how the negotiations between US and Pakistan/Taliban pan out. If the deal is through India can forget retaining Kashmir valley. If the deal fails then this Indo-Pak jugalbandi in Kashmir continues. I think most Indians have the same view.
  13. P

    Naxals killed RSS leader in Chhattisgarh to avenge the abrogation of article 370

    Its natural. That's how life works. A worker wants to be come Foreman. A Foreman wants to become Manager. A Manager wants to become Director. A Director wants to become a Vice-President. A Vice-President wants to become the President. The President want to become the Owner. People in India...
  14. P

    How India secretly armed Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

    At this time India's main concern is how to secure Kashmir from falling to Pakistan/Taliban. Afghanistan is least of India's worries. @Jyotish
  15. P

    Naxals killed RSS leader in Chhattisgarh to avenge the abrogation of article 370

    You should know that there is sub caste hierarchy in every caste including Brahmins.
  16. P

    How India secretly armed Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

    Firstly, US will not leave Afghanistan. US presence in Afghanistan is very important to keep an eye on Russia and China. US wants a deal from Pakistan/Taliban to continue its presence. In return, US is willing to give Pakistan/Taliban control of Afghanistan but Pakistan also wanted Kashmir on...
  17. P

    "Myth Of 40 Lakh Illegal Migrants Busted": Asaduddin Owaisi On Assam List

    Asaduddin Owaisi is a man of high intellect. Never mess around with him. Destroying opponents on TV debates is second nature for him.
  18. P

    Algorithmic Foreign Policy

    I know that.
  19. P

    India Accuses Pakistan of Honey trapping its soldiers.

    You don't need bombs, just some beauties to bring down Indian Military. Very embarrassing to say the least. :hitwall:
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