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    When does making a threat to somebody who is not threatening you become part of freedom of speech.
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    India plans to invest $25b in Bangladesh: Envoy

    Neither India nor China are large FDI sources.
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    Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

    Nothing like that will happen. If it is a legal contract, it will not be violated. Remember the Vodafone case where Indian government's arbitrary tax demands on a foreign company were scraped by the Court. Unless there is an all out war, this will not happen, IMHO.
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    India-Russia Divorce and its impact on Indian defence

    Besides the impression that the OP is acting paranoid, the fact is that we are still going to provide significant after market business to Russian friends for a long time and as anybody will tell you, after market biz is lot more profitable. These include: a) Engines for tanks, fighter planes...
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    Future of SD-10 in PAF?

    I would guess germany would be pain point for eurofighter or meteor arrival than uk. From pure economic point of view think of airbus, car sale esp the luxury marques. There are pressure points which india can use. Unless china actively bats for pakistan with the germans. But then again Chinese...
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    I would usually commenting on politics. But just saw the video used by the AAP MLA. He uses an affidavit which has accusation on Modi, but has been trashed by supreme court multiple times. Don't know the logic of using that.
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    Half a Million Jobs Lost as Textile Crisis Hits Pakistan's Economy

    10 years from now most garments factories will get automated. Raymond in India plans to cut 10k jobs and bring in automation in place of people. So China investing won't cut it at all. What will help will investments in research in to new fibres which can then be leveraged to get a lead from...
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    India-Pakistan Standoff September 2016 - Member opinions

    Interesting, UNGA will be over soon with Pakistan not gaining much traction. Escalation from Indian side will most likely start post that, if any.
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    Uri attack: Can India launch a covert operation across the border?

    Dear indian brothers. Let us not ponder on the hypothetical. Its a sad day and silence would be the best tribute to our brorhers. Things will happen, let us talk when things do happen. Till then just let others who have fun at our deaths do so.
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    Should india calm down a bit in dealing with kashmiri terrorist sympathisers?

    The issue is that there are a lot of lot of low IQ people making up Indian politics, bureaucacy, intelligence and armed forces. Its good to be tough and most people will like it to be tough. But is it not necessary to have in this age a video recording on each case/at least a significant number...
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    2nd ship of India's new destroyer line, the Visakhapatnam-class, will be launched on Sept 17

    It nice to dream. But crawl, walk and run. Even PLAN doesn't have what you are asking for, at least not a well tested and deployed system. How do the current destroyers being built lag wrt to the PLAN destroyers. May be in numbers not sure about weaponry (only significant weapon systems they...
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    No i am not. The guy you quoted is bengali rss guy. You can ask him you want and also spelling mistake by him, i am guessing. Sometimes things are simpler than we expect.
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    Benagli word for missile is ksepanastra
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    It feels like the deal is being intentionally delayed and could be timed close to French presidential election to give the incumbent French president a much needed boost close to the polls.
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    China's infrastructure investments 'threaten its economic growth'

    My simple take on this article is that, somewhere in the past when Europe was being rebuilt or USA was seeing significant infrastructure build up, its leaders would have faced the same question. And see the result of actually turning down FAI investments, average age of infrastructure in US and...
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    Indian Minister to Talk Russia out of Pakistan Su-35 etc. Deals

    The sentiment was always there in the quite a few middle class and above households because they have food in their house and free time to indulge in a bit of nationalism. It was actually much higher during Kargil and Mumbai attacks. You have to understand that anti-pakistan programs have been...
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    Indian Minister to Talk Russia out of Pakistan Su-35 etc. Deals

    Please I am not stuck anywhere but am ready to concede, if shown the truth. But I am seeing a lack of this on your part. I know ego is always part of the equation, a simple man achieving something has an ego and somebody reaching the highest levels won't have it, is not something I claim. Also...
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    Indian Minister to Talk Russia out of Pakistan Su-35 etc. Deals

    There is no personal attack I am just trying to counter what you are saying, I am not saying you are wild, I am just saying that the point you raised is illogical as in wild. There is a difference. What you wrote above is normal human behavior. Nothing enlightening in that. Any politician, be...
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    Indian Minister to Talk Russia out of Pakistan Su-35 etc. Deals

    Can you please elaborate on what wild arguments you are making on this being a modi related issue.
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    falling exports, increasing negative trade could give rise to potential balance of payment issues

    Sorry if pakistani people consider my opinion intrusive. I find it very tragic that not enough attention is being given to the precarious situation. Only saving grace, i can think of is , if the rise in imports is related to machinery imports from china related to cpec. If true then a relief, if...
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