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-$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

6%, but again, this 6% is supposed to be the very best of the best in their home countries.

Lol,not true.You really need to do more research,there is a saying among chinese parents, if someone‘s child can't compete with other chinese students,send them to western country and he will get confidence
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6%, but again, this 6% is supposed to be the very best of the best in their home countries.
Wrong. Most America born Chinese are the descendants of Chinese labors back to 19th century. Most Chinese labors were from south China(Guangdong). They were penniless when they arrived in America and most them were illiterate. Only a small part of Chinese are new immigrants after 1978. You can see the difference very easily from old and new Chinese immigrants. The old immigrants speak Cantonese. The new immigrants speak Mandarin. All Chinese together make up 1% US population.
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If there were a Workplace Olympics, which country would take home the gold medal for productivity? Who works the fastest, or finishes the most work? here is a study

China balances speed and results to finish the most work the most quickly

I suggest you guys ignore him,he is full of bullshit
In order for Asians to immigrate here, they have to have specialized skills.

Traditionally, there were landless framers from Fujian and Guangdong provice. Nowadays, they are kids who can't handle the competition of Chinese university entrance exam. In between, some top students and some asylum seekers.

You are right in the case of Indians.
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Wrong. Most American born Chinese are the descendants of Chinese labors back to 19th century. Most the Chinese labors were from south China(Guangdong). They were penniless when they arrived in America and most them were illiterate. Only a very small part of them are new immigration after 1978.

I'm not denying that the descendants of laborers make have a sizeable share in the Asian American population, but in modern times, the pool has also been diluted with the smartest people across Asia. Despite this 'advantage' Asians still fail to dominate the very top echelons of intellectual endeavors.

If there were a Workplace Olympics, which country would take home the gold medal for productivity? Who works the fastest, or finishes the most work? here is a study

China balances speed and results to finish the most work the most quickly

I suggest you guys ignore him,he is full of bullshit

How is this related to the topic? Innovation and invention can rarely be quantified or measured. Most times, breakthroughs are found by a genius thinking about a novel approach to solve a problem on his own time. That would be considered dabbling and unproductive at work.
International Olympiads are more like quizzes and being detail oriented, not about being innovative and inventive. Most whites couldn't be bothered prepping for those types of competitions.
We would rather be spending our time thinking of innovative solutions to problems and inventing new technologies and methods.

Ah, sour grapes I see. White geniuses like you are too cool for kiddy quizes such as International Olympiads, huh?

Of the 20 American physicists to win a Nobel Prize in the 21st century, East Asians, who represent less than 4 percent of the U.S. population, have won 15 percent of prizes.

Since 2009, Asian-American teenagers have won about half of all top prizes in the Society for Science and the Public’s “junior Nobel Prize”—a competition from which twelve alumni have gone on to win the Nobel Prize.

Whereas Asian-Americans make up 5.6% of the population of the United States, according to the complaint to the Department of Education they make up more than 30% of the recent American maths and physics Olympiad teams and Presidential Scholars, and 25-30% of National Merit Scholarships. Among those offered admission in 2013 to New York’s most selective public high schools, Stuyvesant High School and Bronx High School of Science, 75% and 60% respectively were Asian.

And in 2015, the Asian-white divide on the SAT grew to 78 points

Whites are too cool for scholarships, SATS and Nobel Prizes. These are irrelevant anyway.

What's relevant are average wages, health and crime, which Asians are underperforming. Amirite? :lol:
Ah, sour grapes I see. White geniuses like you are too cool for kiddy quizes such as International Olympiads, huh?

Whites are too cool for scholarships, SATS and Nobel Prizes. These are irrelevant anyway.

What's relevant are average wages, health and crime, which Asians are underperforming. Amirite? :lol:
Mista can we ignore this indian, (his skin isnt white by the way, just look like a bronze light skin indian). Lets move back to the topic, I was all excited to see all these new reply in such a politically sensitive thread, only to see to realise we are talking about race and intelegence potential. This topic could be a major talking point especially with helping the west justify another reason to try and slow China’s rise and is very important in the wake of the trump tariffs.
How is this related to the topic? Innovation and invention can rarely be quantified or measured. Most times, breakthroughs are found by a genius thinking about a novel approach to solve a problem on his own time. That would be considered dabbling and unproductive at work.

