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  1. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    What is new in that statement? I have seen hundreds of such statements all through my life. In fact Parliament of India has unanimously passed similar resolution back in the 1990s. Tell me something new.
  2. P

    'Saudi threatened to send back Pakistanis, reemploy Bangladeshis instead' Turkish President Erdogan

    India has excellent relations with the GCC countries. I am pretty sure they will not disappoint India.
  3. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Sorry was busy for the last couple weeks at work. What did he say or claim?
  4. P

    'Saudi threatened to send back Pakistanis, reemploy Bangladeshis instead' Turkish President Erdogan

    You never know. One should always keep the hopes alive and keep trying. I hope India send some diplomats to GCC to present a compelling offers to provide more work force to replace Pakistanis in the gulf.
  5. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Do you really believe India can invade and capture Pakistani held Kashmir? No Indian including Indian Army chief would believe in this rhetoric. LOC has been hot since the last 70 years. There is nothing new there.
  6. P

    'Saudi threatened to send back Pakistanis, reemploy Bangladeshis instead' Turkish President Erdogan

    All the best to Bangladesh. This is a great opportunity that should not be missed. I had hoped Indians too were given a chance to replace Pakistani work force in the gulf.
  7. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    When you are weak, you need to use some rhetoric to boost the morale of the forces. Indian politicians have made Indian military very weak and vulnerable.
  8. P

    indian lies of destroying PAF F-16 & Terror Camps exposed by US scholar infront of Indian Air Force

    I fully agree. Indian military is ill trained and ill equipped. Forget about defeating, I worry that Indian Military may not be able to prevent being defeated. I will be happy if they could at least hold their positions and ensure a stalemate.
  9. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Okay. All I can say is that Indians have faith in their military. Indian Military is apolitical and secular.
  10. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    So you have a report from Reuters saying Indian Military is raping Kashmiri women? Ridiculous.
  11. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Well I cannot confront Pakistani propaganda here on PDF. Having said that there is no doubt BJP's core support comes from the Hindus. So they will try to spin many things for their political propaganda to enthuse their core base. For example, Amit Shah committed a major blunder by linking CAA...
  12. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Almost every Indian family have ration cards as they can get free ration (rice, lentils etc) every month. These days they have bank accounts too as they can get free money in their bank account every season. Only illegals are not eligible for these programs. Christians are under reported in...
  13. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    No way. In fact many Hindus are embracing Christianity in India. Why will ISI need illegal Hindus when legal Hindus could do the job?:enjoy: Not really. They may not be able to answer as most of the illegal Muslims are poor people who cannot afford internet.
  14. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    You are confusing Indian Muslims(citizens) with illegal Muslims. Illegal Muslims will end up in detention camps. They do not get any rights under Indian constitution. Christianity is the fastest growing religion in India. India would be a Christian majority in the next couple of decades...
  15. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Most of the ISI agents caught in India are in fact Hindus.
  16. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Most of these illegal immigrant Muslims are poor people who migrate from Bangladesh for economic reasons. Religion will not feed them. Citizenship will give them dignity, security and continued/better economic opportunities.
  17. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Good flow chart. Now Muslims can claim as belonging to one of the recognized religions in CAA and obtain citizenship.
  18. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Because these people are illegal immigrants. They cannot claim same rights as citizens. Constitution of India is applicable for Indian citizens only.
  19. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Are you saying they are better of being illegal immigrants than being legal citizens? Whatever you mentioned above would still remain the same.
  20. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Illegal Muslims in India can covert as either Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Parsis and Buddhists to attain Indian citizenship. Once they attain citizenship they would be eligible to get government jobs and vote/contest in elections.
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