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  1. Fighting Falcon 01

    Featured US blocks delivery of Turkish gunships to Pakistan

    I think it's time to develop a gunship just like the JF 17 program..... we should go ahead with a JV with Turkey... use the engines Z10 is using... put domestic and Turkish avionics in it according to our needs..... they will be light weight so we can procure in large numbers upto 100 ... once...
  2. Fighting Falcon 01

    The First F-15EX Fighter Jet Has Now Flown In Its Air Force Colors

    F15 EX is far better than Rafael it's a heavy weight fighter with very advanced capabilities..... as far as MRCA is concerned India doesn't have to budget to purchase 114 F15EX, just 36 F15QA were somewhere around 8 to 12 billion dollars...... in addition to that IAF is using nearly 300 heavy...
  3. Fighting Falcon 01

    China will lose moral authority if it colludes with Pakistan: Air Chief

    But what about the su 30mki and 2 dead pilots ? and MI 171? and 1 × mig 21? and a pilot paraded on live TV? ....... and what about the bombing of your brigade HQ and mirage 2000s running away from JF 17 formation? And 6 dead Indians in friendly fire .... that's alot of losses still if you...
  4. Fighting Falcon 01

    Boeing says it has received licence from the US government to market F-15EX to IAF

    They left F21 the most advanced F16 ever produced what makes you think they'll decide to induct another heavyweight fighter despite having 270 su 30mki F15 will make things very expensive for IAF ....
  5. Fighting Falcon 01

    Boeing says it has received licence from the US government to market F-15EX to IAF

    Calm down people they have purchased 36 Rafael and 80+ tejas they don't have money to get F15EX it's simply too expensive in medium heavy categories they already have Rafael and su 30mki if india buys additional jets then it will be an additional order of 36 Rafael and nothing else.........
  6. Fighting Falcon 01

    IRGC Ballistic Missiles Destroy Naval Targets at 1,800km Distance

    God also gave us aqal why mess with a superpower for no reason and iran is no saint you people have killed thousands of innocent people via proxies in the middle east and even in Pakistan don't you fear God?
  7. Fighting Falcon 01

    IRGC Ballistic Missiles Destroy Naval Targets at 1,800km Distance

    That's Iranian propaganda if 250 Americans died in Iraq the next day you would have been wiped off the map of the world secondly America has much more transparency the soldiers families would certainly tell the media 250 people just don't disappear suddenly..........
  8. Fighting Falcon 01

    IRGC Ballistic Missiles Destroy Naval Targets at 1,800km Distance

    What about your general? Atleast no one has the balls to kill out generals who are visiting foreign countries it's a shame for a superpower like Iran ..........
  9. Fighting Falcon 01

    Pakistan conducts test of Shaheen 3 missiles - ISPR .

    Don't you think it's too small to be ababeel ?
  10. Fighting Falcon 01

    LCA Tejas far better than China-Pak JF-17 fighters, says IAF Chief

    Apply burnol generously twice a day at burnt areas.......
  11. Fighting Falcon 01

    CH-4 Chinese UCAV Arrives in Pakistan for Army

    PAC UCAV is not ready for production yet...
  12. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Small targets like fighter aircraft can manoeuvre and bleed energy of the missiles even if the radar has locked the enemy and a missile is fired doesn't mean a kill is confirmed....... a missile starts to slow down after some time and if the target is going evasive and bleeding energy of the...
  13. Fighting Falcon 01

    More LCA Tejas For The IAF: $5.2 Billion Deal For Mark 1A Variant To Be Signed By December,

    The JF 17 is a light weight aircraft also its engines are not exposed thanks to DSI intakes and it's RCS is same as a heavy weight su30 class fighter? That's not authentic
  14. Fighting Falcon 01

    Featured US Denies India CAATSA Waiver for S-400 purchase, Threatens Sanctions

    Stocked for MK1A and AMCA too? I doubt that also how will you maintain the engines you already have .... have a taste of relying on America
  15. Fighting Falcon 01

    Army's Combat Swarm Drones Fly In Public For First Time

    ALPAGU is a Turkish loitering munition so........ Trust me they are simply digging their grave if they introduce loitering munitions at LOC then Pakistan will go with a Chinese or Turkish option or even develop our own result dead Indian soldiers for no reason.........
  16. Fighting Falcon 01

    Army's Combat Swarm Drones Fly In Public For First Time

    It's a blessing actually this is nothing new... if Indians are purchasing drone swarms and loitering munitions we should thank them why ? Remember when India made nukes we did the same? Indians went ahead with tejas we went for JF17 ..... indians went for arjun tank we made Al khalid ...
  17. Fighting Falcon 01

    More LCA Tejas For The IAF: $5.2 Billion Deal For Mark 1A Variant To Be Signed By December,

    Sorry to burst your bubble but there is no such fighter called MK1A it exists on paper only not a single prototype has flown yet ...... if it is approved that means a prototype will be made integration of new systems will take time .... JF17 block 3 made its first flight in Dec 2019 and in Dec...
  18. Fighting Falcon 01

    A delegation of the Pakistan Air Force is on a working visit to Azerbaijan

    I think we should offer Turkey JF 17 but instead of Chinese avionics we should allow them to integrate their own AESA radar and weapon systems this way Turkey can gain experience of integration they'll get a low cost fighter reduce burden on F16 fleet until their TFX is online....... and if...
  19. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Sir is it possible to integrate PL10E and HMD to our block 2 fleet? It would provide a huge advantage in close combat
  20. Fighting Falcon 01

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Officially confirmed by PAF ?
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