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Algorithmic Foreign Policy


Mar 30, 2009
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Algorithmic Foreign Policy
Artificial intelligence capable of predicting world events could radically change geopolitics

Last year, China unveiled its development of a new artificial intelligence system for its foreign policy. It’s called a “geopolitical environment simulation and prediction platform,” and it works by crunching huge amounts of data and then providing foreign policy suggestions to Chinese diplomats. According to one source, China has already used a similar AI system to vet almost every foreign investment project in the past few years.

Consider what this development means: Slowly, foreign policy is moving away from diplomats, political-risk firms and think tanks, the “go-to” organizations of the past. Slowly, foreign policy is moving toward advanced algorithms whose primary objective is to analyze data, predict events and advise governments on what to do. How will the world look when nations are using algorithms to predict what happens next?

Predicting the Next Episode of Social Unrest

Alongside China, the U.S. is also developing predictive capabilities. In fact, the nation’s capabilities have become so advanced that, according to the CIA, in some cases, they can predict “social unrest and societal instability” three to five days in advance. How might the U.S. apply this technology? One way could be to give its multinationals a “heads-up” on possible disruption.

For example, in early 2019 Chennai and several other Indian cities were hit by a series of water shortages. As the months passed, the crisis intensified, leaving millions without water. By June 2019, protests had begun, with hundreds of people being arrested in one incident. Certain political parties have also begun calling on people to protest. As the water shortage continues, could major social unrest follow? If the U.S. predicts it will, then the country may inform several of its companies operating in India.

Major tech companies might be told that major social unrest is about to begin in India in the next 48 to 72 hours. With such intelligence, these companies could take action, be it moving employees to safe areas, boarding up offices or shifting operations to parts of India that will be stable. This is one possibility. Companies might use the predictions to protect their footprint (that is, physical security or operations). And there’s another possibility: they might use the predictions for business.

For example, one of Uber’s largest markets is India. It may not want to shut down there. Instead it might view the freshwater shortage as a new business opportunity. The company could, say, launch a new service to deliver freshwater to people for a marked-up price. While Uber’s competitors, from other countries, might be disrupted by the social unrest, Uber could profit from it. And it could use those profits to reward drivers or provide water to people who can’t afford it.

By sharing predictions, U.S. companies could have “foresight” that helps them navigate complex geopolitical events. At the same time, people all over the world may become more dependent on U.S. technology, as the nation’s companies offer solutions for situations that haven’t even happened yet.

Predicting the Future Geopolitical Landscape

Predicting what happens in another country is one thing. But what if one could predict what happens on the world stage?

For several years, a team in Japan has been working on a system to predict rate changes by the Bank of Japan. The system watches speeches by the bank’s governor to learn about his body language and facial expressions. Based on this, the AI can then predict what the governor will do. In one instance, the AI found that he looked “angry” and “disgusted” before introducing negative rates.

@cocomo great contribution, my dear Pak!

Indeed, we live in a HybridWorld. More to come on this... hopefully, Pak has active AI programs.

Artificial Intelligence is the key to solving many of our problems... form agriculture, eduation to perforamce based democracy.

And those same retards want us to break with China on some CIA backed rebels in Interior Western China Pak should really get AI joint projects with the PRC
And those same retards want us to break on China on some CIA backed rebels in Interior Western China Pak should really get AI joint projects with the PRC

We are working on that part... application of AI is quite limitless... we can/shall revolutionise the governance, eudcation, healthcare and in defence-sector it is life-n-death issue now...

So we are fully alive to it... I believe there are around 20 such programs going on... however, we also need to develop local capabilities in Augmented Artifiical Intelligence as well..

Our boys and girls are quite good...I say it without bias.

Regarding Hybridwar in/on China... well... some of our YoungPaks fail to see what is happening and who is behind it... as you correctly pointed out.

CPEC Phase2 is about to start... so we are moving in the right direction!

Education, education, education... economy, economy, economy... these are our strategic weapons... we shall come out of the current economic mess....
We are working on that part... application of AI is quite limitless... we can/shall revolutionise the governance, eudcation, healthcare and in defence-sector it is life-n-death issue now...

So we are fully alive to it... I believe there are around 20 such programs going on... however, we also need to develop local capabilities in Augmented Artifiical Intelligence as well..

Our boys and girls are quite good...I say it without bias.

Regarding Hybridwar in/on China... well... some of our YoungPaks fail to see what is happening and who is behind it... as you correctly pointed out.

CPEC Phase2 is about to start... so we are moving in the right direction!

Education, education, education... economy, economy, economy... these are our strategic weapons... we shall come out of the current economic mess....

