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  1. Fighting Falcon 01

    Will rafale and s400 completely tilt balance

    We already have a stealthy ALCM RAAD 2 with 550km range so we got that covered it is also possible that Pakistan will get HQ 9B OR C . The threat is there but Pakistan is addressing them in a cost effective way S400 does not have the advertised range of 400 km technically it is not possible for...
  2. Fighting Falcon 01

    Will rafale and s400 completely tilt balance

    Please enlighten us how is Thunder block 3 not enough to counter Rafael It has PL 15 PL 10 HMD Better MAWS RWR AESA radar Better sensor fusion or information warfare as indicated by the Chinese sources 3 axis fbw Internal EW suite 1 extra hard point for pods Its better than block 52 due...
  3. Fighting Falcon 01

    Will rafale and s400 completely tilt balance

    I am not claiming that both these systems are useless both of them are very capable no doubt but we are not Bangladesh or Somalia we have already taken steps in the right direction to counter these systems we have more awacs than india and on 27th we effectively used a large strike package to...
  4. Fighting Falcon 01

    Will rafale and s400 completely tilt balance

    India never had a decisive edge even when they purchased s 300 and mirage 2000s PAF surely lacks cash but always makes decisions that keeps them in the game To counter Rafael: 50 plus block 3s armed with PL 15s will be used which can engage Rafael and su 30s from 150 to 170 km the 27th feb...
  5. Fighting Falcon 01

    Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

    We don't want you guys here either if you don't have anything productive to say keep your wisdom to yourself then
  6. Fighting Falcon 01

    Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

    F 35 is out of reach due to s400 and india is in no shape to buy new expensive fighters they cancelled MMRCA for a reason because it was simply too expensive su 57 is the only option left
  7. Fighting Falcon 01

    Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

    And how many of those so called free Democratic Americans will risk their lives for saving RSS goons ??? India can't deal with 5000 Chinese sitting in INDIAN TERRITORY this is not reddit where fellow indians will clap for your empty threats
  8. Fighting Falcon 01

    Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

    You think America will come to your aid :rofl: just like they were sending a carrier group to help Pakistan in 71?? All you can expect from America is weapons which come with strings attached . Currently America is in no shape to fight a War with China even if India helps their economy is...
  9. Fighting Falcon 01

    Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

    China has india by the balls don't worry modi is smart enough to not anger the dragon which is already sitting in Indian territory while indian army begging them to please leave
  10. Fighting Falcon 01

    Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

    While the Chinese sit in ladakh and force modi and NDTV to cry and wet their pants because the indian army and airforce lacks the balls to do anything
  11. Fighting Falcon 01

    Indian and Chinese Airforces Confront Each Other In Ladakh

    Dude your destroyers are nothing as compared to high tech 052D and 055 better not send them to China or they will become artificial reefs soon and same for your Soviet tub you call aircraft carrier
  12. Fighting Falcon 01

    Flyining Bullets 2nd Tejas Sqaudron formed 27th May

    that's BECAUSE IAF has twice as many 4th generation fighters Than PAF ie 400 veris v 200 50% of the PAF even tonight is 40 year old F7 & Mirage 3 / 5 So why is he comparing crash rate of 120 JF17s with 16 tejas I can bet with you our f7s will be replaced before your mig 21 is replaced so...
  13. Fighting Falcon 01

    Flyining Bullets 2nd Tejas Sqaudron formed 27th May

    Again a pathetic indian loser calling people stupid and claiming tejas has more flying hours than JF 17 Sure jf 17 crashed because we have more than 120 in service while you have 16 which barely fly on the other hand your crash rate of 4th gen planes is much higher than us.
  14. Fighting Falcon 01

    Flyining Bullets 2nd Tejas Sqaudron formed 27th May

    You guys are super DELUSIONAL 1) prove that Tejas has more flying hours than JF 17 with a source other than ndtv 2) prove tejas is better than JF 17 3) tejas has American engine Israeli radar avionics from Russia and Israel I doubt you even make the landing gear So how the hell is tejas...
  15. Fighting Falcon 01

    Flyining Bullets 2nd Tejas Sqaudron formed 27th May

    You don't have the right to call anyone stupid it is a forum and everyone can Express their opinion. This is no RSS forum he is not trolling anyone he wrote a simple fact and you are too ignorant to accept the fact that just 16 tejas flying is no big feat that aircraft was in developmental...
  16. Fighting Falcon 01

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    5th gen fighter aircraft are not coming anytime soon india is building up 4th gen fighters and so is Pakistan both Azm and AMCA will not be in production till late 2030s so these Awacs will stay relevant till 2040 after that we can upgrade them or get new ones the current version is enough to...
  17. Fighting Falcon 01

    IAF to acquire 450 fighter aircraft in future, says Air Force Chief RKS Bhadauria

    We'll see what happens with current economy india and Pakistan both will struggle to keep their indigenous r&d up and running I doubt any procurement will take place in next 2 3 years ( India cancelled MMRCA because it's just too expensive 14 billion usd) same is the case with f35 and thaad
  18. Fighting Falcon 01

    IAF to acquire 450 fighter aircraft in future, says Air Force Chief RKS Bhadauria

    India doesn't need an off shelf 5th gen fighter it will be more expensive than the Rafael what about AMCA is it worth nothing like tejas
  19. Fighting Falcon 01

    IAF to acquire 450 fighter aircraft in future, says Air Force Chief RKS Bhadauria

    Nice india has paid some amount for s400 so if you cancel the order Pakistan might get the s400 instead I would not risk my alliance with Russia for bugged and compromised f35 and thaad which are sanction prone
  20. Fighting Falcon 01

    IAF to acquire 450 fighter aircraft in future, says Air Force Chief RKS Bhadauria

    IAF cancelled its MMRCA and here you are with a new theory that you'll get f 35s why not add f22 too with s400 I doubt you'll get anything other than tejas and additional Rafael but only if you have money for that at this stage with the economy crumbling even getting Rafael for 7 8 billion usd...
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