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  • Hello,

    I always see you post in Profile Post area -- should contribute in the Middle East section also :)
    They aren't contributions. Dominic Raab is everywhere in the world you live in. You go to work and you see Dominic Raab, you switch on TV and it's Dominic Raab. Everywhere. What kind of foreign minister is that?
    West treats the Middle East according to pre-collected factoids (love, peace, etc). Same people describe this thing as "cult generation".
    -Boy: Right after Neo leaves the Matrix in the movie, 007/Smith/Dominic Raab comes to him, says he's compelled to stay and breaks the rules.
    Founder of "Baphomet" idea denies the nature of a specific group of people, replaces it with scapegoating. He enjoys the torment of others.
    They know the world won't collapse if they don't pay Zakat/Sadaqa. It's there to maintain a blood-bond, draw attention to what matters most.
    -Water: I don't care about doing and saying what I want at time I want, I dream of a world I can call mine. -Wood: I am quite the opposite.
    The aim of getting rid of wigs that are costly, worthy of being shaved and set on fire is good. Why some people get in the way is beyond me.
    Everyone does. This has to be a bad dream.
    I am bald, see my avatar. I don't dreams anymore, because doctor says I can't grow hair again.
    Somewhere in a far foreign nation, it's said that patients try to eat doctors just like they shred and eat anything on their way. Doctors have given up hope and escape has become the only dream left for its survivors. Glad to know you are on a good relationship with your doctor.
    Being against actions or speeches under free will is a sure sign of hidden intentions. Persistence is enough to make people spit it out.
    "The species who expect the best by believing everything they see or hear and are easily led to slaughter are called dinosaurs." -Professor
    Wood can also be subjects of unjustified persecution or people who never had the perfect conditions to live a successful life like others.
    Anathema: A person carrying/saying words and doing things that would have saved lives, cities, had they not been prevented/suppressed.
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