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  1. Actuary

    Chinese outstanding academic performance not because of hard working, its more to do with genetic

    Yes, on average. Average people aren't who take countries to glory. The geniuses do that. The tail-ends are populated by whites.
  2. Actuary

    Vietnamese claims he was tricked into cleanup work after Fukushima disaster

    To seek better opportunities in other countries. 3rd world countries are 3rd world because their citizens would rather run away from their problems instead of fixing them.
  3. Actuary

    Elon Musk asks Trump to kill American auto companies in China

    Tesla will eventually become profitable once the US uses its influence to ban gas cars. Also, Huawei is sketchy with deep ties to the Chinese government. Get Huawei off the Chinese government's control and maybe the US will allow it.
  4. Actuary

    Elon Musk asks Trump to kill American auto companies in China

    Asians cry out in pain as they strike you. Time to cut off all contact.
  5. Actuary

    Vietnamese claims he was tricked into cleanup work after Fukushima disaster

    I have no problems with Viets and Chinese in their own countries. Please stop coming to the west. Thank you.
  6. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    LOL... First off, India is considered part of Asia. If I were Indian, why would I attack my own country?
  7. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    Yes, on average, they do do better than white Americans, but considering that these people are supposed to be the best and brightest from the east, their results are rather disappointing.
  8. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    Again, no one really cares about your little high school tournaments. When you can compete with the big boys, then we'll talk. Whites still win the vast majority of nobel prizes. Jews, who only make up 1% of the population, still win more prizes than Asians. I don't know how anyone can think...
  9. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    I'm not denying that the descendants of laborers make have a sizeable share in the Asian American population, but in modern times, the pool has also been diluted with the smartest people across Asia. Despite this 'advantage' Asians still fail to dominate the very top echelons of intellectual...
  10. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    In order for Asians to immigrate here, they have to have specialized skills.
  11. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    International Olympiads are more like quizzes and being detail oriented, not about being innovative and inventive. Most whites couldn't be bothered prepping for those types of competitions. We would rather be spending our time thinking of innovative solutions to problems and inventing new...
  12. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    Never said I was creative, just that the top Asian students at my alma mater couldn't compete with mediocre me. You're talking about high school level academics. If you go beyond high school levels, Asians fall off pretty hard. Starting in Engineering, Asians only make up 15% of all engineers...
  13. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    1) I am not a white supremacist. 2) I'm trying to have a constructive discussion on why Asians are not performing at the level that we should expect given their work ethics. I admit that it is amusing when I'm able to solve completely novel problems easily while the Asians will work 24/7 for...
  14. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    Yes, that's true, but how do you explain Asian-born Americans underperforming? Asians have some representation in several high-skilled labor, but fall off dramatically as the field gets more intellectually intense.
  15. Actuary

    US Steel CEO: We're reopening an idled plant and bringing back 500 jobs due to Trump tariffs

    Good start, but we need to take care of our immigration problem first. Wages have been stagnant for decades due to mass immigration.
  16. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    I don't mean this to offend anyone of Asian descent. It feels like Asians do put in tons of effort into studying, but the naturally gifted and the geniuses seem to come from the west and not the east. It is somewhat amusing to sit-in at a Topology lecture and understand everything without...
  17. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    China does have some advanced manufacturing sectors, but they are rarely at the forefront of those industries. Usually, China is able to manufacture high tech gear, but the designs and underlying technology came from other nations. The only high tech industries that Asia leads in is automobiles...
  18. Actuary

    -$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

    Quality is debatable. You're talking about mostly assembly-line manufacturing, which isn't very high-skilled. There's not much variance in the quality of a generic pencil no matter where it's manufactured. Most advanced manufacturing like semiconductors are still done in the US and a couple...
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