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-$35,952,800,000: U.S.-China Trade Deficit Set January Record

Part of exports were made by American companies(Apple phone for example). The situation is not that bad as it looks.

Basically this.

It's stupid to look at just the export surplus with a specific country. Much of the export surpluses aren't accrued to Chinese companies or Chinese labor.

Also as a final destination in the assembly line, China imports many high-tech parts from the other developed Asian economies for assembly.

Take the 32GB iPhone 7 for example. According to a report by IHS Markit, China makes just US$5 putting it together. Chinese companies also make the battery, Bluetooth and WiFi components, which together cost less than US$10.

By comparison, Korea, Japan and Taiwan stand to gain much more. IHS Markit said the most expensive part of the iPhone 7 is the display. Anyone who had to replace a cracked iPhone screen before would know that is true. The part which costs US$43 is supplied by Korea’s Samsung and LG, as well as two companies in Japan.

The phone’s processor, the bit that puts the smart in smartphone, costs US$27 and is made by Taiwan’s TSMC. True, some of the Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese companies have manufacturing facilities in mainland China, but analysts said their top of the range products are almost always made at home. Because the work is sensitive but not particularly labour-intensive, China has no competitive advantage.

In fact the component trade is so powerful; all three economies run persistent trade surpluses with China. In 2016 alone, Taiwan’s surplus with the mainland reached nearly US$100 billion. That is an impressive feat for an economy that is just over US$500 billion in size.

So when an iPhone is shipped across the Pacific, its full US$225 cost is recorded as Chinese export to the US. In reality, China’s actual gain is less than 7 per cent of that.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/new...ca-s-us-347b-trade-deficit-with-china-8704890


Most of the value is actually captured by US companies and highly-skilled labor in software and design.

Trump doesn't understand economics.
China is a late comer in terms of science and technology. Before 1978 when China opened the door to outside world, China was isolated from newest science and technology. Knowledge accumulation needs time. China doesn't have magical power to turn into a science and technology giant over one night. Given the fact that western world never gives up restraining China's development and set a high wall in science and technology transfer to China, China is facing much more hostile and harsher international environment than other Asian countries.

Yes, that's true, but how do you explain Asian-born Americans underperforming?

Asians have some representation in several high-skilled labor, but fall off dramatically as the field gets more intellectually intense.
you are in wrong forum. this is not stormfront. go preach your superior white powa over there..

1) I am not a white supremacist.

2) I'm trying to have a constructive discussion on why Asians are not performing at the level that we should expect given their work ethics.
I admit that it is amusing when I'm able to solve completely novel problems easily while the Asians will work 24/7 for weeks trying to figure out something I solved in 10 minutes, but it also makes me genuinely sad that they're putting in so much effort for so little gain.
How do we fix their issues?
1) I am not a white supremacist.

2) I'm trying to have a constructive discussion on why Asians are not performing at the level that we should expect given their work ethics.
I admit that it is amusing when I'm able to solve completely novel problems easily while the Asians will work 24/7 for weeks trying to figure out something I solved in 10 minutes, but it also makes me genuinely sad that they're putting in so much effort.
How do we fix their issues?
i know that. you are a banned hindu joined today pretending to be superior white man trolling. it's not the first time :D
Yes, that's true, but how do you explain Asian-born Americans underperforming?

Asians have some representation in several high-skilled labor, but fall off dramatically as the field gets more intellectually intense.
Firstly, Asians are different. Chinese and Japanese are very different in national characters. Japanese tend to like concentrating on a very small field and are very good at it as a result. Chinese are supposed to more open minded and flexible. The difference between Chinese and Japanese is not so much different than between Chinese and Americans.

Secondly, novel ideas are always rare. This rule works for any race. But sounds it doesn't work for you. Show me one example that proves you are creative.
Yes, that's true, but how do you explain Asian-born Americans underperforming?

How are Asian born Americans underperforming? Average wage? Crime rates? Math Olympiads?

although just 1 percent of American high-school graduates each year have ethnic Chinese origins, surname analysis indicates that they currently include nearly 15 percent of the highest-achieving students, a performance ratio more than four times better than that of American Jews, the top-scoring white ancestry group.








Which Olympiad did I missed? What's the percentage of Chinese or Asian in the US again?
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Firstly, Asians are different. Chinese and Japanese are very different in national characters. Japanese tend to like concentrating on a very small field and are very good at it as a result. Chinese are supposed to more open minded and flexible. The difference between Chinese and Japanese is not so much different than between Chinese and Americans.

Secondly, novel ideas are always rare. This rule works for any race. But sounds it doesn't work for you. Show me one example that proves you are creative.

Never said I was creative, just that the top Asian students at my alma mater couldn't compete with mediocre me.

You're talking about high school level academics.
If you go beyond high school levels, Asians fall off pretty hard. Starting in Engineering, Asians only make up 15% of all engineers in the country despite all the effort they put in and higher interest in STEM fields.

Their numbers start declining the further up you go. In my field, actuarial science, Asians make up less than 10%. The actuarial exams are mostly math-based exams, but the material goes up to grad-level mathematics such as stochastic calculus. Asians do better than other non-white races, but it's a disappointing representation.
So why can't the Whites represent the US in international Olympiad competitions despite the obvious numerical superiority?

All the White geniuses happen to be lazy and are too cool for academics, like what you're implying of yourself? :lol:

Asians only make up 15% of all engineers in the country

Like I asked, what's the percentage of Asians in the US again? And average wage? Crime? Food stamps?

Underperforming you say?
So why can't the Whites represent the US in international Olympiad competitions despite the obvious numerical superiority?

All the White geniuses happen to be lazy and are too cool for academics, like what you're implying of yourself? :lol:

International Olympiads are more like quizzes and being detail oriented, not about being innovative and inventive. Most whites couldn't be bothered prepping for those types of competitions.
We would rather be spending our time thinking of innovative solutions to problems and inventing new technologies and methods. That's why we win all the field's medals.

Finding a clever way to approach some abstract problem isn't going to do jack for your country.

Like I asked, what's the percentage of Chinese or Asians in the US again?

6%, but again, this 6% is supposed to be the very best of the best in their home countries.
Where do you get this idea?
from his superior a-hole like everything else from his other posts :D

this superior white man just joined today to preach his superior sh1t. he even post picture of his superior white skin for you lowly people to worship. lol.. why are guys wasting time with facts and sh1t..lo
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