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  1. Adil Khan Kakar

    Pakistan needs RSS type Organization

    A strong Pakistani nationalist organization with representation of minorities to defend Pak ideology. To show what we really are
  2. Adil Khan Kakar

    Pakistan needs RSS type Organization

    I am not asking to follow whats wrong in RSS. We need a strong nationalist non political party who can defend Pakistan and her ideology. For example : tomorrow few traitors in Dawn newspaper intentionally make headlines that London attacker was Pakistani. In fact he was a citizen of UK. If...
  3. Adil Khan Kakar

    Pakistan needs RSS type Organization

    I have been reading RSS literature for a long time. Even though RSS is not less than Nazi party but they have a great role in unification of india. RSS have worked a lot to remove caste system. Dehumanizing Muslims is actually required by hindus to unite. Hindus have no commonality from...
  4. Adil Khan Kakar

    Is There a Storm Brewing !

    Get out of world War II. It's 2019. All out war with India will not last more than a week. Pakistani/Indian armies are preparing for war which is not possible Now. We need massive reforms in army. Instead of wasting money on pensions and pays of army soldiers. We need to move toward...
  5. Adil Khan Kakar

    Interview with Arooj Aurangzeb 'Leather Jacket Girl' | PTM? | Real Agenda? |Student Solidarity March

    She is very clever. I would like to see her leading leftist party PPP instead of Fake bhutto. But she can never grow in PPP. That's the ground reality
  6. Adil Khan Kakar

    Is There a Storm Brewing !

    Will India attack Pak? Yes When? Before Uttar Pradesh election in March 2022 (after training on Rafael n S400) Will India win? Yes (on Indian media)
  7. Adil Khan Kakar

    Sri Lanka Wants to Undo Deal to Lease Port to China for 99 Years

    Not in 15 years We have already given Gawadar to Chinese for 40 years lease. And That is a good decision. Pakistan haven't yet developed her two existing ports to their full capacity. It is good that Chinese will develop that area.
  8. Adil Khan Kakar

    Gang of women working for BLA/BLF caught by CTD!

    Congratulations to our CTD teams. This means our agencies are working.
  9. Adil Khan Kakar

    Support pours in against 'undemocratic' rules as students take to roads across country

    Left parties are actually blessing in Pakistan where current political parties are competing to be more right. Left ideologies are in fact antidote for religious extremism. But problem is that our left (just like Indian left) is stuck in 80s. They can't think above Marx and Mao. Old...
  10. Adil Khan Kakar

    Govt to offer 35 offshore sites for oil, gas exploration

    I agree with you, PTI govt is doing a lot of good stuff but speed is very slow
  11. Adil Khan Kakar

    India's NRC and BJP's dangerous game of citizenship and religion

    1) So you are hoping that Bangladesh as you colony will take 2-3 million people. Hmmmm that's not gonna happen 2) you can't detain that much people 3) only thing you will attain is stripping voting rights of Muslims. Let's see how, having new Dalits / Shudras among your society help India...
  12. Adil Khan Kakar

    India's NRC and BJP's dangerous game of citizenship and religion

    Is your media (in Bangladesh) highlighting issues like NRC/CAB or Not? I just want to understand feelings/views of Bangladeshis regarding Amit shah's disgraceful comments about Bangladeshis
  13. Adil Khan Kakar

    India's NRC and BJP's dangerous game of citizenship and religion

    What do you mean by eliminate? Kill millions of Muslim?
  14. Adil Khan Kakar

    India's NRC and BJP's dangerous game of citizenship and religion

    There are more than one million afghans living in Pakistan. Khan govt wants to give them Nationality. They are now allowed to open bank account. We literate people of third world feel pride in Nationality if EU n USA. We should apply same on poor "aliens" in our respective countries...
  15. Adil Khan Kakar

    India's NRC and BJP's dangerous game of citizenship and religion

    There have been a lot of discussions regarding NRC and CAB. But no one have answered one question What will GOI do with millions of Muslims who will become stateless after application of NRC and CAB? Killing millions of innocent Muslims will create hue and cry internationally (No one cares...
  16. Adil Khan Kakar

    Investment from US as US is sending 15 trade delegations to Pakistan next year: Wells

    This is good news for Pakistan. Let's have an open free and fair bidding for all infrastructure projects. Investment of US in oil exploration and energy is required. Let's not put all our eggs in Chinese basket
  17. Adil Khan Kakar

    How Balakot Airstrikes has made India more vulnerable

    I am following Privin sahib on twitter since February. He is a nice guy who wants India to make peace with Pak and focus on China. He has written books on Chinese defense. I don't know much about defence but he is not a all credible. This magazine "Force" has been banned in Indian army...
  18. Adil Khan Kakar

    Export of ready-made garments increase 12pc to reach $906 million

    This is wonderful news Much needed value addition is happening
  19. Adil Khan Kakar

    PayPal is not coming to Pakistan anytime soon

    In business, every space is filled by rival companies if you leave it empty. PayPal will not be able to enter Pakistan if any other company got first entry benefit of market.
  20. Adil Khan Kakar

    Dawn's propaganda and intellectual dishonesty on current account surplus.

    Either ban Dawn in Pak or give license to Indian newspaper for distribution in Pakistan. Dawn is damaging Pak in every possible way
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