Trust me ,Innovation and invention need money,no money, no innovation,you can have a thousand brilliant ideas but only money can turn your ideas into reality.there is a time US copied lots of patents from europe but when US getting rich,it started to invent and innovate,all nations have to go through this,no nation were born to innovate in history
I'm not denying that the descendants of laborers make have a sizeable share in the Asian American population, but in modern times, the pool has also been diluted with the smartest people across Asia. Despite this 'advantage' Asians still fail to dominate the very top echelons of intellectual endeavors.
The smartest Chinese moved to America. They didn't change America a little bit. Those who are considered as second level smartest Chinese, stayed in China and changed China into a powerful country that makes USA feels intimidated. It's not a problem of Chinese. It looks more like a problem of USA.
Mista can we ignore this indian, (his skin isnt white by the way, just look like a bronze light skin indian). Lets move back to the topic, I was all excited to see all these new reply in such a politically sensitive thread, only to see to realise we are talking about race and intelegence potential. This topic could be a major talking point especially with helping the west justify another reason to try and slow China’s rise and is very important in the wake of the trump tariffs.

Well yeah, let's get back to topic.

Trump sees the world in a zero-sum game. Taking protectionist measures is just going to hurt the competitiveness of US firms in the long run.
Quality is debatable. You're talking about mostly assembly-line manufacturing, which isn't very high-skilled. There's not much variance in the quality of a generic pencil no matter where it's manufactured. Most advanced manufacturing like semiconductors are still done in the US and a couple other western countries. Even the SoC designs that come out of China like the Kirin SoCs use ARM-reference designs. I don't see China ever taking the lead in advanced manufacturing.

Labor costs are, of course, higher in the US due to higher wages. That is why tariffs should be implemented to protect our domestic markets.

Problem with SoC is that you cant reinvent the wheel. China is capable to produce its own SoC with its own instruction set with its own logic but will it run android, windows? Will it be compatible with HDMI and other technologies?

You see, chinese can produce their own chips but it is more feasible to buy ARM designs.

CELL processors were by no means a disaster. It was more powerful then any thing intel or powerpc came out with.
I don't know about other Asian immigrants in the US, but it's definitely not true that immigrants from China doing relatively well in the US only because they are the cream of the crop in their own countries. In fact most old Chinese immigrants( until 1990) are farmers/peasants from Guangdong (mainly Taishan area) China who can barely read. Their younger children and second generation are the ones who do well in school because of the hard work of their parents and themselves.

The first generation Chinese immigrants in the US are probably one of the least educated group compared to other immigrants in the US. They were able to immigrate to the US not because of specialized skills, but because of family and marriage.
from his superior a-hole like everything else from his other posts :D

this superior white man just joined today to preach his superior sh1t. he even post picture of his superior white skin for you lowly people to worship. lol.. why are guys wasting time with facts and sh1t..lo

Let him be.
Simply ignore. Any attention and replies from you or others, just make him feel like a maiden’s wet mouth around his cock. Maybe he's an imp with IQ higher than 160, who cares.
Ah, sour grapes I see. White geniuses like you are too cool for kiddy quizes such as International Olympiads, huh?

Again, no one really cares about your little high school tournaments. When you can compete with the big boys, then we'll talk.

Whites are too cool for scholarships, SATS and Nobel Prizes. These are irrelevant anyway.

What's relevant are average wages, health and crime, which Asians are underperforming. Amirite? :lol:

Whites still win the vast majority of nobel prizes. Jews, who only make up 1% of the population, still win more prizes than Asians.

Why recently so many newcomers with dark skin and 82 pretending to be 95-IQ living-on-doles whites? Low-IQ comments reveal all.

I don't know how anyone can think I have dark skin when I posted a picture of my skin tone.
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