Most of them are pathetic losers who will spend their lives moaning and b..tching about causes nothing related to our struggles the world is rough place uncle you know this I know this sadly people would rather stick in one bubble AI is good tool but could be dangerous one like the nuclear bomb of the 20th century we should not proud of that but we were forced by enemy 10x larger than us Paks want peace but we get chewed up this cruel world so we need to weather the storm
Most of them are pathetic losers who will spend their lives moaning and b..tching about causes nothing related to our struggles the world is rough place uncle you know this I know this sadly people would rather stick in one bubble AI is good tool but could be dangerous one like the nuclear bomb of the 20th century we should not proud of that but we were forced by enemy 10x larger than us Paks want peace but we get chewed up this cruel world so we need to weather the storm

Valid points... however, I fear I cann't agree with this myth of 10x enemy... if you perform clinical analysis you shall find that from GDP data to scientific output to industrial innovation GanguDaesh is not even close to one coastal province of China.

However, it is also a fact that its size and comparative edge over us does make it a challenge...but not impossible one.

One hopes that some seniors spend some time educating PakPosters about these fake-constructs of GanguDaesh...

Anyhow, the way I see it Pakistan is Emerging...and facing the coming challenges is going to shape us for the world as you described. We need to excercise our potential and gain confidence in it.

The last dark decade has left people disenchanted and under confident...

The AI program for Pakistan should have logic along these lines..

IF US supports India
then Pakistan should support China
Else If China supports India
then Pakistan should support Russia
Else If Russia supports India
then Pakistan should support Turkey
Else If Turkey supports India
then Pakistan should support GCC
Else If GCC supports India
then Pakistan should support Iran
Else If Iran supports India
then Pakistan should support Israel
Else If Israel supports India
then Pakistan should support Palestine
Else If Palestine supports India
then Pakistan should support ......
Valid points... however, I fear I cann't agree with this myth of 10x enemy... if you perform clinical analysis you shall find that from GDP data to scientific output to industrial innovation GanguDaesh is not even close to one coastal province of China.

However, it is also a fact that its size and comparative edge over us does make it a challenge...but not impossible one.

One hopes that some seniors spend some time educating PakPosters about these fake-constructs of GanguDaesh...

Anyhow, the way I see it Pakistan is Emerging...and facing the coming challenges is going to shape us for the world as you described. We need to excercise our potential and gain confidence in it.

The last dark decade has left people disenchanted and under confident...


I agree I myself feel pesismism when I meet other Paks irl or online the last couple of decades for us has been rough the media heck the domestic does not help too much negativity it effects the young minds into apathy which is worse than being negative I get mood swings but I try to remain in my mind Pak will see the light at the end of tunnel our people and mindset will change in the next gen this gen has been mixed bag some progress some status quo but the next one is filled with promise I feel it
I agree I myself feel pesismism when I meet other Paks irl or online the last couple of decades for us has been rough the media heck the domestic does not help too much negativity it effects the young minds into apathy which is worse than being negative I get mood swings but I try to remain in my mind Pak will see the light at the end of tunnel our people and mindset will change in the next gen this gen has been mixed bag some progress some status quo but the next one is filled with promise I feel it

Result of Hybridwar.

We live in HybridWorld afterall.
Else If Turkey supports India
then Pakistan should support GCC

If you want to know Pakistan's other name in Turkey, let me tell you: Brother behind the mountains. It is not possible for a conservative government to turn its back on Pakistan and remain in power even for a day.

Our relationship with Pakistan is not an temporary allies type. Even though it is thousands of kilometers away, the historical depth that connects these two peoples is beyond your imagination.

Power centers that exist in global politics may be blocking Turkey and Pakistan' shared development perspective. But everything has a time.
If you want to know Pakistan's other name in Turkey, let me tell you: Brother behind the mountains. It is not possible for a conservative government to turn its back on Pakistan and remain in power even for a day.

Our relationship with Pakistan is not an temporary allies type. Even though it is thousands of kilometers away, the historical depth that connects these two peoples is beyond your imagination.

Power centers that exist in global politics may be blocking Turkey and Pakistan' shared development perspective. But everything has a time.
I wish Pak was economically strong so that we can stand on our own feet. Then Turkey and Pakistan will be the two leading lights of the Muslim world. The arabs are useless and they need to take a back seat, enjoy their oil wealth and suck up to the Americans.

Inshallah we will get there
If you want to know Pakistan's other name in Turkey, let me tell you: Brother behind the mountains. It is not possible for a conservative government to turn its back on Pakistan and remain in power even for a day.

Our relationship with Pakistan is not an temporary allies type. Even though it is thousands of kilometers away, the historical depth that connects these two peoples is beyond your imagination.

Power centers that exist in global politics may be blocking Turkey and Pakistan' shared development perspective. But everything has a time.

I know that.
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