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  • Everything they hate about protesters is a reaction to what protesters hate about them. Stop blocking the roads. Stop setting tires on fire.
    Even if Palestinians are bullied and coerced into another "peace" process, that Kushner guy will still owe Arabs an invitation for tea.
    As for Trump's delayed peace plan, it's hard to believe that there are still American buttocks that he hasn't forced people to see yet.
    After 10th of March 2020, Muslims are no longer blameable for what has happened and what will happen thereafter.
    Sort it out you 2...But please this "wall" is kind of visible by other members so until and unless your quotes are directed to other members, it doesnt make sense you put weird quotes up and dont expect anyone to react!

    Then again it is your space...But just keep in mind others can read it and might react..
    Sort it out you 2...But please this "wall" is kind of visible by other members so until and unless your quotes are directed to other members, it doesnt make sense you put weird quotes up and dont expect anyone to react!

    Then again it is your space...But just keep in mind others can read it and might react..
    I sorted it out already. I quit. Have a nice life.
    It is confusing why cannot some people just pull their eyes off. Live your life and stop meddling into other peoples' life. It is simple.
    When people are stuck in abusive reality where they are promised things, paper money will surely be the thing they'll fight for. Survival.
    In the end, that is what buys the world
    No, it's not true. There is a cheaper way, but some people just didn't like it. To more accurately say that, they can see their needs but cannot see anybody else's needs.
    That’s another perspective of seeing that. Thanks for helping me, your statement helped me realize something that in turn helped me reshape my thought on which i am confused from some days
    Sure, chemistry is another name for "psychological bullying". But why do "chemistry" when it leads to bad outcome? "Chemistry" everywhere.
    Apostasy law is overrated. The reason why Muslims rarely consider conversion is that by being Muslim, they are already Christian and Jewish.
    I hope I don't sound like one :)
    If you believe that people should be free to do what they choose to do with their lives, then you definitely won't sound like one.
    Then I don't, I was worried. Have nice day, bro!
    In our world, we choose to do what we want, at anytime we want. Far from the cage known as the U.S., where biting someone is a must.
    If someone's purpose is to eliminate another person's purpose then they are not expected to mock wood while being wood-makers themselves.
    "Give back to her as she's done to others; pay her back double for what she has done; mix her a double portion in her own cup." -Rev (18:6)
    The fruits of his teachings are seen in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Palestine and pretty much everywhere before. We aren't chaos bringers.
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